c# - Why do I only see the last value from a List in my RichTextBox? -
Why is this code only outputing an element from the list?
Private Zero Button 3_Click (Object Sender, EventAgages E) {Task dozontitis = New DOSOMING (); Dosomething.calculate (); Fortate (float number dozzo. Display ()) {richTextBox1.Text = num.ToString (); }}
Where What you are doing, only the very last item will be displayed. There will be a better way to use stringbuilder dosomething.Display ()
return a list
richTextBox1.Text = = num.ToString ();
stringbilder sb = new stringbilder (); Forbidden (Float number dojoeming display). {Sb.Append (num.ToString () + Environment.NewLine); } RichTextBox1.Text = sb.ToString ();
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