
Showing posts from March, 2012

groovy - Is there a way to get the number of places after the decimal point in a java double? -

I am working on a Java / Groovic program. I have a double variable that keeps the number typed by a user. I really want to know how many users were typed on the right side of the decimal place is something like this: double digits = 3.14 num.get plus () == 2 Of course, you can not do this because using these double IEEE floating points and all this is an approximation. Considering that I can not go to the typed string user, but only that double entry can be used, in which the value is kept, there is a way i a bi-squabble or Can somesuch clear that double to get the "real" number of decimal places? (When the screen is double-edged, it gets cured, so I think it can be at least guessed?) No, you can not ... because there are several different strings that the user could type in which all would be parsed in the same value. To type approximately "real" the number is sure to be more decimal place than the user. For example, 3.14 is properly stored as 3....

webrequest - How can I get Visual Studio Web Development Server (Cassini) to send the domain name of the request to the web application? -

We are developing an application that is sensitive to the request's domain name. The problem we are running is that we have to use IIS to test the application, because Cassini will only send "localhost" in the address bar as the requested domain despite the use of a different domain. While IIS offers better performance than Cassini, we still want to be able to kill F5 to run our application from within Visual Studio. Is there any configuration that can be used to specify the domain name in Cassini? I have just released Cassini Dave 3.5.1 / 4.0.1 beta with simple testing. Stability examples if you are interested. This arbitrarily supports IP address and host names. Your needs should fit well enough.

c# - SpreadsheetGear fonts look blurred compared to Excel -

I am evaluating the spreadsheet gear component for Excel file manipulation. However, the fonts out of the box appear a little blurred or blurred when the same spreadsheet is seen with side-by-side axles. Is there any anti-aliasing setting that I'm missing? Is it from design? The reason for this lesson is not being clarified, -Using aliases fonts. We have spent a lot of time working to get non-anti-aliasing fonts to work. However, NAT does not provide dependable font metrics when anti-aliasing fonts are not used, and we can not do some layouts to do without reliable font metrics. If Microsoft fixes this (font metrics issues) of .NET in future versions, we can add an option to use non-antialized text. There are some benefits of anti-aliasing text. As users go to higher resolutions (120 + dpi instead of 96 dpi), the presence of anti-aliased text improves significantly, there are other advantages, such as reliable zooming attempts to autofit some columns in Excel / Spre...

cocoa - How to draw a rounded NSImage -

I try to create an NSImage or NSImageCell with rounded corners I am doing a inside NSTableView . I can not get anything to work. The best part here is that my custom nscell : - (zero) drawerwirewrightframe: (NSRact) frame Inview: (NSVUU) * Controlview (if (ThumbnailLink) {NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: thumbnailLink]; if (url) {nsrttffrem = [auto_imageFrameForInteriorFrame: frame]; NSImage * image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: url ]; [Image setscales when resized: Yes]; [Image set size: NSMakeSize (IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH)]; [NSGraphicsC Ontext saveGraphicsState]; ImageFrame = NSInsetRect (picture frame, 1, 1); NSBZIREPT * clippath = [NSBZearpathBeaserPathwithSteath: Image Frame Corner: 5.0]; [clippath set wading rule: NSEOOWDingArail]; [clippath adclip]; [NSGraphicsContext restorationGraphicsState]; [ Image drawInRect: imageFrame fromRect: NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0) Operation: NSCompositeSourceIn fraction: 1.0]; [image release];}} ... ? Draws your ...

mysql - Are Prepared Statements a waste for normal queries? (PHP) -

Nowadays, "ready statement" recommends sending questions for a database in the same way. I also look at the recommendations for using ready-made statements for stored procs. However, additional query-ready statements are required - and in a short time - I have been explained that they have a line of INSERT / UPDATE queries Only useful are I I hope someone can improve me on this, but it seems like a repetition of the completely "tables evil" CSS cheese Tables are only evil The used for layouts - tabular data. The use of a divisor for a composite data is a violation of WC3. Like intelligent, simple SQL (or generated by AR) proves useful for more than 80% of queries, which are mostly sites, a single selection does not repeat that page load again. Going (I'm talking about scripting languages ​​like PHP) Why can I make my over-taxed DB that a statement should be prepared that it can be run once before removing it? MySQL: A ready statement is specific to ...

tsql - T-SQL - How to write a conditional join -

I have a stored procedure with several parameters I would like to write in my query so that she can join some tables, but only If a specific parameter is a value. Take the following example: I have an individual table with an address table that contains the person's address and a group table that holds the individual group. Both men are one of the many relationships with the table. My stored procedure has an @ AddressID parameter and @GroupID parameter. The query always returns a field from the person table, if there is no parameter value then the query should return all records from the person table. If the @ Address ID parameter is supplied then it should only return the records which will match the address table and ignore the group table. If the @GroupID parameter is supplied, then it should return only those records which have a matching record in the group table and ignore the address table. If both parameters are supplied, then only those records that match in both tab... - Debugger does not automatically attach in Visual Studio -

There is a problem with debugger, when app Does the encoded app not automatically attach when trying to debug? If I engage it in the Local View Studio Web Server process, then I can debug properly. I have all debug settings in the project configuration correctly, and I can fix other projects, so some project-demographic thing that is not correct.

garbage collection - Why are file handles such an expensive resource? -

Whether garbage collection is a good thing or not, people often say that things like freeing this file Does not handle handles. By putting this argument in the final form, it is considered a bad thing because the resource is again free from non-deterministic votes, however, it seems that easy solution will be for the OS, to ensure that many more All file handles are available so that they are a cheap and abundant resource and you can waste something at any time. Why is not this done in practice? A file is written off on disc by shutting down - OK, anyway from its application standpoint After closing a file, the application may crash, as long as the system does not crash automatically, it is not a good idea to close GC in your vacation. Even if it can be technically possible nowadays. Besides, tell the truth, it is difficult to kill old habits hardly. File handles which are expensive and are still considered for historical reasons.

java - Pylucene eclipse plugin -

Is there a Pelican eclipse plugin? Or am I missing something? I want to auto-complete it, whether the import structure is in the same form as Java Lucene Assume that you are using, you can make your import path to PLCCEN anywhere in the preferences panel under this PyDev section. (Sorry, I do not have PyDev installed on this computer, so I can not be more specific.) Not using PyLucene. I can not tell you exactly what path you want to add, but it should be that path Install PyLucene where you have it.

iphone - UIImage memory usage with png and jpg -

I have two files in the document directory of the same image taken with the camera using a UIImagePNG rendering and other UIImageJPEG representation Was saved. In other words, there is a PGG and the other is a JPG. Now, using the device with a real device. If I load PNG (initWithContentOfFile :), then 'Real Memory' runs from 2.34 MB to 2.43 MB. But if I load the jpeg instead, then the memory goes from 2.34 MB to 23 MB !!! Could? > This is probably capable of mapping the memory used directly in storage for PNG file, while it has no qualification to do with JPG, which should be decoded. If you think about it, then a 1600x1200 image from the iPhone camera, 23 MB is very realistic .0 9 MB There is not enough room to keep the data for an image.

how to take a report in CSV format in php codeigniter -

पीएचपी codeigniter में सीएसवी प्रारूप में एक रिपोर्ट कैसे लेनी है & Lt;? Php $ row = 1; अगर (($ $ handle = fopen ("test.csv", "r"))! == FALSE) {while ($ data = fgetcsv ($ handle, 1000, ","))! == FALSE {$ Num = count ($ डेटा); पंक्ति $ पंक्ति में & lt; p & gt; $ num फ़ील्ड गूंजती करें: & lt; br / & gt; & lt; / p & gt; \ n "; $ पंक्ति ++; ($ C = 0; $ c & lt; $ num; $ c ++) के लिए {$ dcho $ data [$ c] "& Lt; br / & gt; \ n"; }} Fclose ($ हैंडल); }? & Gt;

How to make application for purchasing an application through iphone? -

I want to apply the application in which I want to buy other applications from my application. Can you provide me guidance for him or any sample code? I have made an application and it seems that Apple is in the store right now. Now every month I want to submit the payment to the customer for this application. So how to make this type of appliation is it possible? If so, please give me advice or give me some idea or ant similar code. I think you want "". It tells you how to set up a transaction within your application. You can upgrade an application from within the previous version of that application as an iPhone OS 3.0 but you can not download and install other, completely different applications. To do this, the app sandbox will need to be broken and concerns of major security and reliability will increase. Remember that iPhone has a unique business model. You can not think of it as just a small desktop computer

Zune HD development limitations -

I'm thinking that I can write something like App Reading (to turn on My Zune HD in Amazon Reader) Can I write an application? How am I limited to API? Can I use Networks and FS? Can I embed the browser in the app? Can I use XML Parser, XSL etc? Are there some Windows Forms? How limited are I with development, do I need to do some terrible things that are needed to develop for the iPod? Strong> OpenZDK ? "It is going to change. All Zune models, including Netix, Nurta and the rest Zenobair's Development Front, Zune HD, have been cut through their own work. Available for Zune The first true hack, for the first time, makes it possible to run applications directly on the top of the Xune firmware, with full access to all the things of XNA, there is no limit on XNA boundaries. "(Zune Bor By Don :) Opanjhdeed Wiki:

wcf - wshttpbinding support in silverlight 4 -

Does Silverlight 4 beta support wshttpbinding (wcf)? If not, will it be supported in a stable release? No, it does not look like this. The WCF net.tcp protocol in Silverlight 4. NetTrade binding will support Silverlight 4, mostly for intranet scenarios - but I have something about support for wsHttpBinding Not heard, sorry, sorry. Mark

c# - Resize bitmap like in MS Paint -

Let me resize in MS paint like BMP needs to be resized - someone who is not antialiasing Also how to do it in C # or You can use the image GETThumbnailImage method. I do not know about this. Edit : I was thinking of thumbnail images using it in a project recently. But you are normally asking for size change. The result of this method can not be in good quality size.

c# - Convert String to DateTime? -

How do I change this string, 12:00 AM , in a date? datetime. Paragraph ("12:00 AM"); Note: Part of the date will be the current date.

glassfish - Problem with Stripes' submit -

I am currently experiencing a problem with the strips in the submit button. It completely ignores the incident, that he should call. ActionBen is working on the link with no problem ... Im stuck on that for 3 hours. Action in action @HandlesEvent ("addc") public resolution addc () {Log.debug ("addc () contract = {}", contract); ContractFacade.create (contract); Return new redirection revolutions (this.getClass (), "All"); } jsp: & lt; S: form beanclass = "actionbean.ContractsActionBean" & gt; & Lt;% @ include file = "forms / formContractDetails.jsp"% & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; S: Submit name = "ADC" class = "submit" title = "" & gt; Add C & lt; / S: Submit & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; S: link href = "/ all" & gt; Cancel & lt; / S: Link & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & ...

basic constructor question regarding objects in c# -

Hey guys, just start with C #. I had some doubts, really appreciate it if someone can help me. Question 1 Nameshot lending-money {public partial class} Form 1: form {boy nikhil = new man (); Public Form 1 () {Initialization (); = 50; }} In the above program form 1 () the producer should first walk but is carried out immediately outside the manufacturer so that the producer can immediately and in return the man's data member (cash person member data member is)? The code will be compiled, then will be moved to the instant constructor. It will be given instant before your constructor's body is executed.

php - generate non linear urls -

अपडेट: ठीक है .. मैंने पढ़ा है बहुत सारे समाधान ... बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद! मुझे लगता है कि मैं इसे सरल रखूंगा और एन्क्रिप्शन से बचने और बस डेटाबेस में दो फ़ील्ड से मेल खाती हूँ। मैं इसे आईडी (अनुक्रमिक) के रूप में रख सकता हूं, उदाहरण के लिए एक टाइमस्टैम्प (साथ में: हटाया गया) तो मैं यूट्यूब स्टाइल यूआरएल जनरेटर के माध्यम से दोनों को रख सकता हूं ... मुझे एक बहुत ही कम, अनूठे और आसानी से यूआरएल नहीं मिल रहा है। उदा। यूट्यूब यूआरएल जनरल ब्लाह डॉट कॉम? डीड 10345 एसएपी = 134025 के बाद से पहले मैं किसी भी तरह के प्रत्येक आईडी पर अद्वितीय विचारों को लॉग करता हूं ... इसलिए मैं अनगिनत लोगों को भी रिकॉर्ड करूँगा और यदि कोई उपयोगकर्ता 10 घंटे में मेल नहीं खाता है तो मैं उसके आईपी को ब्लॉक कर सकता हूं (मुझे पता है कि प्रॉक्सी इस से बचाएगा ... लेकिन यह इसे और अधिक कठिन बना देता है)। आप क्या सोचते हैं? यह एक अजीब सवाल की तरह लग सकता है ... जो मैं प्राप्त करने के लिए देख रहा हूं वह एक आईडी उत्पन्न करने का एक तरीका है यूआरएल में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है जिसे ...

c# - Calculating info_hash from UrlEncoded query string -

Actually, I'm making a small tracker for experimental purposes, I've got quite far away, and now on the announcement part I am working. I do not know exactly how I should define the information_hash query string. Specification, this is an urlencoded 20-byte SHA1 hash , which has written this code to me, byte [] foo = encoding .Default.GetBytes (HttpUtility UrlDecode (infoHash)); String temp = ""; Forrest (Byte B in AFU) {temp + = b.ToString ("X"); } which gives the following value to 'temporary', 5D3F3F3F3F5E3F3F3F153FE4033683F55693468 The first and last few letters are correct. This is raw information, % 5d% 96% b6% f6% 84% 5e% ea% da% c5% 15% c4% 0e% 403h% b9Ui4h And this is what both uTorrent and my own tracker gives me information as a file when it is generated from the torrent file, 5D96B6F6845EEADAC515C40E403368B955693468 What am I doing wrong? The URL code returns a string, but if the SHA1 hash does not und... - Copy App_GlobalResources on deployment -

I have an ASP.NET web application that was first published using the published feature of VS 2008. I recently switched to VS 2008 for "Web Deployment Projects" while I deployed, I noticed that the ~ / App_GlobalResources directory is no longer copied to the release folder on Build. How can I ensure that the App_GlobalResources directory is copied? Web deployment projects use aspnet_compiler.exe . Excerpt from: These files are compiled in the assembly and placed in the bin directory. An app_global resource sub-directory is not created under the main output directory. If the configuration file specifies applicable = "all", .resx and .resources files are copied to output directories. If they are referred by BuildProvider, they are not copied. All resources are compiled in the assembly and put in the bin folder. This is the way that web deployment projects were designed.

jquery - document.domain and cross-site-scripting -

डिबगिंग सहायता का अनुरोध किया। पृष्ठ में यह कोड है: & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; Document.domain = ''; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन () {var dbUrl = ''; var परिणाम = ''; $ .एजेंड ({प्रकार: "पोस्ट", यूआरएल: डीबीयूआरएल, डेटा: [] , // params, async: false, डेटा प्रकार: "पाठ", सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डी, स्थिति) {परिणाम = डी; वापस लौटा;}, त्रुटि: कार्य (xmlhttp, errmsg) {परिणाम = errmsg; वापसी वापस;} }); सतर्क ('परिणाम:' + परिणाम);}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मेरी समझ के लिए, XMLHttpRequest क्रॉस-साइट रिस्ट्रिक्ट्स को दस्तावेज़.डोमेन मान के आधार पर चेक किया जाता है, और यह वैल्यू वर्तमान पृष्ठ यूआरएल के वैध प्रत्यय दोनों पर सेट है, और अनुरोधित पृष्ठ की मेजबानी करने वाली साइट के लिए एक सटीक मेल। यह एक क्रॉस-साइट अनुरोध है, जिसमें और अलग मेजबान पर हैं नतीजा एक 'चेतावनी' परिणाम प्रदर्शित करने वाला बॉक्स है। अन्य साइट पर दिए गए वेबलॉग दिखाते हैं कि अनुर...

.net - Restart Windows Service From Service -

Is there a way to restart a Windows service from the same service, such as applications in Windows? I am a developer for the developer, Open Source Windows Service Hosting Framework, which is called Demonic It is said that one of its features is that you can download it from : Container ignorant service space through the general service service Set general service properties such as savannum, display, name, description Set recovery options through app Set reliance on services through the app. Config Set service process credentials through the command line Install, uninstall, debug services through the command line Thank you!

objective c - if parentViewContoller statement -

I am writing a program with a UITTable Weave and adds buttons to the navigation bar, which leads to an edit page is. When you click on an item in the table, a view (RAVI) is pushed with information related to that item. This view has an editing button that goes to the editing page. Is there any way that I can put an if statement for the button on the edit page, which says, "If the Peritueview Controller is UITableView, go to the Revview, and PopWeb Controller?" I think there is a way to do this, but to do this, I am not sure about the syntax. If I understand correctly, then you have a UI navigation controller and press it A "EditController" But there is a possibility that step 2 is omitted and you go directly to the editing screen. Now that the last controller has popped up, you want to be able to go always for "RViewController", even if it is not on the stack. First of all, Parental Control is not the last controller on the controller ...

wordpress - CSS Code styling - background color is missing on empty lines -

I hope it is simple I am not a CSS man I try to make some code I am doing a bit better on blogs and I have the following & lt; Code & gt; is CSS style. code {display: block; White-space: normal; Background color: #eeeeee; Font: 1 AM, 'Courier New', Courier, Fixed; Padding: 7px; Margin: 7px 7px 7px 7px; } This is working well for me, except where my & lt; Code & gt; In the code contained in the tag, there are line breaks, background color is not white, light brown color. Is there any CSS extractor, I have my entire & lt; Code & gt; Can I apply block color to a background color? Thank you. NOTE: If I place a space on the empty line, then what I find - a gray background of that line. Note 2: I have only plain text to my & lt; Code & gt; & lt; / Code & gt; tag Ideally, I do not want to mark my code w / tags & lt; Code & gt; Cut and paste inside the tag and make it look good. Last comment: After reading ...

Django's list_details views saving queryset to memory (not updating)? -

I have a custom model manager that looks like this: class MyManager ( Model Manager) def get_query_set (self): '' 'Only get' approved 'items and ignore' pub_date 'which is in the past. '' 'Queryset = super (MyManager, itself) .get_query_set () queryset = queryset.filter (status__in = (' a ',)) return queryset.filter (pub_date__lte = datetime.utcnow ()) And it works well; However, I have a problem using Django's generic.list_detail view object_detail and object_list : once And, for this reason, it is not bringing those items because it should be, because I think that utcnow () is called only once (when it is first loaded). I believe it is deliberate and it enhances the performance - though, it means that to show videos elsewhere on the site (at places I not Before available in a object_detail (see object_detail (see below). This is leading to 404 ... Any thoughts? Or to avoid this, do I have to writ...

javascript - Why does jQuery use "new jQuery.fn.init()" for creating jQuery object but I can't? -

I try to create some class based jQuery styles like the following code. MyClass = window.myClass = function (x, y) {new myclass.fn.init (x, y); }; MyClass.fn = myClass.prototype = {init: function (x, y) {// logic to create myClass object. }}; I do not understand why jQuery is the new keyword for creating its own class because, by my use, javascript always creates myClass.init object instead of myClass object. However, I try to delete the new keywords in myClass Constructor. But it's still not a change Can you tell me why jQuery can do this, but can not I give some code to use in the init function or not? Anyway, I can use the following code instead of the jQuery code to make it the object. What is different between my code & amp; JQuery code? What is the advantage of using jQuery style? myClass = window.myClass = function (x, y) {this.init (x, y); }; MyClass.fn = myClass.prototype = {init: function (x, y) {this.x = x; this. Y = y; }}; PS I like the code to write,...

delphi records and c structs -

कार्य: डेल्फी में लिखा गया अनुप्रयोग एक संरचना स्वीकार करता है ( तीन क्षेत्रों के रिकार्ड डेल्फी के मामले में)। मैं SendMessage (Win32 API) फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके इस संरचना के सूचक को भेज सकता हूं। तो एक सवाल यह है: कैसे डेल्फी के मामले में डेल्फी के लिए स्मृति में कुछ संरचना प्रतिनिधित्व बनाए रखने के लिए? इसका प्रकार है PWPModPostData = ^ TWPModPostData; TWPModPostData = रिकॉर्ड डेटाटाइप: पूर्णांक; डेटा: पीसीर; अगला: PWPModPostData; समाप्त; इसे सी में कैसे परिभाषित किया जाए? मेरा मतलब है, क्या डेल्फी संरचनाओं में कोई छुपा हुआ या सेवा क्षेत्र है? नहीं, कोई छिपा हुआ फ़ील्ड नहीं हैं , और डेल्फी रिकॉर्ड्स और सी स्ट्रैक्ट्स को एक-दूसरे से 1: 1 में मैप किया जा सकता है, कुछ चेतावनियों के साथ: किसी भी डेटा प्रकार का उपयोग न करें सी को समझ में नहीं आ रहा है। इसमें ऑब्जेक्ट्स, डायनामिक एरेज़ और डेल्फी स्ट्रिंग्स शामिल हैं। सी और डेल्फी कभी-कभी अलग-अलग विचार करते हैं कि कैसे बाइट-संरेखित फ़ील्ड अपने रिकॉर्ड की जांच करें और सत्यापित करें कि वे सी तरफ काम करते ...

rest - Is there a way to redirect to a specific page after a RESTful delete in Rails? -

Let's say I have a message resource where I have somewhere in the HTML: Lt;% = link_to ("Delete", Message,: Title = & gt; 'Delete' ,: Confirmation = & gt; 'Are you sure?',: Method = & gt ;: delete)% & gt; Immediately after removing it, it redirects to the page where it lists all the messages, is there a way to redirect to that page that I deleted Specify? In the Controller: Remove from def items. (Param [: ID]). Redirect_to: action = & gt; Use the "index" and to redirect to the last URL: redirect_to: back If you can read API docs, they are very useful, once you hang them.

php - How to send direct messages using OAuth? -

I'm trying to create a Twitter app. I have received my application at a point where users log in via Twitter's user verification system. I can also send status updates using my application. I have this function to send status updates to: function sendTweet ($ tx) {$ consumer_key = 'My Consumer Key'; $ Consumer_secret = 'My Consumer Secret'; $ Twitter = new appetizer ($ consumer_key, $ consumer_set); $ Twitter-> SetToken ($ _ session ['OT'], $ _ session ['OTS']); $ Text = $ tx; $ Position = $ Twitter- & gt; Post_State Update (array ('position' = & gt; $ text)); $ Status- & gt; reaction; } This sendTweet ($ tx) function works like a charm, but now what I have to do is get a list of users' followers and Then send direct message to them How do I use oauth and PHP? function sendDirectMessage ($ user, $ message) {$ Consumer_key = 'Your Consumer Key' ; $ Consumer_secret = 'Your Secret'; $ Twitt...

algorithm - circle-circle collision problem -

I have a problem finding circle-circle collision. I used the following algorithm function collision (id, other id) {var vaP1, vaP2, dis, va1, vb1, va2, vb2, vp1, vp2, dx, dy, Dt; If (id! = {dx = other.x-x; Div = other.y-y; District = sqrt (sqr (dx) + sqr (dy)); If the & lt; = Radius + other.radius {// normalize dx / = dis; Div / district =; // Calculation of component of velocity in direction vp1 = hspeed * dx + vspeed * dy; Vp2 = other.hspeed * dx + other.vspeed * dv; If (vp1-vp2)! = 0 {dt = (radius + other. RDI-D) / (VP1-VP2); // Move the balls back so that they just touch X- = HSPID * DT; Y- = vspeed * dt; Other.x- = other.hspeed * dt; Other.y- = other.vspeed * dt; // Projection of velocities in these axes va1 = (hspeed * dx + vspeed * dy); VB1 = (vspeed * dx-hspeed * dy); Va2 = (other.hspeed * dx + other.vspeed * dy); VB2 = (other.vspeed * dx-other.hspeed * DY); // New velocity in these axes vaP1 = (va1 + bounce * (va2-va1)) / (1+ mass / other.mass) keeping in ...

php - Multiple Select with Explode: only returns the word "Array" -

By using Wordpress I have created a multiple selection box so that users can select categories to exclude. When the page is initially loaded, I see my predefined default option. However, when I select a new value and I save ... I only see the word "Array" and have not chosen anything else? & lt; Class = "amultiple" id = "& lt; php echo $ value ['id'] ;? gt;" name = "& gt; php echo $ value ['id'] ;; gt; []" Multiple = "multiple" size = "8" & gt; & Lt ;? Php global option; Foreign currency ($ value as value $) {if (get_settings ($ value ['id']) === FALSE {$$ value ['id'] = $ value ['std']; } And {$$ value ['id'] = get_settings ($ value ['id']); }} $ Ranges = & amp; Amp; Categories ('type = post & orderbiz = name & amp; hide_empty = 1'); If ($ ranges) {$ ex_cat = implode (',', $ tt_cat_exclude); Forex Currency ($ range a...

url - Path to included Javascript page -

How do I get a complete or site-relative path for an included JavaScript file? I know it can be done in PHP, ( __ file __ , I think). Even for an included page, any path can be seen (in the included file). Is there any way to keep this awareness in Javascript itself? I know that I can get the Page URL but need to get JS URL. Example Javascript needs to modify the source of an image on the page. I know that the image is related to the Javascript file. I do not know where the Javascript page is in relation to. & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Img id = "img0" src = "" & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / imgMaker / myscript.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; Function fixPath () {$$ ("# img0") [0] .set ('src', 'js / imgmaker / images / main.jpg'); } Please do not tell me for the restructuring of my function - the requirement of the example is simple to explain, in the real case...

.net - ORM for GSQL, LINQ 2 GSQL? -

क्या LINQ 2 जीएसक्यूएल कार्यान्वयन है? नोट: जीएसक्यूएल Google AppEngine datastore में उपयोग की जाने वाली क्वेरी भाषा (एसक्यूएल सबसेट) भाषा को 'GQL' कहा जाता है, न कि ' जीएसक्यूएल 'और इस तरह के एक ओआरएम वास्तव में संभव नहीं है - एप इंजिन पर नेट अनुप्रयोग चलाए नहीं जाते।

Finding Tables in MS Access using C# -

Using C # is it possible to set tables and columns in MS Access to a particular database? Can anyone direct me to this issue? The way you access MS-Access files, you can assign tables and column / field names to different ways You can read from: With an OLDB connection: You can use the ADOX objects collection and read tables, columns, indexes and more. Database With an ODBC connection, you can list MS-ACCESS system tables, open a record on each table, and then read all the field names. Tables can be listed with the following SQL command: Select from MSysObjects name WHERE type = 1 In all cases, once a The table is opened through a RecordSet, you can read its field names by looping the field of the record set object

Cleaning up CSS styles -

I'm a web developer. Some time ago I got the project to keep me this project is online for some years And there were some more maintenance in front of me. There were a lot of changes in functionality during my lifetime. Several features were added, some of them were later removed as unused. Some of these features require new design elements, so new CSS code is also added. But when these features were removed, the CSS was added. Apart from this, every maintenance has added its CSS styles for small fixes such as padding, margin etc. After some time, the CSS files became a big bucket of crap :-) I can find many CSS described elements in the same way, but in different CSS files. Yes, I know that I can minimize CSS files, but if I want to clean them then how can I clear all this mess? I need tools / practices / suggestions about these problems: Find the same elements described in various CSS locations. / Li> Collect unused CSS classes or other details (probably some tools /...

What's the best way to avoid memory leaks in WPF PRISM/MVVM application -

I have a WPF application that is based on PRISM which uses MVVM pattern. I have noticed that sometimes my thoughts, thoughts, ideas and everything related to them will hang for a long time after their desired lifetime. A collection was made on an injection related collection, one DispatcherTimer, and another need to store its collection items for a leak to be stored. I am using a CompositePresentationEvent as it is probably better to subscribe to change the archive, but in other scenarios, I am leaning toward implementing IDisposable and calling the idea of ​​View Displacement method on models But then there is a need to tell about seeing some when disposing on the idea model, which reduces the complexity of ideas, and even hair ideas in the evening. Let's begin to write. Ian Ian I can tell you that I have experienced that your experience has 100% experience. We have a memory leakage brother, I think. Unfortunately, whatever I am doing is to do it here. ...

c# - How to parse XML Schema File -

Good day. How to parse the XML schema (.xsd) file and generate the C # class file. About my project: Step 1. Parse XSD file (C # long) ---- Build time -----> Generate coded dictionary (C # class) Step 2 Paser XML file (C # long) ---- Fill the CCode dictionary with the run time -----> XML file value (C # app) I have searched the tool for the XSD.exe / XSDObjectGen tool etc. I think the C # class can not be used for my project. This is the reason why I want to parse myself XSD file. I searched MSDN and found the information: Namespace: System.Xml.Schema But I do not know which class is better for me . Any help would be appreciated. > BR! Nano In my project I successfully used xsd.exe to do this with this command line Is: xsd.exe schema.xsd / classes What is the reason for making them inappropriate for use in their projects? ajax updated the controltoolkit version resolves in error -

Since I switched to the computer then I copied the solution and thought it would replace ajaxtoolkit.dll with a newer version Had a good time. So I downloaded the latest version and added the reference. When I compile, nothing is wrong in Visual Studio 2008. (This is a webpage), but when I go in the running: There are several controls with the same ID. I found out that when I disable the AJAX erordian control it runs well. I found a solution on this website: But now I can not use the Aadrian control ... How can I update the Asean control? Just assignion an id with codeBehind I think this will solve your problem. (Similarly I work with Accordion and Framework 3.5+ recent toolkit.)

algorithm - Minimising distance: distance formula -

I am writing a program in C. I have to find a solution by reducing expression D1 + D2 + ...... + DN where DI's distance between 2 points Distance is done by the formula. Expression of the above X & amp; Is in; Y variable Now I will differentiate this expression and find the solution. My suspicion is: Because in the above expression, all the days of the class will be found in the form of the roots which can be difficult to solve. So instead we can solve this expression: D1 ^ 2 + D2 ^ 2 + ...... + Dn ^ 2 What will be the answer created by the above mentioned expression, because it can be produced by solving the original origin? I have checked for simple test cases like n = 2, it generates correct answers, is it true in general? If not, how can this problem be solved? For 2d distance, it is not normally that the minimum one ^ 2 + b ^ 2 is in the same position where the minimum A + b . Certainly this could be true for some very specific limited pro...

mysql - Select most popular tags from database? -

I have a link to two tables at once through the third table Sources: ID, name tag: id, name thread_tag_map: threads_id, tag_ id Many of its many relationships. I want to select 30 tags which are most popular, which are going to be the first 30 tags with tags_id , which is the highest in thread_tag_map . select t. Tag Jen from tags * thread_tag_map ttm ON = ttm.tags_id Group TID TDID) DESC limit 30

css - Showing a large amount of HTML alternative content with swfobject & swffit flash site -

I have a full flash site that uses swfobject to embed it 100% height and width. For compiling the browser scroll bar for pages with large amounts of content, I am using Spitz. It's all right and works perfectly. I also have content in HTML format as optional content and it's flash To do the work for different swfobject, I need to overflow = in CSS to work, like: Html {height: 100%; Hidden flurry; } # Content {height: 100%; } This prevents the scroll bar when the optional content is displayed. Does anyone know how to fix this? I do not know SWFFit but why overflow: hidden first place On? Will it not work without it? The only solution that comes to mind is to define two sections, one, without any overflow: hidden , and changing that class html Elements triggered some javascript within the flash through the program

java - What is Jython and is it useful at all? -

I know Python when will I need Jyothan? What are the drawbacks, I think it is slow? Please extend it out! Thank you. quote: Jethon is the heir to JPithith, written in Java Python programming language implementation. How it can be used: The Jyotha program can import and use any Java class. Except some standard modules, the Geothon programs use Java classes instead of Python modules. The result of the performance of Jyothan, Ironpathon and Sepithon shows that both Jethan and IronPathon both display CPiethon for some cases of large datasets.

java - Uploading single files to the Appengine installation -

Is it possible to upload files alone in the apppoint installation instead of the full project? This question is related to the Java version of Appengine. No, it is not so. However, the tool will only upload new / modified files.

iis 6 - Where can I find management scripts for IIS 6.0? -

मैं Windows 2003 R2 और IIS 6.0 को ASP.NET में लिखा वेब अनुप्रयोगों के साथ चला रहा हूं। वेबसाइट बनाओ सत्यापित करें कि वेबसाइट मौजूद है वेबसाइट हटाएं वर्चुअल निर्देशिकाओं के लिए: वर्चुअल निर्देशिका बनाएं सत्यापित करें कि वर्चुअल निर्देशिका मौजूद है वर्चुअल निर्देशिका हटाएं अनुप्रयोग पूल के लिए: अनुप्रयोग पूल बनाएं सत्यापित करें कि अनुप्रयोग पूल मौजूद है एप्लिकेशन पूल हटाएं वेबसाइट पूल को आवेदन पूल धन्यवाद .. मैंने दूसरे दिन एक समान प्रश्न का उत्तर दिया: आप System.DirectoryServices नामस्थान सीधे PowerShell से और साथ ही सी # का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

python - rdflib graph not updated. Why? -

I am trying to understand this behavior. This certainly does not expect me to have two programs, a reader, and an author reader opens an RDFlib graph store, then does a query every 2 seconds import rdflib Import rdflib import store import random timing from default_graph_ury = "vase: uuid: a19f9b78-cc43-4866-b9a1- 4b009fe91f52" s = rdflib.plugin.get ('MySQL', store.Store) ('rdfstore') config_string = " Host = localhost, password = foo, user = foo, db = foo "rt = (config_string, make = false) if RT! = Store. VALID_STORE: {{id} id {value} for r in the SELECT rows = }? {Id: id;}; http: // localhost # ha>? Value.} "): Print r [0], r [1] time.sleep (2) print" - - - - second program An author that adds stuff to Triplestore Import from rdflib import store by rdflib import default_graph_uri = "vase: Uuid: a19f9b78-cc43-4866-b9a1-4b009fe91f52" s = Rdflib.plugin.get ('MySQL', store.Store) ('Rdfstore') conf...

build - Is there a Ccache for Visual Studio? -

I know that the implementation of the scans ccache But I'm stuck with another build system. I also know that there is a gocache project on the source code whose purpose is to implement the same functionality of ccache for other compilers, but it does not appear to be complete Happened. If you have some budget, look at X-ray Accredited; this does what you want, and This is a reputable piece of software. CCAS does not work in VS and is not really a free option. If you are successful in creating one, many developers will be very grateful.

.net - Entity framework and deataching objects -

When creating a web application that uses the entity framework in the Access Layer, to separate objects from object references It is advisable to allow the object to collect garbage. But since the web application has all the requests -> feedback applications, after the response is sent to the customer, the object context itself can not be captured by any live object. Rbhit is not, and therefore the object context and should be available for the attached object garbage collection, since there is no object survive any reference to them. Do not I want to forget anything in this scenario or do not want to separate things? I suspect that the guidelines you saw were about non-tracking queries Talking There are certain performance advantages for reading deeper websites of no-tracking queries. Objects never are not attached and tracked by identity, so you do not need to separate them, which avoids the cost of determining identity during materialism. The tracking query ...

iphone - animation in the simulator works fine but in device nothing happens? -

- (शून्य) डाउनरोल 1 {डाउन 1.image = up1.image; [UIView शुरूअनुमतियाँ: शून्य संदर्भ: शून्य]; [UIView सेटअनिमेशनकरण अवधि: 2.2]; CGPoint गंतव्य = CGPointMake (296,440); डाउन 1। केंद्र = गंतव्य; [UIView commitAnimations]; } जवाब था: जांचें कि आपका फ़ाइल नाम मामला-संवेदनशील डिवाइस से मेल खाएगा। यदि आप कुछ और करना चाहते हैं, तो जब उपयोगकर्ता "फेरबदल" बटन को हिट कर लेता है, तो आप अपने व्यूडिडलोड विधि में छवि को पूर्व-लोड कर सकते हैं, और इसे बाद में तब तक नहीं दिखा सकते हैं।

c++ - How to initialize static const pointer in a class? -

वर्ग विद्यालय {स्थैतिक const int * classcapacity; }; यह अभिव्यक्ति मेरी परीक्षा से है और इसे आरंभ करने की आवश्यकता है कि मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? आप इसे अपनी स्रोत फ़ाइल में क्लास के शरीर के बाहर प्रारंभ कर सकते हैं, जैसे कि आप किसी भी अन्य स्थिर सदस्य चर, अर्थात्: const int * स्कूल :: क्लास कैपसिटी (नया इंट (42));

java - Is this image segmentation? -

I am writing a Java program that is helpful for cutting and working like CRS sprites. The main idea is that the image Is divided into suburbs, so software "spritesheet" is made up of several sprites. This algorithm does not detect every sub-side for a break based on horizontal (x) and vertical (y) axes transparency / color mask, but it can make a recursive application. The 1D axes are transformed into a rectangle where the parts are in the image. There is information about many different techniques in the Wikipedia article (above). One important thing is that I am not recognizing, like the use of color masks technically different from background and foreground to detect foreground objects. You are right You are technically doing foreground extraction, despite it being removed from very little background Despite it. I would suggest taking a look at this, the IMO will help you remove non-region areas which are well connected. Field ...

Disbabled sql server job will still try to run at the original scheduled time -

I have a SQL Server job that has been disabled. But the effort to run the job on the scheduled scheduled time is continuing. I wonder why this is doing this. Thank you! If the job was disabled by setting the system table directly, then it could disable the SQL Agent Can appear in the form, but in fact it will still go. To disable the job, make sure that you either the SSMS UI or the system stored procedure sp_update_job .

c++ - should i put .hpp and .cpp in the same fold or in ./src and ./hdr respectively? -

It seems that separate them into src and HDR is a popular solution. However, it is not in Netbeans: By default, NetBean will maintain both HPP and CPP files in the same directory. Question: Do I separate or not? Why? If there is 1 yes, then is there a way to set it automatically in Netbeans? If you distribute a library as binaries and headers If you are planning, then starting the headers in a different directory can be easy.

java - tapestry 4 generate valid XHTML -

Is it possible to create a valid XHTML in Tapestry 4.1.x? I can specifically open the need to generate the appropriate xHTML header and work around the actual body content - that is, only use specific components that provide valid tags / structures. thx. using @ shell component, 1. Change the methodology: doctype = "html public '- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Strongly //n' '' " 2. Disable dojo script inclusion because the links are not valid XHTML (they are included in the & amp; in the URL)

objective c - How do I deal with typing nested message calls in ObjC source from only the keyboard? -

I feel that over the last year, using cocoa and cocoa touch development, I get to I'm struggling to support this important coding scenario, to support an important macro Xcode ... I do not know myself again and again how much time a message was sent to a Together with a new line of code, for example, I write this I can t ... (pipe character represents the cursor location) some variable = [some object a message] | ... then I know that I need to chain up a message from the returned item (since messaging is safe in zero objc, this is a common idiom.) Then I To change the line of code to look like this ... some variables = [[some objects some messages] | The big problem is to include before the bracket pair before the pair, which, when I needed it, I have to use the mouse or several repeating keys. After closing about 40 hours or so and after trying any pre-existing keyboard shortcuts or scripts (I tested Pearl, Shell scripting, and a bit of Amax Lisp scripting in my ...

outlook - Send email from Excel -

I am opening an outline email from Axle using VBA. I would like to form the body, e.g. Is it possible to use a certain font and make some words bold? To open an email here is my VBA: SetApp = CreateObject ("Outlook.Application") Set OutApp.Session.Logon Set OutMail = OutApp Outlet With Creteitum (Ollmail Itam) = For StrasIntent. CC = "" .bcc = "". Subject = Stressback. Soba = strawberry You will need to use it: Outmail. Bodyformat = olFormatHTML outmail. HTMLBody = "& lt; b & gt; bold & lt; / b & gt; not bold"

networking - Finding the systems connected in local network from iPhone? -

I am developing an application that identifies all the systems connected to the same network / LAN to share the data (Search). Thanks in advance. When you call all the systems, do I have all the examples of your application? If so, then using the correct solution Bonjour is how to use it, its documentation can be found. Note that your app needs to be actively running on all devices that you want to search because iPhone does not support background apps. If you are just talking about finding all other equipment in the area, you need to resort to techniques like port scanning.

SQL 2008 geography & geometry - which to use? -

I am creating a Google map mashup and using SQL 2008. I want to calculate the number of points on a bigger earth and in them in SQL - like selecting all the points located within a particular polygon, or select all the points within 10km xy . I have never used and should I use geography or geometry datatype for it before SQL spatial features? Geography is the type that is intended to plot the issue on Earth. If you have a table that stores Google Maps numerals like this: create realistic geolocation (location_id exploration identifier null, status_notography, tap) ); Then you can fill in the digits with this stored procedure: create process proc_AddPoint @latitude decimal (9,6), @longitude decimal (9, 6), @altitude smallInt AS DECLARE @ point Geography = null; Set from the beginning; SET @ point = geography :: STPointFromText ('POINT (' + CONVERT (varchar (15), @longitude) + + + CONVERT (varchar (15), @latitude) + '+ + convert (varchar (10), @ he...

seo - Rewrite domain requests to prevent splitting the google ranking between two sites -

In the top answer One of the SEO recommendations is: To prevent Google ranking split between the two sites, does the rewrite requests work to request from in another way? I would like to use instead of Yes you want someone You can also use one (or any other subdomain.) Unless you only use one. Although I'm pretty sure Google knows that and are identical to Angeway.

Can't create directory via asmx web service -

I am trying to create a directory and then want to write it through an asmx web service. This works fine on my Dev pc, but when I publish the service on the server, I get access denied errors. I have gone to IIS and have ensured that the service has written to the privileges. I also gave the facility of writing to all users, but I still get this error. Any suggestions? Additional Information Well, I solved the problem. This worked fine on my development box, but blown on the server when I called Directory.CreateDirectory (directoryName); I need to use Directory.CreateDirectory (Server.MapPath (directoryName)); which worked fine on both of them. My first suggestion is to ensure that IIS user access directory has access. Next I will say that check your code again. Are you trying to write in a directory that is not there? Did you forget to change a config setting? 99% I had only one problem, this is usually a permission problem. - What's the best way to structure this kind of remote service? -

I'm not sure whether this is a web service technically or not, but I have a flash file, Round trip for one DB on time As it stands, AS3 uses the URL loader class to exchange XML with ASP.NET / VB file on the server. The ASPX code then goes to DB and gives returns that requests back to the flash file. As my program grows and I need to implement a huge variety of tasks on the server, I am thinking that I should put functions in the same PSP file and specify in AS3 Which one should I load for a given task, or is it better to break my functionality into several different ASPX files and call the appropriate file for work? Do I have some clear professional and bad ideas about the method that I should consider? (Note: I have put all VB functions on the ASPX pages instead of the code behind the files because I had a problem accessing the I / O stream from the back code.) > Thank you. When you are saying that you have a large code It should think about breaking the dive...

lHow to create Crystal Report by code in Asp.Net -

I want to create crystal report using parameterized query with c # in (not by wizard) . I will show you that using dynamic reports in a dynamic way, using an existing report, I think the closer to making reports on the fly

mysql - Varchar to number conversion for sorting -

मेरे पास column द्वारा एक क्वेरी है: चुनें * स्तंभ एसीसी - सॉर्ट टेबल द्वारा mytable आदेश से कॉलम प्रकार varchar है, इसलिए आउटपुट है: 1 10 100 11 12 13 अगर मैं चाहता हूं कि मैं संख्यात्मक मान से सॉर्ट करूँ तो आउटपुट है: 1 10 11 12 13 100 उपयोग करें: डाली द्वारा आदेश (स्तंभ के रूप में अहस्ताक्षरित) asc

Porting C# to javascript is causing scoping issues -

I'm trying to implement the algorithm found in C # in JavaScript and I'm facing some problems . Actually I have to go through context in JS. I have broken the problem for the following example code, assuming that you have the following C #: using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Name Location ConsoleApplication1 {class program {static void key (string [] args) {wordPoco [] myArray = new wordPoco [4] {new wordPoco {word = "this"}, new wordPoco {word = "is?"}, New WordPoco {word = "a"}, new word poko {word = "test"}}; Console.witline ("price before recurring"); Myrkersiv function (referee); Console.Read (); } Private Static Zero MyRecursiveFunction (Ref Word Poko [] myArray) {if (myArray.Length & lt; = 0) {Console.WriteLine (); Console.light line ("value after recurring"); Return; } WordPoco [] NewArray = (WordPo []) myArray.Clone (); Console Write ("Ar...

PHP: Variable empty or not set or what? -

इन चार PHP स्टेटमेंट्स में क्या अंतर है? if (isset ($ डेटा )) (यदि (! खाली ($ डेटा)) {यदि ($ डेटा! = '') {If ($ डेटा) { क्या वे सब एक ही करते हैं? यदि (isset ($ डेटा)) परिवर्तनीय सिर्फ सेट है - उस रेखा से पहले हमने नाम 'डेटा' के साथ नया वैरिएबल घोषित किया है, अर्थात $ डेटा = 'एबीसी'; यदि (खाली ($ डेटा)) ( वेरिएबल डेटा से भरा हुआ है। इसमें खाली सरणी नहीं हो सकती है, क्योंकि तब $ डेटा में सरणी प्रकार है लेकिन उसके पास अभी कोई डेटा नहीं है, अर्थात $ data = array (1); शून्य, खाली स्ट्रिंग, रिक्त सारणी, रिक्त ऑब्जेक्ट, 0, आदि नहीं हो सकता। यदि ($ डेटा! = '') { वेरिएबल खाली स्ट्रिंग नहीं है लेकिन खाली मूल्य (ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण) नहीं हो सकते। अगर हम प्रकारों की तुलना करना चाहते हैं, तो ! == या === का उपयोग करें। यदि ($ डेटा) { चर किसी भी डेटा के साथ भरा है ! खाली ($ डेटा) ।

objective c - How do I match non-ASCII characters with RegexKitLite? -

I am using RegexKitLite and I am trying to match a pattern. The following regex patterns do not capture my word in which the N is included with a heading: ñ. Is there a string conversion that I'm missing? subject string = "defined_anard"; // regexString = @ "^ define _ (. *)"; // This pattern does not match, so I think that adding // / regexString == "^ define _ ([.nn] *); // a range regexString = @" ^ define _ ((?: \ \ W | n) *) with this pattern first tried; // tried the second NSString * Capture = [StringByMatching the subjectString: capture regexString: 1L]; // I look like an encoding problem I == añadir Either you Going back to the original regex that are saving the source code in that encoding, you can not handle that character (such as ASCII), or using the wrong encoding to read the compiler source files, create such a topic string Try: topic string = "define_a \ xC3 \ xB1adir"; Or this: subject string = "de...

Rails development -

"post-text" itemprop = "text"> I have got the app for the basic rail, which gives the service to XML well but now I have to add an HTML admin area. What is the fastest way I can do this? My databases and models are all happy and now I need to run some magic script and convert it to a website - will anything like this do it? If not - why not! Thank you in advance Chris If you are scaffolding If you use, just go through your routes without .xml postfix Which is generated, with the intention of providing boilerplate, which you come in and customize later, there is a possibility of being basic instead. If you want some more specific attributes, see, or

data mining - Datamining library for .NET -

Does anybody know about any datification libraries for .NET? Take a look, this is Microsoft's. Net Data Provider is communicating with SQL Server Analysis Services.

c++ - makefile/nmake : strip out folder bits from the file list -

I have a mess file (using NMAK and VC ++ 2005): CPP_obbs = $ (CPP_SOURCE: .cpp = .obj) $ (TARGET) $$ (CPP_OBJS) $ (link) $ (ldebug) $ (lflags) / DLL \ $ (LIBPATHS) \ $ out: $ @ $ (CPP_OBJS $ (Consિઝ) Link to problem problem fails because $ (CPP_objects) extends into the list of files where each file name is a folder name (by the way it uses CPPICRCR Is produced with) Taking added. And since all .obj files are in the current folder (the result of the compilation) - link.exe fails to detect .obj. I want something like this: (I found it here :) `$ (notdir NAMES ...) extract 'everyone but the directory of each file name in the NAMES- If the file name does not have any slashes, then it has not been left unchanged. Otherwise, everything is removed through the last slash. But this thing is not working for NMKE which comes with VC ++ 2005 Any idea how far this issue removes is greatly appreciated Thanks. $ (notdir) is not working for you because it If you are using...

actionscript 3 - AS3 Loader Class best practice -

In a recent project I had configured a custom loader class, first I would like to load my loader into a personal microphone I define private var _myLdr: loader // then in the constructor _myLdr = new loader (); _myLdr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (event.complete, imported); _myLdrContentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Progressive, Load Progress); _myLdr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError); And then in the end when I need to load a new property, I call my loader example through a public method. _myLdr.load (new URLRequest ('myswftoload .swf')); So far it is so good .... You do not have to see your page using the debug version of FlashPlayer 9.024, in which case you Receive the ArgumentError: # 2025 Error: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the collar. Flash.display :: loader / _load () WTF ??? !! To correct, I have to install a new loader new property. Can anyone tell me which method will be considered as ...

networking - netstat format question on Linux -

निम्न आउटपुट को नेटस्टेट पर देखकर, (1) *: *, (2) *: 8102, (3) * : Ibm-db2 क्रमशः संकेत करता है? प्रोटो रिकव-क्यू भेजें- क्यू स्थानीय पता विदेश पता राज्य टीसीपी 0 0 *: 8102 *: * लिस्टेन टीसीपी 0 0 *: ibm-db2 *: * धन्यवाद बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। इसका अर्थ है कि कोई अनुप्रयोग आपके कंप्यूटर पर टीसीपी पोर्ट 8102 और (मुझे लगता है) 446 या 523 पर सुन रहा है, जो आईबीएम डीबी 2 सर्वरों के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट पोर्ट है। पोर्ट पर सुनना एप्लिकेशन को नेटवर्क पर अन्य कंप्यूटरों से कनेक्शन प्राप्त करने की अनुमति देता है। विदेशी पता कॉलम उस आईपी पते को इंगित करता है कि आप किससे कनेक्ट हैं। अभी, ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि आप किसी से नहीं जुड़े हैं, इसलिए क्यों *। * प्रकट होता है।

android - Progress bar in notification bar when uploading image? -

I want to upload an image to my web server on a web server. I am thinking that by entering an entry in the "Information bar" it is possible to show the progress of the upload in some way. I see that the Facebook app does this. When you take a picture and choose to upload, the app lets you continue, and in any way, the image upload notification in the progress bar in the notification bar, I think that much It's clever, I guess they have to handle a new service or something to upload, and predict the progress bar in the Notification Bar every time it stops. Thanks for any thoughts You can design a custom notification , Instead of just the headers and sub-header's default notification view. What do you want here:

xaml - how do i make that dang wpf popup go away? -

When I use a popup, it seems to hang around, in the code given below I override a template By applying a popup to a text box, and when the focus is on the text box, a popup is displayed. When you remove popups on the next tab of the screen element, but if you only alt-tab another application, the popup in the foreground stays how do I get rid of it? & lt; Window x: class = "dropdown picture. Window 1" xmlns = "" Xmlns: x = " 2006 / xaml "title =" window 1 "height =" 300 "width =" 300 "& gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; StackPanel & gt; & Lt; Text box text = "hello" & gt; & Lt; TextBox.Style & gt; & Lt ;! - Simple Text Box - & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "{x: type text box}" & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation" Value = ...