Manage timeouts in the Reporting Services 2005 -

There are some problems I have a report that is executed for a long time. When an hour passes "The page can not be displayed" error appears I think it is smth. With timeout settings

this setting was increased:

C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL.2 \ ReportingServices \ ReportManager \ Web.config C: \ Program Files Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL.2 \ Reporting Services \ ReportServer \ Web.config

& lt; HttpRuntime executionTimeout = " 18000 " />

C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL.2 \ Reporting Services \ ReportServer \ rsreportserver.config

& lt; Add Key = "SQLCommandTimeoutSeconds" value = " 18000 " />
& lt; Add Key = "MaxActiveReqForOneUser" value = "20" />
& lt; Add Key = "DatabaseCatetime Time" value = " 18000 " />

Report Manager-> Site Settings> Report Execution Timeout-> Select " Strong> No timeout report execution ".

The change does not solve my problem.

In IIS configuration? Are there any other timeout settings I should increase?

Hope for your help, thanks.

Some of the options:

1) Modify session timefile And SessionAccessTimeout System Properties

Here is a sample script for rs.exe that will set these values ​​for you:

  Public sub-main () Dim ProPress () As [property] props = new [property] () {new [property] (), new [property] ()} props (0) .name = "sessiontimeout" props (0) .value = timeout props (1 ) .Name = "sessionAccessTimeout" props (1) .value = timeout rs.SetSystemProperties (props) end sub  

You can run this script with the following script:

Rs -i sessionTimeout.rss -s -v timeout = "6000" timeout is expressed in seconds, so this example is true About one hour and session sets EccessTimeouts about R and Time.


2) Replace report execution timeout through Report Manager Open Report Manager At the top of the page, click Site Settings. Opens the General Property page of

Specify the report execution timeout whether the report processing time after a certain number of seconds. (Via)

3) Set the HTTPRT Time Execution Timeout

a Start -> Administrative Tools -> Report Server by visiting Internet Information Services The web Open the config file.

b From there, expand web sites -> click on the default web site, and ReportServer on the right hand side, 'Web. Right-click on 'config' and select 'Open'.

c Locate the HttpRuntime parameter if it does not exist, you have to create it in the section.

Set the execution timeout value to d '10800' (3 hours) as shown below:

  & lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; HttpRuntime executionTimeout = "10800" /> & Lt; /system.web>  

4) Increase script timeout on report server

  1. Go to your reporting server and open Internet Information Services; Right-click on Report Server and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Options tab and set the ASP script timeout to 300 seconds (it does not really work for me).

  1. Open your web browser on the server and go to
  2. Navigate to the report location and report the problem Click.
  3. On the left hand panel, click Properties.
  4. In the 'Report Execution Timeout' 'Do not perform timeout reports' (through)


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