api - Public stream to facebook's user wall with php? -

I create a Facebook app with php api, everything works fine when I have a user on the wall Message has to be made public

My code bellow

  $ appapikey = "xxxxxx"; $ Asrace = "xxxxxx"; $ Facebook = new Facebook ($ APK, APRICAN $); $ Fb_user = $ facebook- & gt; Need_login (); If (! $ Facebook- & gt; API_client- & gt; users_hasAppPermission ("publish_stream, status_update")) {echo '& lt; Fb: prompt-permission perms = "publish_stream, status_update" & gt; Click here to allow you to update your status and publish it on your stream. & Lt; / Fb: Quick-access & gt; '; {$ Facebook- & gt; API_client- & gt; Try Stream_light ($ message); } Hold (exception $ e) {resonant "public error" $ E- & gt; GetMessage (); }}  

I gave permission for publish_stream but still get error

  Unauthorized exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'unauthorized source IP Address (IP: 69.89.33.xxx) 'Stack Trace: # 0 /home/flexvnne/public_html/facebook/facebook/client/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php(345): FacebookRestClient-> Call_method ('facebook.users ....', array) # 1 /home/flexvnne/public_html/facebook/index.php(36): FacebookRestClient- & gt; PHP_ Fatal error: 'Unauthorized source IP address with unsolicited exception' FacebookRestClientException 'message (users' _getInfo' ('625757897', 'username') # 2 {main} / home / flexvnne / public_html / facebook / facebook / client IP was: 69.89.31.xxx) In / home / 

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This L looks like one of your users_getInfo () calls which is failing here, stream publication is not. My guess is that your Facebook developer applicationThe settings for your whitelist / check Blacklist - Your IP will be banned.