JQuery datepicker language -

I am using jQuery datepicker from jqueryui.com and I have a problem changing Calendar to Swedish, Is:

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () ($ .datepicker.setDefaults ($. Datepicker.regional ['sv']); $ ("# start date"). Date picture ($); $ ('# start date'). Date picture 'Options', 'Date Format', 'yy-mm-dd')}}; & lt; / script>  

Yet it shows as an English calendar

What could be missing?

Maybe you have There should be no language file:

The language files are here:

A new localization should be created in one Ui.datepicker- .js In a separate JavaScript file within a document, it should add a new entry in the $ .datepicker.regional array, which is indexed with the following code:


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