html - Server Internal Error : Premature end of script headers in file.cgi -

I am running Apache server when I send an HTML request from CGI to call AGX, I have no answer Are getting.

I found the following error statement in the httpd / error_log file: Premiere of Script Header: File.cgi

When I warned the status code, that 500 internal server returned error .

How to solve it?

You should set the output of a full header to CGI output format:


If you are "time expired ..." error, most likely that you can Not supplying the header at the absolute minimum, you should return the content-type and then another alternate field, for example, a simple "Hello Ld "response will be:

  Content-Type: text / plain Hello world!  

Or a simple HTML example:

  Content type: Text / html & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; Hello World! & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;  

With content-type you may want to return to the other headers that contain cache, cookies, redirects, etc.


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