icalendar - Google Calendar .ics import Standards -

I have an .ics file that I generate from my database that works properly in iCal, but Google Flaky in the calendar will occasionally import the Google Calendar file, but it does not raise all events.

Do anyone have any suggestions on what areas Google has to offer? I'm at a loss here because sometimes why it is not imported, or why it does not like some incidents. We have 3 events for a few days, but Google only shows 1.

Searching for more online does not really help because it seems that most other people have this problem

Here is a sample of my formatting:

  BEGIN: VCALENDAR method: Publishing X-Dbluar- Timezone: America / Los_ajels Kaslshal: Gregoriyn version 2.0 Prodeed: - / / PUC calendar // v2.0 / etc BEGIN: Viaianti UID: 31754826317 Tijeaidi: US / Los_Egels DTSTAR: 20091001T 100000 URL; VALUE = URI: http: //www.puc.edu/news/calendar/events/dates/colloquy Dr.-Knight DTSTAMP: 20091001T100000 Summary: Colloquy: Heather Knight DTEND: 20091001T100000 Location: Sanctuary end: VEVENT end: VCALENDAR < / code> 

we .ics file URL:

Your TZID incorrectly You should be including them in DTSTART and DTEND lines like this:

  DTSTART; TZID = Pacific / Honolulu: 20110628T140000DTEND; TZID = Pacific / Honolulu: 20110628T140000  

(Be aware: left "closed-end timestamps of Z 'until your time Zulu Time = GMT)

You should add a scene: xxx where xxx is a number that increases every time Iics has been updated. For example

  sequence: 0  

How I managed to get this work done (this is bizarre) and from my many incidents getting only import the same issue Ics file with the single events is the best way (mentioned elsewhere) to obtain the file from an export ICS Google and then clone it

I have two different ICS file Generator made - Another one (easy to iCal!) Google (hard) may need a third for Outlook

Soon you specify Taimjhn that Google you ICS file, which should hit the next issue And every event that makes your app more complicated lets Apple iCal compare your app's "running bar" which is considered to be local.

A group of ICS file verification tools can try it like one that can be really helpful ...

WARNING: This validation tool is still failing with Google, Google should actually make it its own verification tool

[I'll see how many down arrow rows for this post!]


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