- User Control ViewState/State Help needed -

I need help with this code to work better, at present, what happens when it reloads I am opening the third value which is the calculation value. I want to reload my values ​​without losing the value of each property and reloading each instance of user control on the page.

Thanks in advance

  Personal _Length double = 0.0 Public property length (double) then get it (Me.ViewState ("calcLength") isnot nothing) In the form of the return CTYPE ("CalcLength") = View TateLength.Text = value.ToString () _Length = value Double Double as Private _Width = 0.0 Public Property Width () as End End End Property ( Me.ViewState ("calcwidth") isnot is nothing) Then return CTYPE (Me.ViewState ("calcwidth"), double) Finish return _Width End Set (ByVal get double as Me.ViewState (" Calcwidth ") = m Ly Me.txtwidth.Text = value.ToString () _Width = Value End Set End Property Private _calculatedboardfeet double = 0.0 Public Property CalculateBoardFeet () Go as double (Me.ViewState ("calculateboardfeet") isnot is nothing) If finished, I_ViewState ("calculateboardfeet") = value Me.lblCalculatedValue.Text = String.Format ("{0: f2}", value) _calculatedboardfeet = value, then _calculatedboardfeet = CTYPE (ViewState ("calculateboardfeet"), double) In this part I think that 'there is no point in the end property  

Although this is not possible Land cause of the problem I have now extended to study the rest of the code.

  elseif (Me.ViewState ("txtwidth") is nothing) After returning CTYPE (Me.ViewState ("txtwidth"), double)  
< P> ViewState item can not be found (i.e. nothing is ), how do you rate cast ad? This is similar to 3 properties


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