mysql - Custom Query Pagination Cakephp -

I have a custom query in my controller and I would like to apply the custom query pagination found on KPPRGR but their example is like me Does anyone help me endorse this result in my viewpoint:

  $ cars = $ this- & gt; Car- & gt; Query (", Car.make, Car.model, car. Year, car decryption, car image. Car images of cars in the car's internal car thumbnail car are included in the car image. Default_IJG_ID = car where Car. Order ''. $ Category. '' Order by car, Credited DESC limit 10 ''); $ this-> Set ('car', $ car);  

Confirm in your model and apply PageGen:

, $ Field, $ command, $ limit, $ page, $ recurring, additional $) {return $ this-> query ('SELECT ...');} function paginateCount ($ terms, $ recurring, additional $) {Return $ the-> Query ('SELECT COUNT (.....');}

See also Paginate Function in: Cake / Libby / Controller / Controller. PPP


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