uitableview - Which is the best way to change the color/view of disclosure indicator accessory view in a table view cell in iOS? -
I need to change the color of the accessory disclosureIndicatorView
in a UITableViewCell
. I think there are two ways to do this, but I did not understand who is the optimal accessoryView
- so here's what I think I can do
I A utility is written. The class which creates content footage (Add stuff like background color, add other content, etc.) to my cell and I add this code to the cell in UITableViewCell is the property of
. Then I can use the setAccessoryView: UIImageView pass
view as the and as the image that I want to capture
utility class UITableViewDelegate
. Another option is to draw a UIImage
overriding drawRect
option 1 display - . I can get things done by apples, just let them see and they rest. But I think that adding a new UIView
object to each line can be out to reduce heavy object allocation and frame rate in my contentView
in a UIImage Compared to the object, I believe that the code is lighter than
Please throw some light people and help me decide on this.
But I think adding a new UIView object to each line is heavy oz allocation and frames The rate can be out to reduce. Compared to just one UIImage object in my ContentView, I believe UIImage is lighter than UIView.
Direct image drawing will be better performance by adding almost one subview, you will need to determine whether additional performance is necessary or not. I have used some secondary scenes on the basic cells for custom disclosure indicators and the performance was fine. However, if you are already doing a custom drawing for content reset, it may not be difficult to do the secondary scene too.
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