
Showing posts from June, 2015

iphone - Initialize UIPickerView -

I want to create a UIPickerView with the easiest way possible, because whatever I know is enough to help me Okay, what I believe is that I'm trying to get a UISegmented that will end up making the UIPickerView but I would like to create a UIPickerView which is when I break into an animated control Segment is selected, and also the sequence of an array It is believed to be used in which there is a red green color color OK, what do I believe that I am trying to get a UIEfEDad created by UIPorkarview , But I want to create a UIPickerView that shows when I select a segment in the fractured animated animated, and the review is considered to use an array in which the red green C color blue color For your UISegmentedControl, you need to register target-action methods For example: [fragmented control tag] {auto action: @selector (updatedcakeer) control events: UI ControlAventWalls]; Within UpdatePicker, set a variable that corresponds to whatever you want in your picker...

Is it possible to insert data in MySQL from a SQL Server trigger? -

A fun question for Friday afternoon, no? As a question, is it possible to write a SQL Server trigger that incorporates data into a MySQL table? Edit: Yes, I address is basically a dumb idea and that should apply and so on. But is a legacy classic ASP application that we are converting into MySQL; And as long as we do not get rid of the ASP bit, we really want to be able to rebuke the MySQL system without touching the ASP code. Just mentioning it for the dragons causes it to crash. Thanks everyone! In order to write data to a separate database from SQL Server, you first need to be on a SQL server Linked server instance must be created which points to the appropriate credentials / permissions along with other DB (MySQL in this example).

Objective-C Array Iteration Speed -

I am working on an application, I have an NSMutableArray which stores 20 or so sprites through me Need to repeat faster and efficiently than it is for my purposes the speed is not optimum ... I am getting two values ​​from every phantom because it repeats through it, is it more efficient to repeat through the array (Fast), then the CRPP An array of the CRPant says? Or instead of CGPIT, create a custom square for the sole purpose of handling only two integer values. Either way, what is the speed influenced by the type of objects or values ​​stored in the array? T thinks that you should be worried about the speed of walking on only 20 items.

multithreading - How to kill deadlocked threads in Java? -

I want to kill those threads that are stuck in the deadlock situation. First of all, we can use the findDeadlockedThreads () method of ThreadMXBean class in . Then, I want to kill thread with thread id, and thus I have two related questions: (1) How to get a thread control from thread id? (2) How can I kill the blocked thread? I think the invoking interrupt () method will give an exception to the thread and kill the thread. From the root thread group, you may have a thread class. After that you can match thread ID to your ID. After saying this, it is very dangerous due to the ability to leave objects in an inconsistent state. I do not believe that in the middle, the method will create a thread to free the person who is stuck in waiting on the sync lock, so (preventing evil) methods Also see: ""

.net - Stored procedure performance randomly plummets; trivial ALTER fixes it. Why? -

I have some stored procedures in SQL Server 2005 that I have seen, it will take quite a long time to complete suddenly My ASP.NET MVC app is running in the IIS 6 web form of four servers, the expected execution time is less than one second; Unexpected irregular execution time is 25-45 seconds The problem does not always look right. However, if I change the stored procedure (even if I can not change anything in the process, except that it is possible to modify the SSMS space created by the script command), the time of completion is expected Returns at the closing time. IIS and SQL Server are running on separate boxes, both run Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition. SQL Server Standard Edition is the Dual Xin E5450 3GHz CPU and 4 GB RAM in all machines. SQL Server can be accessed on Gigabit Ethernet using its TCP / IP protocol (Not sure what the physical medium). The problem exists from all web servers in the web form, when I call the process in a query window in SSMS on my...

PHP Zend Route Config.ini - similar patterns -

I am using a configuration file to route my requests to my application. I have the following entries: route.dial.product = "deal /: id / *" routes. Deal.defaults.controller = "deal" routes .deal.defaults.action = "index" routes. = "\ d +" routes. Deal.route = "deal / purchase /: id / *" routes .deal.defaults.controller = "deal" routes .deal.defaults = "\ d +" The behavior here is what I see: - This deal details 75 (will display with mysite equivalent) Com / deal /? Id = 75; Control = deal, action = index) - deal 75 or buy (controller = deal, action = purchase) - Equivalent to I can only do one thing, and not the other which is specified in the config before, it will be the one who will work. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here? Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks, oz the other ...

c# - WinForms Different DPI Layouts -

Controls and designers created through any form and visual studio to develop themselves on the basis of existing DPI / font size The ability to do a part of my UI of Windows is the tab control full of dynamic pages and labels / inputs prepared on the basis of user selection. When these are made, they use hard coded shapes that look right for 96 dpi. Is there an automatic path in the net to take these generated controls, for designer-generated control? I would like to avoid control scaling myself because this is the old code which does not keep up easily. Okay, this tab is technically easy to repeat the control collection and the scaling factor By multiplying points and size properties. But when you start accounting for dock and anchor properties, then it becomes very difficult. The simplest method so far is that Form Class Scaling Machinery will work for you. You will need to add control to the before tab pages that run the load event. Do this in the constructor. To ...

.net - Multidimensional Collections for a (CS) Graph Class Interface in C#? -

For jollies, I am trying to apply a graph data structure as an interface, so that I can see the graph class Can be implemented in the form of impresence as lists (lists of edges) with the minimum code or proximity matrix (2 dimensional array of edges). My question is, there is a way IGraph can apply the interface so that either: linkedlist & lt; Linked list & lt; IEdge & gt; & Gt; Or this: IEdge [,] Will the valid type be? Apart from this I have thought of everything else. Then you are using BCL Generics for the linked list. linked list & lt; Linked list & lt; IEdge & gt; & Gt; The structure should work fine.

Error #2044 on custom flash player using shadowbox -

Hello I am using the shadowbox and I am trying to load my video which has custom skin but someone Because of this, my custom flash player can not be found when I do not use the Shadow box, I can watch the video and see the skin. Thanks in advance! Are you including shadow-box-flv.js and / or shadowbox-swf.js Are the players as part of your solution? These are necessary, I had similar problems, and when I popped those files into my solution then it started to be magic.

iphone - Sorting an Array of custom objects by a dictionary included in the custom object: How? -

I have an array of custom objects that includes a dictionary in things like this: CustomDataModel * Data Model; DataModel.NSString dataModel.NSDictionary dataModel.image I would like to sort one of the objects in the dictionary: dataModel.NSDictionary ObjectWithkey = @ " " The data model loads into an NSArray. I now want to sort the @ "name" key in the dictionary. Can it handle some NSSortDescriptor? Basic sort works fine, so far it is not understood ... Your question is that 'It is completely clear to me, but you can try something like this on your NSArray: - (NSArray *) Sort items: (NSArray *) item; {NSSortDescriptor * sortNameDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @ "Names" ascending: No] Autoreclass]; NSArray * sortDescriptors = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: sortNameDescriptor, zero] autoreses]; Return [Items sorted by Desire descriptor: Sort descriptor]; }

c++ - What is the recommended way of passing keyboad events to QProcess transparently? -

I have a GUI application that creates inside QProcess , captures its output and It shows a specimen. In any way, I need to pass the main events by form to pass them to QProcess (close to the actual terminals window as close to possible). So, I suppose, I should process the keyReleaseEvent () and in any case either event.text () (which QString is ) or event.key () (which is int ) for the argument, process.write () Suitable for (which is char * or QByteArray ). Is there a recommended way to do such a conversion (localization problems in the account, ctrl / alt / shift modifiers and so on)? I really do not want to create some sort of mapping of strings from key () return values ​​to char * ; And the text () modifier returns. In addition, if I start the process with the command bash -c sudo something in QPrice, then it immediately comes out, "no TTI is present and No inquiry program specified ", so I am doing something wrong ... The problem is ...

objective c - I want to access call log of iphone can this is possible -

I want to develop an application in the iPhone with the objective-C which receives all the call details that we get incoming, outgoing And Miss Call. Is it possible that we can do this? No, public API in a non-jailbroken device, we can not do that.

ruby - Yield in view for multiple blocks -

I am writing a small synatra-based app and want to be able to include different items in the layout. For example, additional CSS / Javascript references in title or head . Currently my layout (ARB) looks like this (simplified): & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Hard coded title goes here & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" ... /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Hard coded title goes here & lt; / H1> & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; & Lt;% = yield% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Instead of being hard-coded and CSS / JS references, I want to accomplish something with these lines: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt;% = yield: title% & gt; & Lt; / Heading & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" .....

xquery brackets without FLWOR -

Hello I have a little lame question, although the answer can not be found. What happens if I leave the constructor bracket blank? For example {data (doctor ("somedata.xml") // node [0])} I mean, I know what happens, but how is it applied when it is parsed? Is that so? {$ i for "0" return data (doctor ("somedata.xml") // node [0])} This is not really the case; An FLWOR expression is another expression in many ways it may be that an FLWOR expression is executed as a SQL expression, but it is not necessary to do so. XQuery can be seen as a functional programming language (such as Haskell), which is going to be declarative structures (as and how the order is). Expression 1 + 2 is just an exquity expression that adds numbers 1 and 2, no one should be implicit in the expression of FLWOR around it If you want to fully consider XQuery in a tubal-based algebra, you can consider the input to be an empty tuple. By this I mean low. Vi...

Going from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 Express Editions -

I use C # and in the Visual Studio 2008 standard. I just found out that there is no Visual Studio 2010 standard. I can not really take Visual Studio 2010 Pro. Then what are I losing when (if) I started using the C # 2010 Express Web Dev 2010 Express Take a look at this, its full list is

java - When should we use intern method of String on String literals -

According to , the intern method is considered to be returning the string from the string pool if the string string pool Is found, otherwise a new string object will be added to the string pool and will be returned in the context of this string. So I tried to do this: string s1 = "Rakesh"; String s2 = "rakesh"; String S3 = "Rakesh" International (); If (s1 == s2) {System.out.println ("s1 and s2 are equal"); // 1.} if (s1 == s3) {System.out.println ("s1 and s3 are identical"); // 2.} I expected that s1 and s3 are identical will be printed because s3 is interned, and s1 and s2 The same will not be printed, but the result is: If both lines are printed, it means that the string constant is given internally by default. But if so, why do we need the intern method? In other words when should we use this method? This means that in many cases, the == operator works for strings in the same way as That he does for ints or oth...

datetime - Get date format like "Y-m-d H:i:s" from a php date -

Does any date know a way to get the string in which the format of the date is? I ask this because I want to customize this function which I have written, specially without the special timeframe of the time taken from the server. and Format ($ format); } Print get_timezone_offset ("Europe / Rome"); Print get_timezone_offset ("Europe / Rome", Date ("Y-M-DH: I: S")); Print get_timezone_offset ("Europe / Rome", Date ("Y-M-DH: I: S"), "Y-M-DH: I: S"); Print get_timezone_offset ("Europe / Rome", "2009-10-16 21:30:45", "Y-M-DH: I: S", "America / New York"); ? & Gt; I hope to avoid regular expression for reasons of execution, but I do not know if it is possible As far as I know, there is no guarantee of working backwards. The best way to get the expected popular formats (like \ d {2,4} [- /] \ D {2} [- /] \ d {2} for "YMD"), but I have regular expressions Ca...

lazy loading - NHibernate: Lazyload single property -

I recently moved my blogging from Linq2Sql to NHIbernate. I am stuck in following issue of performance: I have a table: 'post', whose ID, title, post content, date-ready columns and so on. The problem is, when I am creating "Recent Post List", I do not want the whole PostContent . In Linq2Sql you can set lazy loading on single property, so long as you do not really ask, it will not be part of the SQL query Map ( X => x.PostContent). > It was not working It seems that NHibernate does not support this, so my The question is how can I fix it? Is it possible to load the free without having to load your property in separate tables? Update: This capability is now available in NHibernate. See the details, where the sample absolutely is the scenario that you describe.

Commas instead of semicolons in MS Access lookup column -

I do not dare label myself as a programmer. But I'm running a storefront website. I want to label some of my products with several categories, including making a column in my MS Access database (called categories), which are separate categories for commas. I.e. "shirt, clothes, wearable, sports" I've added a lookup column that fixes it and includes the categories I select for a particular product. The problem is that When I export my database in a txt file, excel file, etc. ... this column shows with semicolon! "Shirts; Clothes; Wearable; Game" Now, I can replace all semicolons with commas in that column, but I hope MS Access is an easy way to do this. Maybe a setting I do not know? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Store a list of items in a field is a design error. Instead, you should have a table that relates to your main table, and this product stores the ID (it records the product for a particular link) and a category per record . ...

bit manipulation - Writing files in bit form to a file in C -

I am implementing the huffman algorithm in C. I've got basic functionality up to that point where binary codards are received. So for example, ABCD 100011000 or something similar will be. Now the question is how do you write this code in binary form in a compressed file. I mean, if I write it normally, then every 1 and 0 will be a letter, so there is no compression. I have to write those 1s and 0s in their bit form. This is possible in C. If so how? Collect bits until you have enough bits to fill a byte and then type it .. Example something like this: int current_bit = 0; Unsigned char bit_buffer; FILE * f; Zero WriteBit (int bit) {if (bit) bit_buffer | = (1 & lt; current_bit); Current_bit ++; If (current_bit == 8) {Fillit (and bit_ buffer, 1, 1, f); Current_bit = 0; Bit_buffer = 0; }} Once you write your bits, you have to flush the bit-buffer just to do this, just type current_bit equals zero: zero flush_Bits (zero) {while (current_bit) WriteBit (0); } ...

qt - QCheckBox: how to differentiate between user-induced changes to state and those made programmatically? -

Do I miss something or actually change the status of a QCheckBox without any (ready / built-in) program Is "zero state-critical (integer state)" emitting signal? The above signal is emitted whether called "zero setcheckstate (QT :: checkstate state)" or user has changed state through state, and there is no "StateAdit" signal with QLineEdit . Therefore, if there is no ready way to differentiate between QCheckBox's position between programming and user-driven changes, and only one option is "State Edit" or "Zero QObject :: blockSignals ( Bool block) with "negligible subclassing / adding, why should it happen, ie, is it (some kind) incompatibility (in QT)? otherwise connect to QAbstractButton :: toggled (bool checked); or QCheckBox :: state changed (int state);

c# - How to make sure the computer runs on NZST programmatically -

How can I synchronize NZST to system time by w32tm? And how can I make sure that it can not be automatically converted back by sync? Programming Do you want to stop the user from choosing your time zone? If you have a legitimate reason for this (i.e. you are a sysadmin), then define the appropriate group policy otherwise the user is able to choose his time zone.

Characters allowed in a URL -

Do anyone know the full list of characters that can be used without encoding within the GET? Right now I am using as az and 0-9 ... but I am trying to find the complete list. I also am interested in the continuing specification Chinese, Arabic URL (as will obviously have a big impact on my question) for coming in. From the specification: Thus, only alphanumerics, special characters " $ -_. +! * The use of reserved characters used for '(), ", and their reserve purposes can be unencoded within a URL. EDIT: As @Jook's Corpalla correctly, it was updated by RFC. It has expanded and clarified valid characters for the host, unfortunately it has not been copied and pasted easily, but I will try my best. In the previously matched sequence: $ /" & ";" "/" & ";" "/" ("/") / "*" / "+" / "," / / Code>

jquery form BASIC validation question -

I am trying to validate a form if there is no text in the input field, an error icon pops up it happens .. . And if anything is in input then a successful icon pops up. There are no true verification methods being used. You can see the form. As you can see, when you type something in the first field and you press the tab, the icon is decided correctly, but it will not work on any field after the first. Here's my junkie: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {var field = document.getElementById ('myFormField'); var icon = document.getElementById ('myIcon'); field.onchange = function () {icon.src = this.value? 'Success.png ':' Fail.png ';};}); & Lt; / Script & gt; I do not know how it works on all input fields, but I'm sure it's a simple fix. My HTML is set to: & lt; Input type = "text" class = "name" name = "name" tabindex = "1" id = ...

How to set background color for a Flex actionscript 3 project -

मैं फ्लेक्स एक्शनसीप्ट 3 प्रोजेक्ट के पृष्ठभूमि का रंग सेट करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। मैंने यह: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; सहित सभी प्रकार की चीजों की कोशिश की है। & Lt; mx: अनुप्रयोग xmlns: mx = "" लेआउट = "पूर्ण" पृष्ठभूमि Colour = "# FF0000" & gt; & Lt; / mx: आवेदन & gt; यह: SWF (पृष्ठभूमि का रंग = '0x000000', फ्रेम राइट = '30 ') और यह : [SWF (backgroundcolor = '# 000000', फ्रेम राइट = '30 ')] मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत? क्या ऐसा कुछ है जो यह सेट करने की मेरी क्षमता को ओवरराइड कर रहा है? मैं अपने मुख्य डिफ़ॉल्ट धावक में उपरोक्त पंक्तियां डाल रहा हूं। धन्यवाद सबसे पहले मुझे सही तरीके से काम करने लगता है।

sql - MySQL: Using REPLACE as part of an IN statement -

I'm trying to replace the comma instead of the empty space. If I try the place of selection ('1 2 3 4 5 6 7 86 9', '', ','); So I get exactly what I want in the string. However, if I look at it as part of an end statement, then I only return the first match (i.e., 1) This is my complete query: > Where or select aa.category_id, aa.yyyymm, aa.cat_balance_ytd gl_view_cat_balances aa.gl_id = '/ job // 9 and aa.fin_years_ago = 0 ** and (in aa.category_id REPLACE (option_id where detail_2 from gl_options as (select = 'GLREPFUNCJOB01'), ',', ')) ** Aakyyyymm and = (max (bb.yyyymm) bb where bb.gl_unique_id as gl_rep_cat_bals = Select aa.gl_unique_id and bb.category_id = Aa.category_id and bb.yyyymm & lt; = 200910); In the record GLRPFNCJob 01 includes '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 86 9' in field description 2 If someone has some useful signals that I How can I get the string in coma and use it in IN IN. I would like to hear a... - Intercept/Log all database calls to SQL Server from a .Net Assembly -

Is there a way to block / log all database calls from a netset. The primary purpose is to prepare all TSQL statements and send any buses from the logic layer assembly to the SQL Server database. This system should be available globally and should not be implemented in each assembly. This mechanism should be contrary to SQL Profiler, it should be provided with stack trace which generates SQL statement. The purpose of such a mechanism is to log all the SQL statements generated from an application and apply some analysis about it. This question is in relation to technology. Take a look at what the application query creates is capable of logging all queries regardless of the database .

ejb 3.0 - EJB and JPA and @OneToMany - Transaction too long? -

I am using EJB and JPA, and when I enter PhoneNumber in the The phone number is the attribute contact contact , sometimes it takes several minutes to actually return data. It does not just call anybody, nothing or anything, whenever I call it again, it does not even appear, it seems magical. In this way I access the data: For (contact c: contactFacade.findAll ()) {System.out.print (c.getName () + "" + C.getSurname () + ":"); (PhoneNumber PN: c.getPhoneNumbers ()) for {System.out.print (pn.getNumber (+) + "(" + pn.getDescription () + ");"); }} I am using mask session ejb generated by Netbeen (basic CRDude methods) it always prints the correct name and surname, sound and description only after a short time It is printed (it varies) by making it through the mask. I am guessing that there is something to do with the transaction, how can this be solved? These are my JPA entities: contact @Entity Public Category Contact Device S...

simple PHP $_GET sanitization question -

I have a record editing link which is a 7 alphnumeric text string that is always ZZZZ111 in the structure and then its Use MySQL query to pull all related data for that record ID. What mysql_real_escape_string () I need it in the case of codification $ _ GET ['id'] ? Or have more steps to keep my database safe? mysql_real_escape_string () will avoid any malicious characters Additionally, you To ensure that users are actually entering a valid input, such as / ^ [A-Za-z] {4} \ d {3} $ / one can use regex Are there.

Soft delete in cascade in NHibernate -

I try to delete a soft by applying DeleteEvent listeners Public class MyDeleteEventListener: DefaultDeleteEventListener (ISoftDeletable) unit; E.IsDeleted = true; CascadeBeforeDelete (session, persister, unit, unit entry, transientEntities ); CascadeAfterDelete (session, persister, entity, transientEntities);} Other {base.DeleteEntity (session, unit, entity entry, enabled cashdaillet enabled, active, transient end);}} } () But this sans Practices is one-to-many, mum-to-any solution to what many relationship?

regex - Formal language expressiveness of Perl patterns -

शास्त्रीय नियमित अभिव्यक्ति परिमित automata के बराबर हैं। "नियमित अभिव्यक्ति" के अधिकांश वर्तमान कार्यान्वयन कड़ाई से नियमित अभिव्यक्ति नहीं बोल रहे हैं लेकिन अधिक शक्तिशाली हैं। कुछ लोगों ने "नियमित अभिव्यक्ति" की बजाय "अधिक सटीक" शब्द की बजाय "पैटर्न" शब्द का उपयोग करना शुरू कर दिया है। एक आधुनिक "नियमित अभिव्यक्ति" जैसे कि पैटर्न 5 पर्ल में समर्थित? अपडेट: "पर्ल 5" का मतलब मेरा मतलब है कि पर्ल 5 में लागू की गई पैटर्न मिलान की कार्यक्षमता और कई अन्य भाषाओं (सी #, जावास्क्रिप्ट, आदि) द्वारा अपनाई गई थी और पर्ल के लिए कुछ विशिष्ट नहीं है उदाहरण के लिए, मैं एक पैरामीटर में पर्ल कोड को एम्बेड करने के लिए ट्रिक्स पर विचार नहीं करना चाहता। वहां इस विषय पर एक पर्लम्नक्स पर हाल ही की चर्चा थी:

objective c - detect when shakes an iPhone -

I have questions about finding the shake posted here, here's a warning: "Now ... I wanted to do something similar (in the iPhone OS 3.0+), only in my case I wanted to make it an app-wide so that I can alert many parts of an action when there is a shake. What I'm doing. First, I subclassed UIWindow, it's easy peasy to create a new class with an interface such as MotionWindow Create Ill.: Add a method like UIWindow (feel free to take your own, natch): - (zero) motionEnded: (UIEventSubtype) speed withEvent: (UIEvent *) Event {if (event.type == UIEventTypeMotion & amp; amp; event.subtype == UIEventSubtypeMotionShake} {[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @ "DeviceShaken" item: auto];}} Now, if you use a MainWindow.xib (Share Xcode template stuff), go there and change the class of your window object from UIWindow to MotionWindow or whatever you call it save to XB if you save the UISo Indo do programmatically set, instead use...

Echo problem with speakers in flash/red5 application for two-way video conferencing -

I have tried the code below right now, and this head works fine to reduce the echo on the phone. But the problem of echo remains because it is in the speaker case. public var intCountMilliSec: int = 0; Public Works IntLastActivityLevel: int = 0; Public var intLastLowestActivityLevel: int = 100; // 07-Dec-09 Personal Function CancelEcho (e: TimerEvent): zero {intCountMilliSec = intCountMilliSec + 50; If (Red5OutgoingMic.activityLevel> intLastActivityLevel) {intLastActivityLevel = Red5OutgoingMic.activityLevel; } (Red5OutgoingMic.activityLevel & lt; intLastLowestActivityLevel) {intLastLowestActivityLevel = Red5OutgoingMic.activityLevel; } If (IntimMiliciCCT> = 1500) {if (intLastActivityLevel> 20) {Red5OutgoingMic.gain * = 0.8; } If (Intlest Live ActiveLeft Left Any immediate help is appreciated. Experience is called feedback, it is a hardware issue, lifting sound emissions from the microphone speakers And it runs again through the speaker. Usually it comes i...

stored procedures - nhibernate sql-query results different from direct query results -

Update: I have answered my question below, take a peek and tell me if you have The best way is to get a list with Executive Summary: , 3}. I get this list {1, 1, 1} when calling method using code using NHibernate. ('1' is a complete result line, scalar is not '1') I have also experimented with different data sets and found the same behavior. Long story: I have a SQL function in SQL Server, which is called GetHistory (itemId). It gives a table with results when I ask SQL Management Studio I get a list of results. I query the function like this: GetHistory (10001) to * On the given DB, this results in 3 rows. Each row has a time, type and description. In NHibernate, I have specifically created a new unit for this, because there is no such organic table / unit so I have the mapping: & Lt; Generator class = "parent" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Property name = "type" column = "type" type = "small...

mysql - sql COUNT function returns an array instead of mysqli object? -

I want to count some lines in my database and I am using the following code: $ tag name = person; Tagged as $ Query = "SELECT COUNT (thread_tag_map.tag_id) tag, thread_tag_map where thread_tag_map.tag_id = and = '$ tagname'"; $ Result = $ this- & gt; Do_query ($ query); Return result; When I use print_r ($ result), it shows an associative array array ([tagcount]) => 3. This is not a Mysquali object Should I use mysqli_fetch_assoc? Can anyone explain? The exact description depends on an API dependent on the programming language.

java - eclipse library bundle - fails to export packages from some libraries -

I have created a simple plugin project in Eclipse 3.5 which stores only the third party libraries for use by other bundles. Eclipse RCP application worked as expected: I edited the manifests, exported the necessary packages and added the libraries to the build path (project build path as well as the Manifest Build path). After a few days, I added another jar in that project, the only step (exporting a package, construction path (linking libraries), but at this time I can not import square from other exported packages in that bundle Package Manifest Editor But clearly the selection was made in the classes, but the other statements exported by the bumped bus lines with curly red lines made me Importing still works, only the classes are invisible from the newly added lib. Do anyone have an idea that I can remember? I am feeling very strange and I know of the following Check: Make sure they are in the Build Configuration -> Order and Export field, and they can be exported ...

Is there a standard way to represent TSQL Minimum date in ASP.NET -

I want to start datetime unit for the least possible date in TSQL. (As you all know 1/1/1753 ) Is ASP.NET a standard way of representing this date? I mean DateTime.SQLMinValue (this does not exist), instead of new date time (year, month, date) ? If so, please post it, thank you! system. Scale type SQL DatetimeMinView; ... and for reference.

c# - Storing Images in DB - Networked Desktop Applications -

related: after reading Above the question, it seems that the preferred way of storing the image with the database is to store only the file path within the database. However, most of these answers seem to focus on the web server. In my case, I am developing a desktop application that will be used on many computers within intranet. A dedicated server will host the database, which will include information related to testing on different devices. Images need to be stored on the server in some way. Is there a right approach to accumulating images in the database, or even the same approach? Pros: The backup is limited to the database only. There is no need to open the server's file system on the network. Single Protocol for Server Information Access. Secure file access (user can not be in all images and can be removed) Cons: Display problems in the future if images are too high. Edit: As stated in the tag, the application is being written in C # / ....

version control - Git - remove and exclude configuration file -

2 weeks ago, I configured my application, which contained my password, it is not very useful. How can I extract the file from alleged history and make sure that it can not be used again? I want to remove the file from all the cutt trees because my password is included in it. you can git rm myConfigFile echo myConfigFile & Gt; Guidgear GIT Ad GTinter GIT Commit-M "From now on, my config file is no longer" Other extreme approaches (especially dangerous if you have already pushed your repo on a remote) that file Completely said to be removed from the history of the repo: git filter-branch --index-filter 'git update-index --remove myConfigFile' head (to use with care, and with the first backup) The question is more about that sensitive subject. The problem of this process is two times: If your repo is already cloned, you can never guarantee that the confidential information is actually Every other repo in "will go away" When o...

collections - Silverlight 3 DataGrid Grouping - Detecting Group Header Click or Header Expand/Collapse -

I am using PagedCollectionView in Silverlight 3 for group items in a data grid. I can find out when I click on group headers, but after 6 hours, there can be no way to do this. (So when a brief title is clicked, I can dynamically load the contents of the group) The datagrid is populated like this: PagedCollectionView Collection = New PagedCollectionView (orgMembers); Collection (group). Group (description of new property group ("generation")); DataGrid1 ItemsSource = Archive; Type an extension method to search for a specific element of a specific type: Public Static Search FindParentOfType & lt; T & gt; (This framework element element) {var parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent (element) as frameworkElement; While (parent! = Zero) {if (original is T) returns (T) (object) parent; Parents = WizardryHelper.GetParent (basic) Framework Element; } Return Default (T); } Mouse leftbuttonup event handle on the DataGrid: Private Zero passportgrid_MouseLe...

Database Normalization. To infinity and beyond? -

Text after " In fact how far should you generalize the example given below, and actually the level of generalization that meets this example? ("id" serial, "home_phone" text, "mobile_phone" text, "work_phone" text, "fax_phone" text, "email" text, "line 1" text, "line 2" text , "City_text", "state_id" integer, "pincode" text, "preferred_type" text, "first_name" text, "last_name" text, constraint "contact_info_pkey" primary key ("id"), "contact_info_fk_state_id" OIDs with the foreign key ("state_id") remove any action from the update on the "public states" ("id"), then not the action DEFERRABLE; It should be noted that each record can only record 0 or 1 house, mobile, work or fax number. Every phone number is fully functionally dependent on my primary key. What do I know about...

c - Floating point formatting in printf() -

I have an array of float where the data is stored with decimal points, so some 123.40000 123.45000 , 123.45600 ... now if I want to print these values ​​without typing 0 in the printf () They are finally without , 123.4 , 123.45 , 123.456 . Is this possible? if so, how? Use% g formatatter: Printf (" G ", 123.4000); 123.4 123.4 123.4 Trail zero is removed, but unfortunately, decimal is the decimal point, if partial part is zero. I do not know if there is any way of actually doing whatever you want to use printf () - I think that something like this is probably your best bet: #include & Lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Math.h> Zero print (FILE * f, double d) {if (d - floor (d) == 0.0) {fprintf (f, "% g.", D); } And {fprintf (f, "% g", d); }} Int main () {Print (stdout, 12.0); Print (standout, 12.300); }

flash - Can anyone point me to a AMF library in either Delphi or FreePascal? -

I did a simple search on general suspects (Google Code, Source Forge, SO) but no signal found AMF or Flash A project for Flex / Remoting. Has anyone stumbled on the project of this nature? Delphi presented on Kim Madson was presented using 'Flex / Flash / AIR KBMMW' . On Thursday, September 10, 2009, from 6:00 to 6:45, it may be of interest to you.

Rails helper functions -

मुझे रेल सहायक कार्य (जैसे form_for) की पूरी सूची कहां मिल सकती है? उनमें से अधिकांश ActionView :: सहायताकर्त्ताओं के अंतर्गत हैं। वहां अधिक उपलब्ध हैं, इसलिए रेल स्रोत डाउनलोड करना और नीचे दिखना है Action_view / सहायकों की संभावना आपकी सबसे अच्छी शर्त है।

c# - Scrolling of a Document -

I am working on an application on C #, which reads a PDF document. As we all know that most PDF readers have hand tools, which are used to scroll the document. My problem occurs when I use the hand tool to scroll the mouse, the speed of the movement of the mouse and the scrolling speed of the document is not synchronized, no matter how fast or slow the mouse is Let's move, the scrolling speed of the document remains the same. I need help developing the argument for this. In your mouse movement, determine where the mouse is located, and that document Scroll over it.

visual studio 2008 - What does the 'Rebuild All' setting do? -

In Visual Studio, there is an option to "rebuild all" from the build menu, what exactly does it do? This clears every project in your solution and rebuilds all the projects.

How to send a request to the current page with $.get in jQuery? -

& lt; form method = "get" & gt; ... & lt; / form & gt; एक फ़ॉर्म सबमिट करने की डिफ़ॉल्ट कार्रवाई की तरह? किया आप प्रयास करें $ .get (""); ?

PHP how to count the arrays values? -

I am trying to count all the values ​​in the array and checking that a value has been entered and if It displays such a message for this and if there was more then a value entered displays a different message for it. How do I enable it and where do I add it to my code? Here is the code below. if ($ array == 1) {echo $ array "entered"; } Else {Echo Flat (",", $ array). "Has been recorded"; } (

javascript - Set cursor at a length of 14 onfocus of a textbox -

Friends, I want to set the cursor to the text box in the length 14 that will not have any value Iknow initially The cursor will be at 0 and it wants to be at 14 Different approach uses better functions than Firefox, Opera and Chrome, which will do it for you. I use this one for my needs. function set cursor (node, pause) {node = (typef node == "string" || node installation string)? Document.getElementById (node): node; If (! Node) {return false; } And if (node.createTextRange) {var textRange = node.createTextRange (); TextRange.collapse (true); TextRange.moveEnd (POS); TextRange.moveStart (POS); (); Back true; } And if (node.Set selection store) {node.setSelectionRange (pos, pos); Back true; } return false; } Lastly, call it with your onfox handler. Goodluck

Internationalizing dynamic content in Rails -

We want to create an app where we want to show a translated version of dynamic content as well. Translight content will be uploaded by us (hence we do not need any translation logic). I was wondering if there is any other gem to think differently from the built-in i18n? I18n looks best for static data, but does not handle dynamic data. I worked on a similar situation I have developed a model to develop multi-lingual data in the database without creating a glance-up table, the advantage of doing this is that it requires very few schema changes thanks Andrew Internationalization blog post:

lisp - SBCL standard library documentation? -

Because of the ease of learning and speed I want to learn (I was playing with Lisp 3 years ago, and now I am refreshing it.) But how can I learn this in what is included in the standard library so that I can not apply things again? After Python is like a nightmare: The SBCL website has one that covers software , no words on the standard library. (For comparison, GNU Common Lisp's website has only sources and binaries.) As mentioned, it is very useful. Although this is a reference and thus is not very suitable for learning in my opinion. To learn, there are many books out there. I personally love a lot: by Peter Graham Peter Sebel by David Lumkins > You should also look at the existing code. I especially enjoyed reading any of the Libs by Eddie Vitz, but spread from different sources and to see how others use Lisp and its huge library to solve problems. If you can spend time even on IRC ( #lisp channel) and ask questions there. Or post code that you wro...

dll - Captcha not working with IIS -

A DLL file for my web application works fine on this local work by using MSCaptcha.dll, but the IIS server Not from solution: Your Select the application IIS 7 in Open Handler Mapping under IIS, either by double clicking on Handler Mapping or clicking "Open Feature" under the Action. Click on "add managed handler" under the action. In the "CaptchaImage.axd" request path without quotation marks Type MSCaptcha.CaptchaImageHandler Enter "MSCaptcha" without quotation marks in names and Click OK mvc - Parameterized controller constructor never gets hit -

With my pet project, I am trying to use the turbine as a di container. I am entering unity as a locatorprovider such as: static MvcApplication () {ServiceLocatorManager.SetLocatorProvider ((=) New Unity Ascivoljak ( )); } My user is a non-parameter manufacturer in the repository and I am registering it like this: public class UserRepositoryRegistration: IServiceRegistration {Public Zero Register ( IServiceLocator Locator) {Locator.Register & lt; IUserRepository, UserRepository & gt; (); }} Then I have my Home Controller that should accept the IUserRepository Public class HomeController: Controller {Private Readonly IUserRepository userRepository; Public Home Controller (IUserRepository repository) {userRepository = Repository; }} If I leave the parasail cellar (as above is in the code snippet) I get this (): server error '/' application The parameter-creator is not defined for this object. Description: An uncontrolled exception occurred during ...

svn - Status "S" in Subversion -

At some point was marked with all my working copy files "S" symbol as shown below: SVN Saint MS AclController.php S InstallationController.php S CustomerController.php S RedirController.php S IndexController.php S LoginController.php S OrderController.php S ProductController.php S SelfInstallController.php S SelfcareController.php $ the interesting thing is that it only happens int to do this particular job -. When I new project select the directory, it does not mark the "S" How to get rid of the annoying "S" symbols? This significantly decreases the clarity of WC position Update:. I standard SVN Switch using syntax can switch from time to time. This "S" symbol was not revealed until recently. Used to switch the command: SVN switch SVN + ssh: //xxxxxx/subversion/xxxxxxx/releases/1.0.16. Is there any way I can clear the "S" flag? Text after " This means that the files are from a different location in yo...

properties - How to over-write the property in Ant? -

is there a way to reassign the value to a new property function? Or is there another work available for that purpose? Depending on how you want to use modified property, for example, write the following Instead: & lt; Target name = "foo" & gt; & Lt; Echo message = "$ {my_property}" /> & Lt; / Target & gt; and with no other message, you can write: ; Macrodef name = "myecho" & gt; & Lt; Attribute name = "msg" /> & Lt; Sequential & gt; & Lt; Echo message = "@ {msg}" /> & Lt; / Sequential & gt; & Lt; / Macrodef> & Lt; Target name = "foo" & gt; & Lt; Myecho msg = "$ {my_property}" /> & Lt; Property name = "my_property2" value = "..." /> & Lt; Myecho msg = "$ {my_property2}" /> & Lt; / Target & gt;

c# - Parsing amount strings into numbers -

I am working on a system that recognizes paper documents using OCR engines. These documents are invoices containing amounts like total, VAT and Pure quantity. I need to parse these zodiac numbers, but they are using different symbols in decimal numbers and thousands to be different in each invoice in many formats and flavors. Are there. If I double the normal tryparse and double. I am trying to use PRS methods, they are usually unsuccessful for some amounts. These are some examples that I get in terms of amount "3.533.65" => 3533.65 "-133.696" = & gt; -133696 "-33.017" = & gt; -33017 "-166.713" = & gt; -166713 "-50888" => -5088.8 "0.423" = & gt; 0.423 "9,215,200" => 9215200 "1,443,840.00" => 1443840 I think what is the decimal separator and thousand divisor number and then the user has to decide whether this is correct or not. > I am thinking how to solve this pro...

c# - Limit collection by enum using lambda -

I have a collection of objects, one of the properties is "type" which is an enum. I want to limit the collection by using "lambda" and type I do not know how to do it. Thoughts? myname = myEnum.ValueIWant; Var filtered = item Where (P => P. type == type);

Force C++Builder to close a database session even if aborted -

Form 1 connects to a database and maintains connections in a published property Form1-> Dbession. In Project Source I want to make sure that this session has closed, even if the program exception (in a library) is thrown. In my code USEFORM ("fForm1.cpp", form1); When writing this code in WinMain try {application-> gt; Initialize (); Applications-> CreateForm (__class (TForm1), and Form 1); Application & gt; Run (); } __finally {form 1-> Dbsation-> Close (); } The compiler does not compile because it does not know TForm1. I can not include the header file because I also use the USEFORM and redistribute error. You do not need to add that. Finally, after WinMain () is blocked inside WinMain (), all active TForm objects are automatically free. Just close your mainframe to DBSition within your destructor.

Conway's Life: Iterate over a closed universe in Python -

I have just started learning python, and I'm trying to write a program for Conway's Game of Life . I am trying to create a closed universe with boundary conditions (which are the opposite sides / corners) I think I have done this, but when I run, I'm not walking on the loop, and how it works It does not work Thank you very much in advance! Def iterate_conway_closed (universe_t0, n_iter = 1, display = false): # This function is like your iterate_conway_open function # But instead of adding a zero protector body instead of as explained earlier Add a #ping 'ringing ring' Once you combine into the universe, use the same apply_rules # function as part 1 to actually implement the rules. # Note that unlike the 0 ring ring always for the open universe, the #ping ring will need to be updated after each call # Apply the rule to display the change in the height of the universe, width = universe_t0.shape universe_array = numpy .zeros ((height + 2, width + 2), dtype = numpy....

exception - Validation of .NET assemblies in C#? -

How do you check whether the assembly is a valid .NET assembly loaded? I currently have this code but unmanaged DLL has thrown BadImageFormatException. string [] filepaths = Directory.GetFiles (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (), "* .dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories); & Lt; Type & gt; Potential effects = new list & lt; Type & gt; (); Foreach (String phylaxate in the filepath) {assembly A = assembly. Loadfile (file path); PotentialEffects.AddRange (a.GetTypes ()); } Can you just catch this exception? See also this article here: Just catch the exception, assuming that a file is a valid assembly, the investigation will be much more expensive.

sql server - Joining INT column to comma separated list of INTs -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I am running SQL Server 2008, and some of the poorly stored data that I do not want to go but escape some queries Trying to try and clean through (millions of rows to deal with) I have a log table with some FK data, in a table as a comma separated strings, and in another table An integer pk I want to be able to join the integer's FK list for the proper PK int in the primary table. My query is like this: select L * Includes LOL (NOLOCK) Inside D (NOLOCK) from MyLogs but L.SearchValue = D.ID In the above query, L. SearchValue contains "12345645690", while D.D. An integer is the primary key. Is there any way to get together in any way in these efficient ways, or I just accept my luck and? Comma separated on different lines should start to break the values ​​in different rows. After all After that, you need to do any of these (modified for doing ints for ints) Select L * from MyLogs L (NOLOCK), Desc...

php - A function to get the smaller number -

I have 2 variables each number (integer) I first sort them for the lowest number and the second largest number For example: $ sortedVar = getSmaller (45, 62); // sorted at $ 45 worth = Gatesmler (87, 23); // back 23 Do you see what I have to do? Please can you help me? Thank you :) min - find the following values ​​.. If the first and only parameter is an array, then min () returns the lowest value in that array. If at least two criteria are provided, min () returns the lowest of these values. Note: Comparing the different types of values. For example, a non-numerical would be compared to someone, as if it was 0, but many non-numerical values ​​would be compared to alphanumeric. Be careful when passing arguments with mixed types of values ​​ Caution because minimum () can produce unexpected results ...

iis 6 - Get IIS Web Site identifier programmatically -

I am trying to use the app in the installation script of a web app that sets the IIS 6.0 Being installed on. Works as the following command: adsutil.vbs set w3svc / 1 / root / authflags 4 This is the command for the default web site , Its identifier is 1. However, new web applications have been given a generated identifier. In my case, the app installed by me was given the identifier of 2082238887, so my order should look like this adsutil.vbs set w3svc / 2082238887 / root / authflags 4 However, I only know this value before app install. How do I get this ID during a fresh installation? I have seen every example that you are working with the default web site for ads, and therefore have an ID of 1. Set up permissions through the Adsutil to install the app, get its identifier. This script allows you to provide and repeat the site name as a parameter on the Web when It does not match the site name you provided. I included code to update authflags, it can be run via ... - Reading config file without Configuration section -

Asked for a little embarrassment, but since I did not have to do this, it goes here I have a config The file contains the connection string for the app stored in this format. & lt; ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt; Clear /> & Lt; Add name = "MyConnectionStringName" connectionString = "{here is a connection string}" /> & Lt; / ConnectionStrings & gt; I tried the configuration manager but it requires that "configuration" is the basic element in the file, is there something else in the configuration name space, or should I just use LinqToXml? Update: I can not change anything in the file, the file is already already in use for some years of home framework. All content in the file is shown above Update 2: The second format reveals that this file is referenced from the & lt; ConnectionStrings configSource = "Config \ connectionstrings.config" /> which allows me to use the configuration ma...

compiler construction - Compiling to idiomatic C -

Are there any compilers for a fiction or lispi-ish language that compile idiomatic C? Most compilers provide something like machine language from C macros from there. I am thinking that there is anything that can create a readable code based on the high-level language. itemprop = "text"> is currently the only widely used compiler for common Lisp, which compiles C:. You have to see whether the output is sufficiently readable. A few years ago a company had sold a common Lisp compiler for the same purpose: compiling Lisp for 'Maintenance'. The compiler was very expensive. It is no longer available, but it is still used in one or two companies.

How to start writing an augmented reality application -

I am looking to build an augmented reality. Anyone can suggest a favorite tech forum to start writing such applications. I do not like a desktop application and no mobile app so I want to use a webcam with object recognition. Thank you! Another good place to look for. It's free and uses Flash + Action Switch 3. There are some good video tutorials for using the library in, I give you a link to them, but StackFarflow says that I have enough special for more than 1 URL I'm not.

sql - How do I create a view where column names are defined from query return values -

सबसे पहले, मेरी मेज लेआउट: tblEquippedItems: & lt ;-( तालिका नाम) slotid (FK), Itemid (FK), charid (FK) के & lt ;-( जिम्मेदार बताते हैं) तो मैं इस तालिका कि आइटम एक चरित्र सुसज्जित है या नहीं। स्लॉट आईडी आइटम स्लॉट को संदर्भित करता है, जहां मद, आयटिड के निवास से चिह्नित होता है। चरित्र ने उन पात्रों का वर्णन किया है जिनके पास इन सामानों को सुसज्जित है। मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं कुछ प्रारूपों में डेटा जैसे: कैरेक्टर का नाम | कंधे आइटम | हेड मद | लेग आइटम | ... | & Lt; - कॉलम नाम ज़लबार | तेंदुए के कंधे | तपस्या का सुप्रीम | तेंदुए का लेगिंग | ... | & Lt; - डेटा मान ^ - यह मेरा कमजोर एक प्रश्न परिणाम सेट का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के प्रयास किया गया था मैं एक दृश्य के रूप में इस का प्रतिनिधित्व करना चाहते हैं तो मैं की जरूरत नहीं है। डेटाबेस में एक अनावश्यक और अस्थायी तालिका है कॉलम के नाम को लुकअप तालिका से पूछना होगा जो आइटम स्लॉट नामों को संग्रहीत करता है। क्या इस तरह के एक दृश्य को परिभाषित करने का एक तरीका है? गतिशील एसक्यूएल हो सकता है? मुझे उस से बचने...

Weblogic Apache plugin and session stickiness -

If two web servers are configured between a load balancer and a weblogic cluster, then will the two Apache server maintain the session viscosity ? For example, to forward load balancers first Apache's first request and 1th Apache forward forward for 1 WL managed example. Regardless of the other requests of the same user, the load load is forwarded to the second Apache by the Balancer, the second Apache will be able to forward it to the 1 WLM angle instance, which was based on the first request rather than the second WL management, which There is no information about session information at all. What should be the behavior of the Weblogic Apache plugin? I do not want to enable session replication on the wl server cluster. section of Apache HTTP server plug-in: " In one request, the session information stored in a cookie or in POST data, or a reference in the encoded session session in a URL is a specific server example in which the session was originally installe...

How can I obtain a sketch or hand-drawn look in Silverlight for various controls? -

I am looking to create a Silverlight application that employs a control style as is being used or its What can happen next. I'm not sure how this looks best in Silverlight. My initial idea is that the clever use of a pixel-shaded effect on the desired control can only make the move, however, The search has failed. What can be the best way to do drawing with control Note: I am using Silverlight 3 but will not be opposed to using it Silverlight 4 Beta provides a more elegant solution for the problem. A hand drawn board style on which it Offers. An example of using their style is to say that this is for WPF's beta 2, but the source must be compiled and usable in later releases. Edit: It seems that the download has been broken. There may be some hunting ...

sql - Stored Procedure consist Add column, Update data for that column, and Select all data from that table -

I have written a stored procedure as the following: CREC SPSoNguoiThan @SNT IF is starting as int (choose column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.column where table_name = 'nanavin' and 'column_name =' sonangei tan ')) optional table NhanVien ADD SoNguoiThan otherwise updated NhanVien SET NhanVien.SoNguoiThan = (SELECT Count (MaNguoiThan) NguoiThan WHERE MaNV = NhanVien.MaNV Group by NhanVien.MaNV) Select End * from NhanVien where SoNguoiThan & gt; Go to the end of @SNT Then I get an error: Server: message 207, level 16, state 1, process SpsOgui tan, line 12 invalid The column name 'Soungoethan'. Server: Message 207, Level 16, State 1, Process Spsogyi Tan, Line 15 Invalid column name 'Soungoethan'. When the stored procedure is parsed during the called column, you receive an error. Run the internal code line from the line because they run different batch (updates) because columns exist. The only way around this is to use the d...

cocoa: NSString not removing all the characters -

I have an integer and for some reason it is not working after 16 or more. Here's my code: NSArray * sortedArray; Sorted array = [no other is sorted. Use Usage Function: First Numerical Reference: NULL]; Int count2 = [classified array count]; // NSLog (@ "% d", count2); Int z = 0; While (z & lt; count2) {NSString * myString = [sorted array objectuitux: z]; NSString * intstring = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", z]; NSString * stringwidthspace; StringWithoutSpaces = [[[mystring stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: intstring with string: @ ""] mutableCopy]; [Hopeless add object: stringWithoutSpaces]; NSLog (@ "% @", [Ashapoor ObjectOutIndex: Zed]); Z ++; } Edit: This is not int, this string is the row without the Spaces ... I can not understand what is the reason for it. "Whichever" " " etc. I am concerned that this is related to your first question, and that you can move the leading number and the...