java - Is there a Queue (PriorityQueue) implementation which is also a Set? -
I am looking for an implementation which is also one.
implementation if its elements should not be required to be compliant with the implementation of equal
Is there such an implementation for Java?
Update: I've implemented it now as an internal archive using a sorted set. So I had to implement missing methods only to complete the queue interface. I also forgot to mention that it should also be a bound line, therefore it shows potential and abandons the last element of the capacity if the capacity is fulfilled.
If enough to keep line with 'set-like' behavior, you can only duplicate entries I do not want to accept, so I think the sub-class priority question
and plus ()
, addAll ()
and offers ()
as follows:
@ Override Public Boolean Offer (ee) {if (in (e)) {return false; } And {return super.offer (e); }}
BTW - add ()
call offer ()
internally, so maybe it's only to override There is enough offer ()
method and check there.
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