Android - AppWidgets, AlarmManager and AsyncTask -

I do not have much luck with updating an app widget AlarmManager Generated broadcast here What to do:

AlarmManager alarms = (AlarmManager) to start AppWidgetProvider # onEnabled

  at alarmmanager  Reference. GetSystemService (event .ALARM_SERVICE); Alarms.setRepeating (AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, SystemClock.elapsedReautime (), 60000, pendingIntent);  

I also define the broadcast receiver which just listens for updates removed by the alarm manager . When the update is removed, the code runs AsyncTask that creates a network call when AsyncTask is completed ( onPostExecute ), then To update the widget (s) it uses pre-charged charge of AppWidgetManager . All of this really works well in logs until I get the message "process (pid 12345)" , after which alarm manager Never solves any other updates. / P>

Do I need to check some types of alarms that will restart? For example, when the user accesses the original app's widget? How can I ensure that I can complete the long lasting work and return to my app if I die in the middle of the request?

When a update is removed, the code runs asyncTask which makes a network call .

If it is inside BroadcastReceiver , then it will not work, you can not safely disconnect from BroadcastReiveriver , and < Code> AsyncTask can effectively use a thread to do your job asynchronously.

Instead, you have long been running Broadcast Receiver . Work for


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