input - Custom 'Keyboard' built in an application on Android -

I am looking to create a custom keyboard for my application. First of all, I started seeing softkeyboards for examples of SDK, but reading this Android Developer Group led me to this post:

It is not really how the input method The structure should work. An IME should be a general input feature, not a special application. If you need some app-specific input, you should make it in your UI instead of putting it on the normal IME.

How do I create an app-specific input inside the UI? I mean, what is the keyboard app or something to expand and its use is only in its application?

Keyboard features required for:

  • Shift key to display some other keys
  • Special keys like square root or PI
  • Etc. PS: An unattractive solution might be for example to create a table of the image button, but I wanted to clean something.

I'm not really sure that if there is a straightforward solution on this (to that extent It is also possible to understand the real reason behind the original question).

As quoted in the original question:

If you need some app-specific input, instead of putting it in the normal IM, Should be made in the UI.

What does this mean, do not that you fo-to-soft on expand or modify this input input features inside your app NE should try to make keyboard ne Many soft keyboards (and basically, soft keyboards are just an app), because most phone makers make their own versions, and people download 3rd party keyboards (like swap or swiftkey etc.). ), And I'm not likely to add a button to some extent or whatever you want (which can also be a major security hole, because there is not a way to "hack" you.) .

Instead, the above quote shows, that you have to make apart from the keyboard as something else other is such an example, and If I can add it is very good, it looks like this:

RealCalc Scientific Calculator

Now this is not open source, so I can only guess how the code looks (but this guess should not be very difficult): your In simple form, it has a grid with lots of each button to handle onclic events, which means that some kind of action (changing labels on some other buttons, showing menus, displaying some text in the upper label or whatever ), And it's probably too much to do for it. And of course, the soft keyboard of the phone is never displayed (because you do not need a keyboard with all those buttons (and there is no input field in it also to write anything)).

All this proves to be quoted earlier: If you need some app-specific input, you should make it in your UI or in other words : Create buttons (and do not display a soft keyboard if you do not need it) and when you click on them, then decrease them.

And just to mention: If you want to do do make your own IME (I firmly believe that this is the case no < / Em>), then you should keep an eye on the following resources:


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