Accessing Videos AND Photos on Android 1.5 + -
So I'm trying to select a special piece media with my Android application which is the method used here Is doing this:
It works great, except for the fact that I can either choose between the video or the photo to present the user, not both at the same time . A good way to do this is:
startActivityForResult (new intent (Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI), SELECT_IMAGE);
I have used it many times, the best way is:
Intent Media Chooser = New Intent (Int. Action_GET_CONTENT); // Comma separated MIME type mediaChooser.setType ("Video / *, Picture / *"); StartActivityForResult (MediaTouch, 1);
Even this is not perfect at all, even if I have worked fine in everything used in it. This is an additional called "data" intended for the video onActivityResult ()
in each picture / user's gallery with the activity of each gallery / ASK, which will have content in selected media: / / URI
EDIT: Oops, in the selected media to receive URI, you really want to call getData () on the attribute on which ActiveActivation ()
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