google app engine - What is "Python interpreter None"? -

I just created my first application for Google App Engine, which is called "Hello World" from Google App Engine The first lesson is, how to start tutorials. I tasted it on my computer (I'm using Windows XP), and it was working just fine - whenever I open a new window with my web browser (Firefox), then I always say "Hello I could see the world! !! ", which was a proof that he had worked

Before I created it, I do not know how to save the Notepad file as a .py file. I asked this

However, later I got a comment on my question saying:

"App Engine does not support Python 2.6. You release a Python 2.5 Sad, but true. "

So I uninstalled Python 2.6.4 and installed Python 2.5.4. In addition I uninstalled the Google App Engine Launcher and installed it again. When I was installing it a window was saying that all necessary essential items were found on my computer.

However, when I added an application to my existing and run it from the App Engine Launcher Said, so a message was saying:

"Python interpreter no one found. Project e: \ Python \ helloworld. Please confirm these values ​​in these preferences, or to fix it Take a reasonable measure for (Like installing Python). "

I tried to delete my application and re-create it - it has no advantage what should I do?

Well, it's basically saying that it can not get your currently installed Dragon Interface

It looks like you are on Windows so check your environment variable, especially the path and python pots, they are probably still pointing to the last 2.6 installation folder.


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