Sorting output with awk, and formatting it -

I have to format the output of ls -la to include the modified files in December I am trying and output them well, this is what they currently see:

 ls -la | Awk {'print $ 6, $ 7, $ 8, $ 9, $ 10'} | Grep "Dec." | | Sort-R | Head-5 Dec 4 20:15 Folder / 4 Dec 19:51 ./4 Dec 17:42 Folder \ John / 4 Dec 16:19 Homework \ MAT \ 08/4 December 16:05 folder \ Smith / 

etc. ..

How can I set something like "./" and "../" to do something like a regular expression,

How can I also do this for those folders except for the slash "\" in which they have spaces? Id wants to leave the slash at the end whether it is a shell command Possible Yam? Or would I have to use Pearl for modifications for testing? I want to have the time to stay as the date and time. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The box is Linux and it is being done through SSH.


What I have yet (thanks for this for Mark and GBN)

  LS-LF | Grep -vE '..? /? $ '| Awk '{for (i = 6; i & lt; = nf; i ++) printf ("% s", $ i); Printf ("\ n"); } '| Grep "Dec." | | Sort-R | Head-5  

Im just having a "one place" with "space" is having trouble in place. Thanks to all the help till this point!

You can use to do most of the work for you:

  Find - Mindpath 1-MaxPep 1-PRINTIFF "% TB% Td% TH:% TM% f \ n" | Grep "^ Dec" | Sort -r  

The root directory (..) is not included by default. -Mandapeth 1 is freed from the current directory (.). You can remove -maxdepth 1 to make it recursive, but to include the path with the filename, you % f to % p should be changed

This is the field in -printf :

  • % Tb - short month name
  • % Td -
  • % TM:% TM - hours and minutes
  • % f - filename

grep I line A match has been added for the beginning, so it will not match the file named "decimal", which was modified in November, and For Ahrn.


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