redirect - Redirecting input to an executable from Excel VBA -
How do you redirect the input from the VBA to the executable? In particular, why do not the code given below work? WshShell = VBA.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "runme & lt; start.txt", 1, true
P> or RetVal = Shell ("runname
All rights are started, but the input is not redirected and it has to be typed manually in the command window. Also tried:
RetVal = Shell ("type start.txt | runme.exe", vbNormalFocus)
typed output pipe Start .txt
in runme.exe
returns a plain "file not found" error
However, when I type those different commands directly on the command line I do all that work.
I will answer the more general part of your question. You asked:
Specifically, why do not the code given below work?
WshShell.Run "runme & lt; start.txt", 1, true
The code does not work as expected The shell of WScript.Shell is not similar to the shell of cmd.exe, in particular, it does not redirect or pipe .
If you were able to debug the runam process, you would see that this two argument, & lt;
and start.txt
As previously answered, there are two ways to fix this:
WScript feed. Skip STNI directly and delete your redirect
set oExec = WshShell.exec (cmdLine)
oExec.StdIn.Write "first sign Some input for "& amp;
.UN "% COMSPEC% / c runema"
txt ", 1, true
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