Running code in MatLab/Mathematica only after having written it all -

I would like to know what is the method that when using matlab, instead of interpreting that I line by line , If I allow everyone to write, and when I hit the "evaluation" button, or something like that coming from C ++ / C #, I want to write the code that I have to do, And then only run it.

Besides, I do not like it. Is there any way to do this?

I ask the same question about mathematics. I have heard that the workspace of Wolfham (which is not known by most persons at all) only does this, but universities do not like it, so I have never tried to do it.

If you write your code in the code code (.m extension), you can enter it once Can run.

Editor. save the file. To run you have some options:

  1. In the command line


  2. Press the "Assess" button in the editor (small green thing)

  3. In the editor, press Ctrl, Can be divided into cells that can be evaluated separately using Ctrl + ENTER:

    my_matlab_file .m :

      %% start (cell 1) x = 1; Y = 2; %% calculation (cell2) z = x + y  

    This is really useful when you have a long file that takes a long time to execute and you can change somewhere have to do. Instead of changing everything again, you can only evaluate the room where you made your update.

    .m-files can also be used to create a function. Example (mymeanfund.m) calculates the mean of

      function y = mymeanfunc (x)% Y = MYMEANFUNC (x) x y = sum (x (:)) / numel (x)  

    and run it by calling:

      & gt; & Gt; M = Moinfunk ([1 2 3 4]) M = 2.5  

    As a side note, using OOP since more recent versions of MATLAB is also completely possible is.


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