Accessing Internet Explorer using -

I am trying to make a little executable, when different browsers like news sites open an IE browser on different websites is . For example, a tab for wsj, nytimes, etc. How can I use IE with What context do I need to add? I can not get any sample code, which I can work, I think it is for me because I will not take any library in my assembly?

  personal sub button 1_Click (as the system's Sub-sender object, byVal e In System.EventArgs) button 1 handle. Click on OpenURL ("") the end sub-private sub-openURL (ByVal URL as string) system. Diagnostics Process. Start (URL) and sub  


  Private sub button 1_Click (ByVal Sender as System.Object, ByVal e as System. EventArgs) button handle 1. Click Dim Light as object = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application") TheBrowser.Visible = TrueTheBrowser.Navigate ("") sub sub  

'or system Add context SHDocVw.dll by browsing.

  Personal sub button 1_Click (ByVal Sender as System.Object, ByVal and System.EventArgs) Handle button 1. Dum the brabrar = new SHDOCVive Internet Explorer Memory TheBrowser.Visib LE = True TheBrowser.Navigate (URL: = "") End Sub  


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