performance - Does ASP.NET MVC perform better under IIS7 versus IIS6? -

I am currently running my ASP.NET MVC app on an IIS6 host, and they are not ready to upgrade Server, nor to transfer my site to the IIS7 server - unless I buy to transfer a new account.

Under IIS6, I understand that there are several wildcard mappings for obtaining NetWorkwork to process incoming processes. Connection for each type I believe there is a little overhead on it ...

Does ASP.NET MVCV perform better under IS7? I do not think it's still very important to my site, but as it grows, I'll need to understand it.

Thank you!

.NET applications (whether ASP.NET (MVC or otherwise), WCF, etc.) Better on IIS7 Should run because IIS7 was created with NAT.

Please see:

IIS 7.0 integrates the ASP.NET Runtime Extensibility model with the main server and takes ASP.NET. This allows developers to extend the IIS 7.0 server fully with the richness of ASP.NET 2.0 and NAT Framework, instead of using the lower level IIS C ++ API. Existing ASP.NET applications get immediate benefits from strict integration using existing SAP.NET features such as form content authentication, roles, and output caching for all content.


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