javascript - Embedding Content (iframes) with an HTML 4.01 doctype? -

I have been tasked to upgrade with a valid doctype some existing code that I HTML4.01 strict.

  & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 // N" "">  

In the code, I have a & lt; Iframe & gt; I have come across, and it does not sit properly.

  & lt; iframe OnLoad = "Javascript: LoadAddAttachmentiFrame ( 'stock-attachment -135', '/ CG-bin / Aksbra? more Attcakt and amp; S = Jianfacsijeti 7 and Maitiaidentifayr = stock-attachment -135' Jianfacsijeti 7 ');" Src = "/ xebrajustadiv.htm" Frembardr = 0 id = "stock-attachment -135-Atakfrem" name = "stock-attachment -135-Atakfrem" width = "525" height = "10" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt;  

It also seems that & lt; Iframe & gt; Html 4.01 does not include strict doctype.

I now have a way to actually embed content in a document that has to go where they claim there. Unfortunately, it requires that you use two different methods (for one and all other browsers); IE uses an ActiveX object, and the rest of the browser is a & lt; Object & gt; Tag Site as well have been thinking about the theory of XHTML and HTML 4.01 strict methodology which I refer to themselves.

I do not know the content of my html 4.01 right way to embed desperately to be working, and in addition I have been concerned that JavaScript meaning & lt; Iframe & gt; Is called in the open feature. Will not work with suggested methods in the tag; IE and & lt; Object & gt; For using ActiveX control Tag for all other browsers

Note: This question is really good and so I have it. Unfortunately, it seems that I am more likely to answer anyone on the Stackworflow, so I posted it with a link to the question here.

Iframe is not included as part of HTML 4.01 strict. See to see what document types are supported by tags.


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