c# - Html.RenderAction is not available after including Microsoft.Web.Mvc dll -
We want to use Html.RenderAction in our MVC1.0 project. I have downloaded the Futures Microsoft.Web.Mvc dll from codeplex, it has copied it into our project bin folder, and added a reference to it.
However, when I try to use it in any one, the HTML renderer action is still not available.
This may be a silly extension, which I am missing, but I do not know what else I have to do: (
PS I checked, and I really In "Microsoft Web.MVC.View Extensions.Renderer Action" and I complete the Visual Studio code, so it appears that DLL is included in the project correctly.
You can do this in web.config "Name space" tag.
gt; & gt; page & gt; & lt; namespace & gt; & lt; add namespace = "Microsoft. Web.Mvc "/> gt; & lt; / namespaces & gt; & lt; / pages & gt; & lt; /system.web>
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