How do I easily add a new method in Eclipse? -

A new coworker from the eclipse (jebolder) wants to know how to just click on a class and add a new method . I have right-clicked the class in the outline view, and it is not enough to ensure that there is no "new way" command, I can generate gates and setters, and prepare methods, and remove methods I can pull methods or push them down, all of which are very useful, but I do not know how to prepare a new method.

> I can type in private (or public), there is no place, and using code-assistance with control-space, and I can make a new method, and then I will use the right- I can click and change method signature from Refactor menu (Alt-shift-C), but it seems that in any way to immediately click on a class and create a new way to bring that method signing wizard instantly Be a good way to be Be it

Is there any way to do this?

The closest you can describe is that
1. Type the name of the method ( No modifier or anything else)
2. Press Ctrl-1 -> Create Method Stub 3. Press Alt-Shift-C to change the signature


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