How do you make maps in Flash CS4 and then use them in iPhone games? -

I was watching a video showing a NGM Rolando 2 level designer. He used Flash CS4 to create the map. Would anyone know how would I go about doing this?

Just you should know, I am an intermediate programmer, I know Java and Objective-C both very well.

I do not know what I am saying is true or not, but hopefully my input will be useful:

It can only be that The level used in Rolando is only vector graphic images and designers which you have seen in the video. Like Flash CS4 as Sector Editor?

Then, I can be wrong here.

It is also possible that the game has some code that decodes flash files in some way usable levels - assuming that Apple has their "no interpreter" rules.

My final thought, which will be the least likely in my opinion, is that the game can be a flash game compiled to run on the iPhone using Adobe's Beta Flash-Iphone SDK is. I say this would be the least possible because I believe NGMOO has not used this method in their previous game and I do not know why they will resort to this method of developing iPhone apps suddenly.


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