build process - Setting AssemblyFileVersion with MSBuild-call? -

We have a batch-based build program and we are using MSBuild only to compile our project-files from Visual Studio. We have also integrated our build-process in order to set the version of our software, we specify some environment variables in the main-script-script, which we use during build-up process. My problem is that I have to set the Assembly file assembly (assembly file) in my assembly-information. Is there any way to set up MSBuild to call an asset with the version? In this way (this does not work):

 % dotnetdir% msbuild.exe Viewer.csproj / property: Configuration = Release / Property: Platform = AnyCPU / property: AssemblyFileVersion =% Major%% The minor%.% Build%  

The resulting assembly should have file version % major%.% Minor%.% Build% . It is a pain for me to set up the assembly-setting-setting in all projects and this is a program that is against my philosophy (I do not want to change my source with automatic sources). The version must be set through the build script. It is not necessary that AssemblyFileVersion is set to AssemblyInfo.cs

Or is there a possibility to specify MSBuild to specify an XML-configuration-file that describes assembly-notifications?

Version and AssemblyInfo can work with the project.


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