Java server jvm installation on windows 32 bit systems -

I am trying to bunde Java as part of a Java product, which is silently installed with a single click And some problems:

In my installation there are the following requirements: should not be silent and do not need any user input or action, double click on the installation file (no configuration and post install phase ) Setting up Java So that JAVA_HOME points to a Java SE installation with a server jvm

Is it possible that this sun be done on a Win32 system with the Java installers? I know that by default JR is not a server jvm contian, but even public jerk installed Jdk has been installed (and java_mapped with HOME) does not include server JVM. In the sun, they recommend copying the file () in the README file ():

JR \ bin \ server \ on the Microsoft Windows platform, Java Hotspot (TM) server in JDK VM and Java Hotspot clients include both VM. However, the Java SE runtime environment for Microsoft Windows platforms includes only Java HotSpot client VM. People wishing to use Java Hotspot Server VM with the Java SE runtime environment can copy the J.D. \ Jr \ bin \ Servers folder to a Bin \ Servers directory in the Java SE runtime environment.

But it is difficult to automate this solution in a quietly reliable installment. There should be a better way of doing this without redirecting the whole Java distribution. Has anyone encountered the same problem and could come up with a more elegant solution?

Over the years, I manage Java like this: I download the installer, Installing somewhere, I package all files in a zip and then using that zip file to deploy Java. The installer will leave a lot of stuff in the registry and% WinDir%, etc., which you do not really need. This allows me to move some files (like bin \ server \ jvm.dll or related to security settings).

In this way, I can also embed in the Java application inside directory, independent of any previously installed version of Java.

Just before you start your application, set JAVA_HOME in a small batch script and you are good you use % ~ dp0 completely free (% ~ Dp0 can increase the path leading to the batch file).


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