Equivalent function to C's "_getch()" in Java? -

I use Google Wave, and I actually imitate the ability to send messages before pressing Enter key. Want to do

What is the function _getch () ?

is a Java equivalent?

I found a code, equivalent function of C "_getch ()

  public static zero getCH () {last JFrame frame = new JFrame ()); synchronize (frame) { Frame.setUndecorated (true); Frame.getRootPane () setWindowDecorationStyle (JRootPane.FRAME); Frame.addKeyListener (New keyListener) {@Override Public Zero Key is pressed) Pressed (keyEvent e) {Synchronize (frame) { Frame.SsetVisible (false); frame.dispose (); frame.notify ();}} @ Override Public Zero KeyRelated (KeyEvent e) {} Override Type of Public Wide (keyEvent e) {}}; frame.setVisible (Right); Education {frame.wait ();} catch (shown Iksepshn E-1) {}}}  


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