.net - FitNesse App.Config -
I have a hard time understanding:
If my applications and fixtures are in C: \ Projects \ Apes and Fatenas are running from: \ Projects \ Sandbox \ phantens
I'm assuming that C: \ mypath \ myapp.exe.config c: \ Projects \ App [MyFixtureAssmbly] will be .config , But I do not know what c: \ myfolder \ mysuite.config.xml is?
I have tried to keep it with the .xml in Runner.exe.config, fit.dll.config in the Final SHRP folder, in those name, FitNesse root folder, in the app directory. Can not understand where it puts it, so it will load my app.config?
In the example c: \ myfolder \ mysuite.config.xml is a suite configuration file (see). This is optional and provides a way to extract the 'techno' configuration information from the test pages.
If you are not using one, you can still use the -a switch.
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