c# - Adding events like Oncopy,Oncut,Onpate to a dynamically generated text box -

High people,

How to add incidents such as Oncp, a dynamically generated in the Windows Forms Open applications on the text box ...

I previously on sub-classification text box I will think.

If there are "lots of" of these textboxes that you create; I will think about whether they can possibly be removed in run-time, and can also be added: Are there situations where you have ever been able to "disc-connect" by processing one or all special events Want to do this by one or all of these special text boxes

When you can create a strategy to override the Process CMDK for the form (enabled with the form preview key) to handle the issue of related keystate globally at the form level, I will not go there; I want to separate it into special case textbox. Here's the discussion of ProcessMDK:

You may be useful.

I want to create a special category for handling these special text boxes immediately and management, and with these special events- raisers their "endownment": You can get a list & lt; Text box & gt; Currently they are being used to "track" or, if you are sub-clinging, list & lt; Specialtextbox & gt;

..., we are leaving the whole point of the possibility of a paste or copy triggered by a selection from the default of the text box menu: Are you enabling it? Is it important for you? Do you need to "press the menu"? If you still want to be on that menu, and still can "catch" the events: Imho are going to define a sub-class text box and a WndProc and hold events like WM_Paste. ...

A text box and a complete example of the code for the process of the process is ProcessCmdKeys and trapping the events that you are interested in here:

< P> But please note that I have not used the above code or tested it, it was filed only in the "collection" of my snippet, but at the very least, it will give you a study base ... if you have sub-classes


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