actionscript 3 - Flash AS3 class Object calling methods -

Hi all, I have a class file named MENSE and second class IC.

  package {import icon; Public class main {public var _time: string; Function main () {_time = "01:10"; IconObj = new icon (this); } Function timer function () {_time = newTime; }}} Package {public square icon {public var mytime: NUmber; Function Icon (Main Aub: *) {Trace ("My Time" + Main Oz .time)}}}  

// Sample Outout

// My Time 01: 10

How can I get the current update from the main section? Without calling the menobause Frequently whether this flash is possible in AS3, or for this idea Other alternate method.

Check you may have a timer that notifies your supervisor while changing time

T She already has the library for you to simplify this job. You can also use it for the same job.


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