objective c - Forcing Consecutive Animations with CABasicAnimation -

I have a notification that sets my model fire when some properties change, consequently a selector in a particular visual object According to the notification, the status of the scene is spread.

The notification causes a view on the window (always vertical or horizontal and always with a standard step size on the window) to go in a particular direction. It is possible that after the user-action, many notifications should be set on fire after one. For example, three notifications can be sent to move below three steps, then two further notifications can be sent to move the view into two steps.

The problem is that as I have done the animation, they are not continuously, therefore, in the previous example, although I gradually move the scene down to three places and then as a result of the notifications I want to go to two places, instead it moves in a new position in a slant direction.

Here is the code for my two selectors (note that the player determines the position of the scene according to the current model of the player model):

  - (zero) steps and windy : (NSN.Netification *) Notification {[Self placePlayer]; CABasicAnimation * moveAnimation = [CABASIC with Animation Animation: @ "Status"]; MoveAnimation.duration = 3; MoveAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards; // Probably not necessary step animation Deleted end = no; // Probably not necessary [[Self layer] addAnimation: moveAnimation forKey: @ "animatePosition"]; }  

Any suggestions on how to make many calls for this method give the animation the power to execute step-by-step instead of each other? Thanks!

I think what you might want to do here is that animation needs to be constantly And set an animation representative so that you can get the animation. DIDStop: End: The message is such that when an animation is completed, you can set the next one in the queue.


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