
Showing posts from July, 2011

End User Ad-Hoc Reporting Tool: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or Microsoft Access? -

Our centralized IT department has suggested two primary ad hoc query tools for our general user base of approximately 200 staff members. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 (SSMS) Microsoft Access 2003 environment Backend database is the only Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database to read. The schema is 400+ tables; Permission for access to raw data for our normal staff would be a disaster. We will create an "abstract layer" on raw data to run immediate questions for our general staff. The intangible layer can have the most possibilities. Many users have basic knowledge in Microsoft Access; No one has used SSMS. Which of the above tools (or alternatives) would definitely be the best for the user base of non-technical approximately 200? What are the pros and cons of each? In addition to this, the IT department has suggested to teach T-SQL people so that they can use SSMS. is it fair? The correct approach to take with yo...

python - What are the advantages and disadvantages of the require vs. import methods of loading code? -

रूबी की आवश्यकता का उपयोग करता है, पायथन import का उपयोग करता है। वे काफी अलग मॉडल हैं, और जब मैं की आवश्यकता मॉडल के लिए और अधिक उपयोग करता हूं, तो मुझे कुछ जगह मिल सकती है जहां मुझे लगता है कि मुझे यह पसंद है import अधिक। मैं उत्सुक हूँ कि लोग जो विशेष रूप से आसान-या अधिक दिलचस्प, इन मॉडलों में से प्रत्येक के साथ-साथ वे जितना कठिन हो। विशेष रूप से, यदि आप एक नई प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा लिख ​​रहे थे, तो आप कैसे डिजाइन करेंगे एक कोड लोडिंग तंत्र? कौन सा "पेशेवर" और "विपक्ष" आपके डिजाइन पसंद पर सबसे भारी वजन होगा? पायथन आयात में एक प्रमुख विशेषता है जिसमें यह दो चीजों को एक साथ मिलती है - आयात कैसे प्राप्त करें और किस स्थान का नाम शामिल करने के लिए यह बहुत स्पष्ट कोड बनाता है: import xml.sax यह निर्दिष्ट करता है कि हम किस कोड का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, नियमों के अनुसार पायथन खोज पथ। उसी समय, सभी वस्तुओं जो हम इस सटीक नेमस्पेस के नीचे रहने के लिए चाहते हैं, उदाहरण के लिए xml.sax.ContentHandler । मैं इसे रूबी की आवश्यकता के लिए एक लाभ के ... - random IIS session timeout -

I have a very awkward problem and I'm looking for any advice, an ASP running away from IS6. Net website that works well for the most part. However, sessions are being randomly cleared? So if I login ... click around, I've been booted randomly. Sometimes it happens after 30 seconds / 4 clicks, sometimes this is the first click, sometimes it's me Will not even login ... and sometimes it works fine ?? (The reason I know this is getting cleared because I print the session when I log off, and they are empty) I have taken a look at the IIS log, but they do not tell me much I suspect it may be a timezone problem ?, .. I was wondering if anyone has any information about whether it is a possibility or not? Besides, any tips about getting more information about what is happening in the session? The most awkward part about my problem so far is this randomness which will probably work as a good clue for the cause of an IIS / ASP.NET expert. (At least I hope so!) Another clu...

regex - Xpath replace function, processing matches -

I am writing a function for the "title case" string e.g. "This is a title" for "This is a title." The following line does not work because the regex group reference is lost (either I agree). Is there an easy way to uppercase my matching letter in the replacement function? Replace ($ input, '\ b [az]', upper-case ('$ 0')) \ b Expression XML Schema is not part of regular expressions. It is only considered as character B, and therefore you match with B after any other character. Your replacement string here is upper case ('$ 0') just $ 0 and so you replace the character (s) with it yourself Are there. You can not do this by using the function - you need something like xsl: analysis-string, from XSLT , but it is not available in XQuery 1.0. As far as I can tell the only way to solve it with a recursive function. If your separator is not required to be protected, a simple solution can be used to use tokens. Fu...

svn - what are your favourite subversion tips and tricks -

After the experience with source protection and subversion, subversion is my source control of choice .net I am developing with the command line filled with files which are not relevant and should be ignored. Since v1.5, ignoring the patterns of files and folders is a life saver that helps prevent missing files, inside of which I should check. Another tip that I find useful is "external" register: repo a - prag 1 - lib (retrieve the latest binary of external repo) repo (library) ) - Prage 1 - Prose 2 - Binary - v1 - Latest In this way, when I update, I also get the latest external assemblies. What are the tips and tricks for you as a facilitator of life, and as a developer?

iPhone - multiple text field search bar -

I am implementing a location-based keyword search if someone has seen the search bar of Yelp, I am trying to Basically once the search bar is clicked I want to provide a text field input for the keyword and the other for the location. Will the UI element sub-class? How would I go about it? I did a similar app some time ago. I did what I did in my app, these steps were followed (I do not give a brief description which is not part of the code): Initial format: I inserted a search bar in a navigation bar. (I programmed it in my code's viewDidLoad ). In my xib file of this class, I placed a view on top and under two UITextFields one under the other I hid the scene and from the height of the scene my Y coordinate So that they become - (viewHyight) . Functionality part Search Bar in the Representative Bar, - Search (BOOL) SearchBarginBeginEditing: (UISearchBar *) searchBar I Not back, animation part (mentioned I made my first text field the first reply... - Can I cache just the last page visited? -

Whether the client is the only way to cache the final page, or what I have to do is use javascript and Use Browser Functionality? You can cache the previous page on the server (output caching), but the reference from the next page There is no way to give it. Will a cross-page post work for you? They rebuild control positions on the previous page, and make them accessible on the current page. The information on the previous page is generally considered "state" information - for example, using an option is the condition of the cookies or session that needs to be stored in the information that you want to continue Are there.

database - Profiling Mnesia Queries -

Our Snine DB is running slowly and we think it should be somewhat faster. So we need to profile it and complete it, what is happening. There are several options which suggest themselves: run fprof and run the CPR and see which function is called a lot Though these are both standard performance monitoring style tools. The question is how do I actually do query profiling - which questions are taking the longest time if we were an oracle or mysqul shop, then we would run only one query profiler, which will be used to run long-term queries Will return. This is not a device that is available for Manasia. The question then is: What is a profile present? Profile is available for mania - nobody thinks me, but prove me wrong :) How did you profile your questions and optimize your Manisa database installation discussion One of the problems with fprof as a profiling tool is that it only tells you about a particular query if fprof tells me that the X is slow and I Do...

c# - How to re-write this inner join subquery from SQL to Lambda -

का चयन करें ulcch.ID, ulcch.UserLoginHistoryID, ulcch.StatusID, ulcch.ClientModuleID, ulcch.DeviceState, ulcch। UpdatedAt, ulcch.CreatedUserLoginClientConnectionHistory AS ulcch INNER से जुड़ें (का चयन करें MAX (बनाया गया) अधिकतम के रूप में UserLoginClientConnectionHistory AS ulcch1 GROUP द्वारा UserLoginHistoryID) एम पर m.MaxCreatedAt = ulcch.CreatedAt वहाँ कर सकते हैं इस प्रवेश तालिका में प्रति दिन 'डिवाइस राज्य' के बहुत सारे अपडेट हो सकते हैं। यह क्वेरी प्रत्येक दिन के लिए अंतिम अनूठे एक देता है। मुझे यह लम्ब्डा स्टेटमेंट के रूप में पुनः लिखे जाने चाहिए। यह कितनी दूर मुझे मिल गया, मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं सही रास्ते पर हूं और मेरा मैक्स () एक प्रकार की त्रुटि को फेंक रहा है, संभवत: क्योंकि समूह एक अन्य सूची या कुछ बना रहा है ... आशा है कि आप इसे अपने ऑब्जेक्ट उदाहरण से निकाल सकते हैं ....: एस userlogin.UserLoginClientConnectionHistories.Where (x = & gt; x.CreatedAt == userLoginClientConnectionHistoryRepository.GetAll (जेनेरिकस्टैटस सक्रिय) .GroupBy (y = & ...

how to comment sentence in sql query - in access 2007? -

How to comment in SQL query - Usage in 2007? Thanks in advance , you do not comment on the SQL code Can. Use a single quote (') to comment on the VBA code.

Why doesn't Inno Setup compiler set the version info correctly from hudson? -

If I run the INO Setup Compiler with a command line / batch file then it creates an XE with version information in the file name is. However, when I run from Hudson (the same command line), I do not get the version information. Maybe I'm missing something Is this a known issue? Edit: Env vars are ready for all users - not only my Login - Therefore, all the things in this service are accessed, which creates a command line. Edit: See my answer for a solution of this. As told by the "Tim", then the relative does not have the required work to define the path. Pre> #define MyAppVer GetFileVersion (SourcePath + "\ .. \ build \ Release MyExeName.exe") #if MyAppVer == "# # MyAppVer # - version information not found! #endif By prefixing with SourcePath , the relative path would start with that path InnoSetup-script is located.

multithreading - java synchronized block for more than 1 objects? -

I have two arrays, and I need to synchronize access to them in threads. I'm putting them in a synchronized block. The problem is, I can pass only one of them to go to the 'Synchronized' St. One. How do I ensure that access to both arrays is synchronized? Did I put them in a class and make a purpose of it? Or do I use only other arrays in the synchronized block, and it takes care of synchronized access to it? Thanks, Whatever you do no Do this: Synchronize (array1) {synchronize (array2) {// do stuff}} Unless you are very careful By then it is likely to lead. If you do this approach, then you should ensure that you have an irreversible partial order on the objects - Google "Dining Philosophers" to discuss the loss. What you actually have to do is a lock object that you want to access if you want to access the either array and then use the all array access If you want to do this, it will be safe on thick grains. You can do it like this: ...

stl - simulate virtual constructor in c++ -

In my application, I have to get some squares from the base class, the problem is that I want to implement derivative classification 3 C ++ is not a pure pure creator as a special producer implementation, it seemed quite desperate (I have been manually making the implementation of each class in order to ensure that special ctors have been implemented, not enough fun Have ) Had to examine. Tomorrow I found a crazy way to emulate a virtual ctor's collaboration: template To declare all derived classes with syntax: Class X: Private AbstractEnforcer And even if this is not a problem, because Enforcer () never called method (and even something like that [I hope !!!]) My question is this: "There is a meaning to force the derivative class to use it (not with macros) without the ebertclass parameter parametrising (because it is only a derivative of Level template class AbstractClass: Private AbstractEnforcer Your solution does not resolve the problem because...

newspaper site with joomla? -

I need to create a news site for a client, is Joomla good enough to create such a website? Are there other options for creating news sites? Thnx Yes, for a newspaper site, Joomla would be OK. You can post articles and classify them, add images and so on. According to the default articles, the homepage is organized into 2 columns, which is quite like the newspaper. If your needs are more complex then you can find useful for additional functionality. I also suggest that if you need some basic help, take a look at you. - How to get a server-side variable into JavaScript -

I want to value this javascript from the database (using as a descriptor in (c #). script I need to set a pass value in the bottom row: leftrightslide [cnt] = ' gt; The value of the derederer will be passed in the JavaScript array. See the following: Detader K Create a string from the server side and register it. OR Use the register server antitrust (arrayname, arrayview) from server side, see the following for it:

parsing - XMLLite parser hangs -

I am parsing XML using XMLLite I think that when it has a relatively large file, the reader's Indicators fail to find the next element (tag) of the file. When I reduce the contents of the file, it can be successfully parsed. The reader constantly displays the node type "XMLNoteTap_Non" and fails to complete the parsing, while the loop gets trapped in an infinite. Do something with its file size? Or anything to start the process? There are approximately 9 000 bytes of data in my file. Thanks SUCCEEDED macro Do not use, to check whether you should continue with the resource Price given by IXmlReader :: Read instead, check that the return value of IXmlReader :: Read is equal to S_OK for the position of your loop.

objective c - Cocoa PDFKit Unlocking Encrypted Files -

I have a PDF document in which the owner is set password but there is no user password so it is encrypted. I want to know the owner's password and use PDFKit to confirm when the document has been decrypted. When I use the PDFDocument unlockWithPassword method which is the answer yes the file is unlocked although this method also gives yes when the file is unlocked by a user password and not the owner password. The unlockWithPassword method does not appear to be the state of the isEncrpyted method which I tried to use to define decryption to change. I want the file decrpyt so that I can use the method of writing, there is no security to write a new file. At the moment, when calling this method on document object results, call in a file with zero length. I think this is due to the encryption. I'm going about this in the right way or I should use a different way to decrypt the pdf file. Once you unlock the PDF, you have to write it back to a file using it Requir...

mkmapview - showsUserLocation returns pin instead of blue dot in iPhone simulator -

This is my -mapView: viewForAnnotation method, when I create annotation view, but when I mapView.showsUserLocation = YES; If I set the -viewDidLoad in , then I get the dropped pin on the infinite loop (in the expected - simulator) and not the normal blue dot. - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView: (MKMapView *) Map view view performance: (id & lt; MKAnnotation & gt;) Annotation {MKAnnotationView * anno = nil; // Create a pin annotation view MKPinAnnotationView * pin = [[[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithNnotation: annotation re-user: @ "pin"] autorelease]; [Pin set pin collar: mk pin annotation collarad]; Pin.animatesDrop = Yes; Pin.canShowCallout = Yes; Pin.calloutOffset = CGExMake (-5, 5); Ano = Pin; Returns Enno; } How can I leave pins and show blue dot? Thanks It's really easy to fix, even if it's unsure That is the correct way to do this ... if (annotation == mapView .userLocation) {return zero; // default to blue dot}

visual studio - How to install WebDev.WebServer.exe as a Standalone application? -

I can how to install a standalone application as Web Development Server Visual Studio (WebDev.WebServer.exe)? so you can get the latest code from our Web Designer SVN, then run Msbiaiaidi batch file to create the code, and then Web Development Server (Vebdiv. Webserver.) Introduced the code using a local Run a batch file to do Exe). Note: I do not want to not install Visual Studio on all of my machines. In Edit : I have as suggestions below and I get this error: Application WebDev.WebServer.EXE , version 9.0.30729.1, timestamp 0x488f1aa2, defective modules KERNEL32.dll, version 6.0.6001.18215, time stamp 0x49953395, exception code 0xe0434f4d, fault offset 0x000442eb, process id 0x% 9, the start time 0x% 10 applications. These files are required: We accept BDev .WebHost.dll WebDev.WebServer.EXE WebDev.WebServer.exe.manifest and you need to install WebDev can make WebDev.WebHost.dll installation @SET GACUTIL = "C: \ program files \ Microsoft SDKs \...

Draw to offscreen renderbuffer in OpenGL ES (iPhone) -

I am trying to create an offscreen render buffer in OpenGL ES on iPhone. I have created a buffer like this: glGenFramebuffersOES (1, and offscreen framebuffer); GlobeFramebufferOS (GL_FramMeFoOES, OffscreenFramebuffer); Glenzer BuffersOoS (1, and OffscreenRenderBuffer); GlobindorBufferOS (GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES, OffscreenRenderBuffer); GloFrefrbferferbuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES, GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES, OffscreenRenderBuffer); But I'm confused about how to render the storage. Apple's documentation says that EAGLContext renderBufferStorage: Drainable from: method, but it only for a render buffer (main display) Works. If I use the normal OpenGL function glRenderBufferStorageOES, then I can not seem to display it. Here's the code: // This is in the initial section: glRenderbufferStorageOES (GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES, GL_RGB8_OES, backingwidth, backingHight); // And this is when I try to attract it and display it: glBindFramebufferOES (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OE...

resources - How to get instance ID with PHP -

I see a way to get the example ID of a given object / resource with PHP, in the same way var_dump () Does: var_dump (curl_init ()); // Resource # 1 type curl var_dump (curl_init ()); / Resource # 2 Type Curl How do I get the frequency calculation without calling var_dump ()? Is this possible? To get the resource ID, change it to an integer: $ Resource = curl_init (); Var_dump ($ resource); Var_dump (intval ($ resource));

c++ - binary '=': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type "Button *" -

I have a menu class that is a singleton, now it's going to be three button objects, m_load, m_save, m_new . I'm calling their creators in an Init () method like this: Zero Menu :: Init () {Menu :: m_Load = new button (L "../ data / PNG / load .png "); Menu :: MISAV = New Button (L. ../ data / PNG / Save Page "); Menu :: m_New = new button (L. ../ data / png / new.png "); } and they are defined in the menu class menu in the menu.h file: Public Singleton & lt; Menu & gt; {Buddy Class Singleton & lt; Menu & gt; // Cutting Private: Menu (); Button m_load; Button m_Save; Button M_Newen; }; The compiler described in the Init method header is giving error. How are you trying to assign an indicator to a button in a button? button * m_Load;

multithreading - How to parallelize Sudoku solver using Grand Central Dispatch? -

As a programming drill, I have just finished writing a sudoku solver that uses back-tracking algorithms (see for a simple example written in C) To make this one step further, I would like to parallel it using the Snow Leopard GCD so that it runs on the core of all my machines. Can someone point me out how should I go about doing this and what code should I change? Thanks! Matte For one, back tracking is a deep search before Not directly parallel, because any new calculation result can not be used directly by other threads. Instead, you have to break the problem early, i.e. the thread # 1 starts with the first combination for the node in the back tracking graph, and makes the subfifty do the rest to find the rest. Thread # 2 starts with the second and possibly the second possible combination In short, possible combinations of n at the top level of the search space (possibly not "forward-track") N , then assign these to n n the starting point for threads. Al...

is there a popular C# library for working HTTP? Eg simplifing working with httpwebrequest etc -

Is there a popular C # library for working HTTP? For example, it is easy to work with httpwebrequest etc. For example, in order to upload an http file with some parameters, knowledge of several lines and HTTP protocol content format is required. WebClient does not do this manually. So being new, is there a well-known library that uses #developer? Thanks Web forms are stored in one of two formats: Application / X-www-form-urlcode and multipart / form-data . The website provides a very easy and convenient way to upload any kind of data. In the case of application / x-www-form-urlencoded , whatever you have to do it is to provide one. In the case of multipart / form-data , AFAIK, you will have to create your request data (which may include both file and name value pairs). Application / x-www-form-urlencoded Name Awakening FormData = New NameVillelection (); FormData ["q"] = "c # webclient post urlencoded"; FormData ["btnG"] = ...

Should I aggressively release memory while reading a file line by line in Perl? -

Should I release the memory aggressively to read the line by reading the file? Example: while (& lt; FILE & gt;) {my $ line = $ _; & Lt; Process line & gt; Undef ($ line); } $ line variable "underfilling" is a good option to reduce memory consumption? It should not make any difference because as the next loop starts running, the variable is released Whether you obviously do not know it or not.

api - How can I get the closing price of a stock for a particular date -

I would like to be in a stock symbol and date of pulling the closing value. Anyone know of any good free APIs? If this is the case then it is for non-commercial use. I know the easiest way is with Yahoo's Finance API here is an easy chart which has all the options Which you can pass (Read the full post, as it has been updated below): Be aware of some things: 1) Know the difference between the adjusted and adjusted prices if you are not careful, the division will make your meaning unaccounted. 2) Do not forget the effects of mergers and spin-off, go back very far and you are almost sure to rubbish. For example, think about the case of AT & T, which was bought, disappeared for a while, and then the name was revived. The decades of real value history of AT & T are unavailable.

concurrency - Why do books on concurrent programming always ignore data parallelism? -

In the last few years there has been a significant change towards data-parallel programming through systems such as OpenCL and CUDA, and so far Books were also published in the last six months, never even the subject of data-parallel programming. It is not suitable for every problem, but it seems that there is an important difference that is not being addressed. First of all, I would suggest that concurrent programming is not a parallel equivalent to parallel programming. Concurrent programming is about creating applications with loose-coupled tasks. For example, a dialogue window could have interaction with each control executed as a separate function. On the other hand, parallel programming is about broadcasting clearly about a computational task solution more than a piece of hardware, essentially always for any kind of performance reasons (note: even a lot Low RAM is an alternative cause when there is optional swapping. So, I have to ask in return: are the books you are talk...

writing formatted data of unknown length to a string (C programming) -

निम्नलिखित सी फ़ंक्शन: int sprintf (char * str, const char * format , ...); एक स्ट्रिंग में स्वरूपित डेटा लिखता है। Str के रूप में पारित सरणी का आकार पूरे स्वरूपित स्ट्रिंग को शामिल करने के लिए पर्याप्त होना चाहिए। हालांकि, क्या होगा अगर स्वरूपित स्ट्रिंग की लंबाई समय से पहले नहीं पता है? यह फ़ंक्शन (या ऐसा कोई अन्य फ़ंक्शन) किस प्रकार लिखा हुआ स्वरूपित डेटा हो सकता है, जिसकी लम्बाई अज्ञात है? उदाहरण के लिए: #include & lt; stdio ज & gt; Int main () {चार बफर [13]; Int n, a = 5, b = 3; N = sprintf (बफर, "% d प्लस% d है% d", a, b, a + b); Printf ("[% s] एक% d वर्ण लंबा स्ट्रिंग है \ n", बफ़र, एन); वापसी 0; } इस बफर को काम करने के लिए 13 या अधिक होने की आवश्यकता है यदि स्ट्रिंग की लंबाई अज्ञात थी, और बफर, उदाहरण के लिए 5 के लिए सेट किया गया है, यह काम नहीं करेगा मुझे ऐसी कोई आवश्यकता है जो बफर से बड़ा होने वाले तारों के लिए गतिशील रूप से बफर को आवंटित या पुन: निर्दिष्ट कर सकता है। आप क्या चाहते हैं इन दो कार्यों में से एक है: * snprintf ...

Java equivalent of Ruby ObjectSpace.each_object -

I'm looking for a way to get all the types of instant objects in Java. With Ruby you can use the ObjectSpace.each_object method: a = 102.7 b = 95.1 ObjectSpace.each_object {numeric} {| X | Px} 95.1 102.7 is not equal to this In this way you can do something in Java that every class will have to create and maintain a collection of all the examples. IMO, this would be a bad idea, unless there are exceptional circumstances that justify overheads. For starters, the "All Examples" collection will need to be implemented in such a way that avoid garbage retention.

php - How to select the latest version of answers given by each answerer in MySQL? -

A scenario is an inquiry and reply website. A responder can modify his answer, and save the history of the revision on the server. goes. Be default, only the latest version of each answer is displayed. Answerer_id by questionnaire = '$ questionid' select from the answer of the group * so I can group all the answers by answerer, so I need to choose the latest version of each subgroup get receive? The group by clause only starts using the first available row, so that you can sub-query Try to regenerate them using the latest answer to the top. Answerer_id by `dyn_answers` group as SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM from 'Answer' Where Q = '$ questionid' by ansverrer_id DESC)

fileinfo - How do I compare one collection of files to another in c#? -

I'm just learning C # (it's been weakened for about 2 days now) and I've decided That, for purposes of tilt, I will recreate an old app in VB6 (typically on a network) to synchronize files. When I wrote the code in VB6, then it worked almost like this: Create directory objects for source and destination source and Make a file entry object for the destination Repeat through the source object, and check to see if this destination is if not, then create it If so, see if the source version is new So far, I have it: private bool Sync Files (String Sources, String Destpath) {DirectoryInfo Source = New Directory Info (sourcePath); DirectoryInfo dest = New Directory Info (destPath); If (! Source.Exists) {logline ("source folder not found!"); return false; } If (! Dest.Exists) {logline ("Destination folder not found!"); return false; } FileInfo [] sourceFiles = source.GetFiles (); FileInfo [] destFiles = dest.GetFiles (); Foreach (fileInfo ...

DataReader best-practices -

Similar, but the answer was never found in what I really wanted to know about. Is there any criteria about obtaining value from a dotderer? I.e., is dataReader.GetString (dataReader.GetOrdinal ("ColumnName")); Is this considered as better / worse / similar? (string) data reader ["columnname"]; Here's how I do: Difference 32 Serial = Data Reader Getordinal ("column name"); If (DataReader.IsDBNull (ordinal)) yourString = dataReader.GetString (sortable); It is important to check DBNull as I have shown above because if the field is zero in the DataReader then this is an exception when you Try to recover.

mysql - delete data from database where date ... SQL -

मैं डेटाबेस से कुछ डेटा हटाना चाहता हूं: WHERE created_at & lt; 30 मिनट में > पुरानी तिथि की गणना करें और इसके साथ तुलना करें: WHERE बनाया_ट & lt; अब () - इंटरवल 30 मिनिट सभी उपलब्ध इकाइयों की सूची के लिए देखें।

java - Jelly + JavaScript -

The idea that I am working with it is the most complex thing for me. So the question is how to use javascript code in jelly scripts PS "Hello World" is working well but simple "for" loop There are many problems in ... Not sure that this is what you are expecting However, in the context of a JavaScript file (for example): & lt; Script ... src = "$ {rootURL} / plugin / findbugs / tabview-min.js" / & gt; About the "part", I do not get it at all, do you mean jelly?

c++ - instantiated from here error -

My compiler is torturing me with this instant error which I can not fully understand. I have the template class list item: template & lt; Class T & gt; Class tListItem {public: tListItem (tt) {tData = t; Next = 0;} tListItem * Next; T data () {return tData;} private: t tudata; }; If I try to start an object with a non-primitive data type like-: sPacket zomg ("whaever", 1) I am TListItem & LT; SPacket & gt; Z (ZOMG); My compiler always throws this error. The error isn along with the primitive types are thrown away. The output from the compiler is: ./linkedList/tListItem.h: constructor at TLITIT & lt; T & gt; :: tListItem (t) [t = with sPacket] ': recvBufTest.cpp: 15: from here immediately ../linkedList/tListItem.h:4: error: to call' packet :: call packet () ' No matches for '../packetz/sPacket.h:2: Note: Candidates are: sPacket :: sPacket (const char *, int) ../packetz/sPacket.h: 1: Note: sPacket :: sPacket (const ...

ruby - where is the RubyGems remote server -

In fact, there is no question, but the one I was about to ask was the answer because I was just looking at the document (my mistake) at Google. I found the answer by looking at the orders of the gem and the question was: Where is the reboot server? Answer - Run the command: Gem source - Gives information and allows you to add / remove remote sources Gem Environment is also going on. Answer - Run Command: Mani Sources - Gives information and lets you add / remove remote sources, so that gem environment - will produce more information.

codeigniter - T_STRING error on line that just says <?php -

So I am writing a script in codeigniter, and I get the following error message: Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 1 at /home/globalar/public_html/ The only problem: that line The only thing on this is: & lt; Php So I'm quite mysterious as to what's going on here? Did I type incorrect PHP or what? There may be a problem with your editor when updating the file. I just had this problem and the editor removed all the line breaks. If you are unsure then try to open your PHP file in any other editor or use Cpanel File Manager to take the peak.

How do you change the "click to edit" column in sharepoint? -

How do you change the "Click to edit" column in SharePoint? See the definition of columns live in styles. XML files, that means changing whole installation means, you also have javascript to overlay the actual columns. NET to create a new column of functionality with your specific rules.

PHP: Get PHP's variables, functions, constants from a php file -

Is there a way to define user defined php works, variable, from a php file? The following functions are the best way to do this because they are not all decalred functions / wars / constants (built-in constants and hundreds of php functions with built-in php functions): Suppose I would like this file to be myfile.php : & lt; Php $ title = 'sample application'; $ Copyright = 'copyright and copy; 2009 '; $ My_array = array ('Sarfraz', 'Ahmed', 'Chandio'); Define ('_CASTE', 'Chandio'); Define ('___', 'Pakistan'); Add function ($ val1, $ val2) {return ($ val1 + $ val2); } Decrease function ($ val1, $ val2) {return ($ val1 - $ val2); }? & Gt; Now how can I get all the variables / functions / constants from that file and maybe store in an array? Thanks You probably want to try PHP Tokenizer From an external script:. & lt ;? Php var_dump (token_get_all (file_get_contents ('mysc...

jquery plugins - Livequery fires click no matter where the user clicks in the document -

I changed the traditional selection / option form elements with a nifty short popup window while clicking on the trigger image. The page is for accounting purposes and therefore many line items are expected. I have written javascript which will dynamically select new line item / selection elements. When the page is loaded, the initial set of option loads and users can click on it, with some options pop up can get , One can choose and then the box stops. The steps for the next choice and so on and even further. I've added livequery to my code for those dynamic elements ... livequery ("click" ...) does not matter where the user clicks on the page. Very disappointing I've read here that how great is "jQuery" in jQuery, but I'm not fully able to upgrade to 3G because custom js depends on file 1.2, so Live () is out of the question, although I have implemented the livequery () plugin and I really need to understand if I am using it correctly. I will p...

versioning - Only increase build number for formal release? -

बिल्ड नंबर बढ़ाने के लिए आपकी रणनीति क्या है? अधिकांश सॉफ़्टवेयर में संस्करण संख्याओं का एक पदानुक्रम है: " मार्केटिंग "संस्करण संख्या (जैसे" विंडोज 7 ") मुख्य संस्करण संख्या - आमतौर पर जब एक बड़ा नया संस्करण है जो पिछले संस्करण के साथ कुछ संगतता को तोड़ता है तो बढ़ता है, एक प्रमुख नई क्षमता जोड़ता है, एक अपग्रेड खरीदने की आवश्यकता है , या अधिक। मामूली संस्करण संख्या - हर बार अपग्रेड किया गया है बग-फिक्स या मामूली सुविधा वृद्धि जो जनता के लिए जारी की गई है बिल्ड संख्या - यह हर बार बढ़ेगी कार्यक्रम में कोई बदलाव किया जाता है, ताकि अगर किसी को रात के निर्माण या बीटा-परीक्षण संस्करण में कोई समस्या मिल जाए, तो आप यह पहचान सकते हैं कि किस संस्करण का परीक्षण किया जा रहा है। यह संख्या अक्सर आपके संस्करण नियंत्रण प्रणाली जैसे उपवर्जन, या टाइमस्टैम्प से एक संशोधन नंबर होती है, या ऐसा कुछ ऐसा करने में आपके लिए कोड को उस संस्करण में रोल करना आसान हो जाता है यदि आवश्यक हो। - Eval script for server side control's ID property? -

Using the following Eval script to set the ID property generates an error. Error Message: The server tag is not well formed. & asp: panel runat = "server" id = "& lt;% # Eval (" RENTER_ID ")%> viewable =" false "& gt; Even when using an error message "Replace id property with error.", While using its error message "ID properties of any control only attribute ID tags Example can be set using: & lt; Asp: button runat = You can not do this Why do you want to? If so, you can refer to it at some point, you can use client-side ID through property. Example, as requested: & lt; Asp: repeater runat = "server" id = "refex" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; ASP: Panel Run = "Server" ID = "PNLFU" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" onclic = "alert ('& lt;% # control' (" PNLFu ") .client...

moss - An item with the same key has already been added. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Search.Admin.Pages.SearchAdminPageBase.ErrorHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e) -

When I go to the search settings page in the admin of the shared services, I receive the following error: An item with the same key has already been added. On Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Search.Admin.Pages.SearchSSPAdminPageBase.OnError on System.Web.UI on Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Search.Admin.Pages.SearchAdminPageBase.ErrorHandler (object sender, EventArgs e) (EventArgs e). Join System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain (Boolean System.Web.U.E.Page.ProcessRequest are Steshiv Bakassinkpoint, including Boolean Steshnsafrsink point system included). Vebkupikpisiarsiiiist (including Boolean include StagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean StageAfterAsyncPoint) on System.Web.UI.Page. System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestWithNoAssert (HttpContext References) in System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest (HttpContext References) in ASP._layouts_searchsspsettings_aspx.ProcessRequest (HttpContext Reference) in c: \ WINDOWS \ SystemWeb.UI on Microsoft.NET ProcessRequest () \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ Temp \. ASP...

ruby on rails - Table cell border -

यह मुझे उत्पन्न करने के लिए 2x2 तालिका है: r1c1 r1c2 r2c1 r2c1 - - दूसरे शब्दों में मुझे नीचे दायें सेल की निचली सीमा को प्रिंट करना चाहिए I यह मेरा कोड है: show.pdf.prawn # यह एक दो आयामी सरणी है: my_array = [["r1c1", "r1c2"], [" R2c1 ", झींगा :: टेबल :: सेल.न्यू (: टेक्स्ट = & gt;" r2c2 ",: सीमा_विधि = & gt; 1,: सीमा = & gt;: नीचे)]] #Table pdf.table my_array,: border_width = & gt ; 0 अच्छा, इस कोड के साथ मेरी कोई सीमा नहीं है! क्या किसी को कोई टिप है? यहाँ समाधान के रूप में जाना जाता है: # यह एक दो आयामी सरणी है: my_array = [["r1c1" , "R1c2"], ["आर 2 सी 1", प्रवण :: टेबल :: सेल.न्यू (: टेक्स्ट = & gt; "आर 2 सी 2",: सीमा_विधि = & gt; 1,: सीमाओं = & gt; [: नीचे])]] # तालिका pdf.table my_array, #: headers = & gt; ["एच 1", "एच 2"],: सीमा_स्टाइल = & gt; : अंडरलाइन_हेडर शीर्षलेख => ["एच 1", "एच 2"] आप ...

cross browser - What's the most correct way of stopping my pages from caching? -

Google is giving me mixed feedback, so I'm guessing that this browser is very subjective, but what you would recommend Where to stop pages caching? It's been awhile, but when I have this very always: Set: Cash-control: No-cache expiration: -1 cache-control: max-age-1 here about various nuances Has been told in

c++builder - C++ Builder Does Not Always Allow Breakpoints After Make -

In C + + Builder 5, when I set a breakpoint after 'creating' my project, I do not take a breakpoint. Normally there are dots next to those rows where you can set a breakpoint I will have to rebuild the entire project every time (and this is a big project) is there a way around it? The only reason with which I can come is that it is usually done by you to reset or edit the program After the debugging, the code will stay with me until I can update the latest codager.

jquery - how to select event by class in prototype -

In jQuery. I am starting an event by class how do you do this in the prototype. $ (".button"). Click (function () {var element = $ (this); var id = element.attr ("id");}); $$ ('.button'). ('Click', answerTotalClick); Click Reply to function (event) {var element = event.element (); Var id =; }

Silverlight (3.0): How to add cell padding to a Grid? -

How to add cell padding to a grid easily in Silverlight? There is a lot of noise to set the margin for each cell. & lt; Grid.RowDefinitions & gt; & Lt; RowDefinition Height = "Auto" /> & Lt; RowDefinition Height = "Auto" /> & Lt; /Grid.RowDefinitions> & Lt; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Column width = "Auto" /> & Lt; Column width = "*" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; TextBlock Text = "Type:" Grid.Column = "0" Grid. Rau = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; & Lt; Combo box grid Column = "1" grid. Row = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Combo box & gt; & Lt; Text block text = "length:" grid. Column = "0" grid. Line = "1" & gt; & Lt; / Textblocks & gt; & Lt; Text Box Grid Column = "1" grid. Rau = "1" & gt; & Lt; / Textblocks ...

NHibernate: how to retrieve an entity that "has" all entities with a certain predicate in Criteria -

I have an article with a set of sets this is not an "in" Specifically those who have all required categories - and others Currently my code has failed with this extraordinary effort: var c = session.CreateCriteria & lt; Paragraph & gt; ("a"); If (categoryKeys.HasItems ()) {c. Crete Alias ​​("a.Categories", "c"); Foreign currency (key key in class varieties) c.Add (restriction. Eq ("c", key)); // False, I know! } Use the "IN" restriction, but to ensure that the number of the range is supplemented are matching all all categories, not only as the number of categories that match all sub-categories My For an example of what this means, you can use the "Toxi Solution" specially on the "prescription" query. The look might take. Replace "categories" with "text" and "bookmark" with "tags" to map back to your specific problem. Here's the SQL tha...

nested sets - What does node mean in MySQL? -

Can anyone explain the meaning of nodes in MySQL? This is talking about a nested set. I am reading a document from Codeigniter's wiki and I'm not sure what to include in my $ node. GetSubTreeAsHTML (line 704) presents the field for each node Return to the given node *: GetSubTreeAsHTML (array $ node, [array $ field = Array ()]) * array $ node: * node to start from array $ field: node to display for each field You are part of the code you are looking at. Full code of the function. In this case the "node" refers to the data node. Nested sets are good because they allow you to select a whole branch of hierarchy with only the start node. It seems that the function specifies that a tree part of HTML starts with the node you specify. The backendpro interface has to give hierarchical data somewhere. Edit : The nested set not is a MySQL-concept, but there is a good article about Nested and MySQL here:

python - What's a good general way to look SQLAlchemy transactions, complete with authenticated user, etc? -

I am using the declarative expansion of SQLAlchemy. I want to make all the changes in logs of tables, which contain changes in many-to-many relationships (mapping tables). Each table should have a separate "log" table with a similar schema, Additional columns, who have made changes, etc. My programming model will be something like this: = 1 row.log_version (user name, change_details, ...) Ideally, the system does not allow transactions to be transacted without logging .log_version. Thoughts? There are too many questions in one, so they will not fit into the full answer stack overflow answer format. . I will try to describe the signs briefly, so ask different questions for them if this is not enough. User assignment and transaction details The most popular way to do this is to specify the user (and other information) some global objects ( threading.local () in the threaded application). It is very bad, which makes it difficult to find bugs. A...

sql - How to see which queries has been executed. (mysql) -

I run the site on a localhost and I want to see which queries are executed. I have seen that a lot of questions (such as 107) are executed in some pages and I have to see what these are all, as I think they are a lot .. (I know how many questions were executed Thank you! Modify the function, because the questions are asked thanks! , Which you use to execute the query, so that it does not allow them to Can either log in or output them to the bottom of the page, for example there is no device or (built-in) function that will tell you what was executed on a specific request.

glut - opengl glutmainloop() -

I just started using OpenGL and it seems that glutMainLoop () actually what happens? Does a function do not answer calls unless there is nothing left in it? This calls your display callback and is calling it useless under it, so that if possible So it maintains a specific framerate, and if necessary, others (like you change the size of the window or trigger the input event). Basically, inside this function is the main program loop, where GLUT does most of the work for you and allows you to set only specific program logic in these callbacks. It's been a while since I've worked with GLUTT, and it's definitely confusing in the past. Your display callback should clearly draw your main argument whatever is happening. Inactive callback should have some very light operation to decide that the change in the state from the last display should be called the next time. For example, if you are animating some, then this will be the situation where you can change your posi...

.net - C# exposing class to COM - Generic Collections -

We have a small structure written in C # NET 2.0 that we want to expose com. The problem is that we have some generic classes that will be highlighted as: Interface IOurClass {ReadonlyCollection & lt; IOurListObject & gt; Our selection {receive; }} Interface IOurListObject {// Some Properties That Make No Difference} What is the best (or recommended way) to expose the COM to the general collection? We do not have to support genetics, we have to highlight the collection of the Iorilist object in some way. We also want to avoid writing a new class to use every collection, but this is not possible. It is not possible to expose the general archive (or any other thing that is 'generic') COM. Therefore, I suggest that you make a non-general property (or method) in your COM-visible interface. This method can return an array of 'IOurListObject' items. In your class, you can apply this method clearly, so that when you reference the object directly outsi...

.net - Flags enumeration with multiple zero values problem (TextFormatFlags) -

While trying to write a custom control I've come across a problem with the system. In the Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags enum combination, the reason for this problem with the Visual Studio (2005/2008) editor comes from the fact that there are several members of this enum, which map the zero value. To set any of these members (GlyphOverhangPadding, Left, Default, Top) in the editor this.customControl.TextFormatFlags = System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.GlyphOverhangPadding ; Code compiled, however, as expected, select any non-zero member (such as "right") in the following from the grid results of the editor's property: this.customControl.TextFormatFlags = System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.Left, Default, Top, Correct; Obviously it does not compile. Selecting more than one non-zero member (via UITypeEditor, such as "right | down") results in the following: this.customControl.TextFormatFlags = ((System.Windows.Forms .TextFormatFlags) ((Sy...

reflection - c# gettype of object from class -

मैं यह काम कैसे कर सकता हूं?: सार्वजनिक वर्ग myClass {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग पहले; सार्वजनिक int सेकंड; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग तीसरा; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग परीक्षक (ऑब्जेक्ट परम) {// क्या नहीं पारित किया गया था उसका नाम पकड़िए और इसे वापस लौटाएं} // इसलिए: myClass mC = new myClass (); Mc.first = "ठीक है"; MC.second = 12; Mc.third = "ko"; // फिर परिभाषा से इसकी प्रकार वापस आ जाएगी: परीक्षक (एमसी.फस्ट) // वापस आ जाएगा: "एमसीसी पहले" या "मायक्लस.पहले" या "प्रथम" // और परीक्षक (एमसी.सेकंड) // वापस आ जाएगा: "Mc.second" या "myclass.second" या "second" इसमें infoof की अनुपस्थिति, सबसे अच्छा आप कर सकते हैं परीक्षक (() = & gt; mc.first) अभिव्यक्ति के पेड़ के माध्यम से ... सिस्टम का उपयोग करना; System.Linq.Expressions का उपयोग कर; सार्वजनिक स्थिर कक्षा परीक्षण {स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (): // इसलिए: myClass एमसी = नया myClass (); Mc.first = "ठीक है"; MC.second = 12; Mc.third = "ko"; // फिर...

javascript - Trigger jCarouselLite on keypress -

I'm using a tabbed navigation to create a navigation element, but I want to trigger it I left and right scrolls on a keypace, can it be done without modifying jCarouselLite code? Thanks! Using the default settings, the button contains the class .prev And .next then why not try to trigger clicks on them? function myFunction () {$ (".prev"). Trigger ("click"); } If you pass options in the buttons or in your own sections, you can bind them instead. This example would be when you left and right keyboard key: $ (document) .keyup (function (e) {var code = (e.keyCode? E Kikode: EHH; Switch (code) {Case 37: $ (".") Trigger ("click"); brake; // left case 39: $ ("next.") Trigger ("Click"); brake; // true}});

Java Stanford NLP: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds after loading second lexicon -

I am using the Stanford Natural Language Resource Toolkit. I am trying to find spelling errors with the lexicon method of isKnown , but it generates a lot of false positives, so I thought I could load a second dictionary I'll do it, and check that too. However, this causes a problem. Private static lexicalized parser LP = new lexicalized parser (constants.steadxfile); Private stable lexicalized parser wsjLexParse = new lexicalized parser (Constants.wsjLexFile); Stable {lp.setOptionFlags (Constants.lexOptionFlags); WsjLexParse.setOptionFlags (Constants.lexOptionFlags); } Public Pursession (string input) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {Initial input = input; DocumentPreprocessor Process = New DocumentPreprocessor (); Sentence = Process .getSentencesFromText (New StringReader (Input)); For (list & lt ;; HasWord is extended; Sent: Sentence) {if (lp.parse ()) {// line 65 forest.add (lp.getBestParse ()); // Non-fatalism? }}...

jquery - What's the difference between these two selectors? -

$ (यह) .parents ('table: first & gt; ct & gt; tr') और $ (यह) .parents ('तालिका: प्रथम')। बच्चों ('टी')। बच्चों ('tr') माता-पिता कॉल के भीतर है, जबकि कि दूसरा नहीं है। इसलिए, पहले एक यह के सभी माता-पिता के लिए दिखता है जो मैच तालिका: प्रथम & gt; गाड़ी & gt; टीआर । (दूसरे शब्दों में, एक tr वाला यह जो पहले table में है) दूसरे को मिलेगा यह के माता-पिता जो तालिका से मेल खाता है: पहले , फिर tr s को सीधे tbody के भीतर में खोजें माता-पिता। (दूसरे शब्दों में, सभी tr सीधे मूल तालिका में)

How to get date from datetime in sql -

I have a field called 'created date' in the table. It contains the 2009-12-07 11: 02: 20.890 value. My search parameter has been created. PAMTTR contains the values ​​2009-12-07. My parameter only has a datepart. If my parameter only results in not only results in 2009-12-07. My question is to choose from STD_query, where manufactured date = '2009-12-07 can give appropriate queries to get any results? Compare only the date part (without time): where date column & gt; = DATEAD (day, date (day, 0, sommetetparam), 0)

compiler construction - Byte precision pointer arithmetic in C when sizeof(char) != 1 -

How can a portable single byte pointer with precision accuracy? Note that: Four is not 1 byte on all platforms sizeof (zero) == 1 is available as an extension only in GCC Although some platforms may have Pointer Dareb Pointer alignment restrictions, arithmetic can still be compared to the minimum basic POD type size Better granularity may be required your impression error Ipuarn is - sizeof (char) defined is to be the first everywhere. Out of section ("size operator"): (para 2) Size of operator operator (bytes) in your Operand, which can be an expression or some type of parenthesis. (para 3) Type four, unsigned char, or signed four, (or its eligible version) result1. When they move together, it becomes clear that in C, whatever size there is, this size is a "byte" (even if it is more than 8 bits , On some platforms) A char is therefore the smallest addressable type if you need to know in small units from char , a...

c# - How to programmatically enable the "Options..." button in the MS Word Print Setup dialog -

I am trying to display MS Word "Print Setup" dialog in a VSTO AddIn for Microsoft Word 2003. I can display in the dialog box, but the options button in the lower left corner of the dialogue is always disabled according to the screen capture. The relevant code for what I have done so far is: Private Zero Print SetupGLIC (commandbar button Ctrl, Riff bills cancellation default) { Dialog dialog = app. Dialog [WWDD. WDDIMLFFileprintSupup]; Object missing = type. missing; conversation. Show (missing ref); // Note that the absolute timeout} Can anyone tell me what to do to enable the option button? I know that this can be done because we are changing a template that used to do it in VBA and the button is enabled there ... Regards, Ben InvokeMember will need to be used and set the values ​​related to the dialog that are working with you. From your documents, know that the options attribute is available for the WdWordDialog.wdDialogFilePrintSetup dialogue d...

python - How to design an application in a modular way? -

I'm looking at indicators, suggestions, links, warnings, ideas and even ectotal accounts "How to design an app in a modular way" I am going to use Python for this project, but advice does not have to be considered necessary in this language, although I only I'm ready to implement a design based on OOP. Here are some references to understand where I came from and what I am trying to achieve ... My project is a little bit Applications that will use web services and display results in various ways, including: / P> Notifications popups resulting from calls Retrieved raw- Tabs in the main window of the application with graphics plotted from the data The buffer message (visible on the domand) where the results of various services will stack The application will be released as free (as speech) software, and this The reason I make it easier for other developers to write plugins / modules which will increase the functionality of the main application ... - Best practice for implementing Nested GridView up to 4 levels? -

मैं नेस्टेड ग्रिडव्यू को 4 स्तर तक कैसे लागू करूँ? + स्तर 1 + स्तर 2 ए + स्तर 3 ए + स्तर 3 बी स्तर 4 + स्तर 2 बी व्यक्तिगत रूप से मैं सवाल करता हूं कि एक ग्रिडव्यू ऐसे नेस्टेड डेटा को प्रदर्शित करने का सबसे सहज ज्ञान युक्त तरीका है - लेकिन अगर आपके पास कोई अन्य विकल्प नहीं है और तीसरे पक्ष के घटक के लिए भुगतान करने पर ध्यान न दें तो मैं सुझाऊंगा कि नेस्टेड तालिकाओं का समर्थन बहुत सहज है। विशेष रूप से देखें यह भी डाटाबेस संरचना बताते हैं।

eclipse - How do i find the project of the contents of an ITextViewer? -

I am trying to implement hyperlinkattack for an Eclipse plug-in and callback method to work with me Is giving an ectayvar for it. How do I get viewer, idith or iFile viewer? Clearly the concept of an IDcard is only permitted to access the content regardless of the source. I want to check the active editor part in the workspace ... Since it is Java code, I am working on the actual type, it is actually a Javascript server if it helps. After viewing this article, you may ITextFileBufferManager buffer managers = FileBuffers.getTextFileBufferManager (); // Get buffer manager then use iTechFile buffer getTextFileBuffer (ID document); If you find it, you can call it back and return it.