Blob in Java/Hibernate/sql-server 2005 -

I am trying to insert an HTML blob into my SQL-Server 2005 database. I am using data-type [text] for the field, at last the blob will be there. I've added the '@Lub' annotation to the field in the domain model. The problem occurs when I'm trying to store HTML Blob larger than 65536 characters. It seems that this is the factor-limit for a text data type while using @LOB annotation. Ideally, I want to be completely joking instead of selecting it in multiple rows in the database. I appreciate any help or insights that can be provided. Thanks! _RAMI

Allow me to annotate clear: # @ lob # @ column (length = integer MAX_VALUE) // over reply to stack overflow
personal string HTML block;

On the Database Side (SQL Server 2005):
Make Tablet Dibo. IndustrialSiteShareBlab (

htmlBlob text tap ... ...)

Still looking for transitions after 65536 characters ...

Edit : I have printed the contents of all the possible strings (only 10 now) that will be inserted into the database. Every stroke seems to be all coheaters, given the fact that at the end of the string there is close HTML tag ....

Actually, I think whatever you want is a CLOB field quote:

BLOB and CLOB and NCLOB data types

JDBC Driver java.sql.Blob , implements all code of code> Java.sql.Clob , and java.sql.NClob interface.

Note: CLOB values ​​can be used with SQL Server 2005 large-value data types. Specifically, the CLOB type can be used with varchar (max) and nvarchar (max) data types, blob type varbinary (max) image data types, and NCLOB types can be used with ntext and nvarchar (max) .

In other words, if you need Unicode support, then use a VARCHAR (MAX) or NVARCHAR (MAX) about its maximum length:

The maximum storage size for

VARCHAR (MAX) is 2 ^ 31-1 bytes (2,147,483,647 bytes or 2 GB -1 bytes). Storage size is the actual length of data + 2 bytes recorded. The data entered can be as 0 characters in length. Since each letter uses the VARCHAR data type, one byte, the maximum length for a VARCHAR (maximum) data type is 2,147,483,645.

The maximum storage size for NVARCHAR (MAX) is also 2 ^ 31-1 bytes (2,147,483,647 bytes or 2 GB -1 bytes). Storage size, in bytes, the number of characters described twice is + 2 bytes. The data entered can be as 0 characters in length. Since each Unicode character uses two bytes in the NICHRAA data type, the maximum length of the NVHAR (Max) data type is 1,073,741,822.

This should be sufficient for your HTML

Edit: On the Hibernate side, your annotated organization looks fine On the side, it should be required however, you can try to use VARCHAR (MAX) instead of TEXT (and the text About this doubt can be removed).

  Make table diabo .indstrecceptorcheatblob (... HTMLblob varchar (max) NULL ...) By the way, what is the use of the hibernation quote you use Are you? And you are using the JDBC driver? 


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