actionscript 3 - what is dispatchEvent in Flash AS3? -
Hi, I want to know what is sendmail in AS3 I did not get any idea while it was Goghal :( Please help me
Edit 1:
Public static console SET_VOLUME: string = "set volume"; Personal function onclick (EVT: MouseEvent): zero {soundClip.scaleX = 0; sending event (new event (SET_VOLUME)}}
What does this mean ?? (
var ball: size =================== ================================================== =====
This code shows how a DdEventListener And sending events are equivalent to the MOUSE_MOVE event is sent internally, but you like sent events using MOUSE_MOVE Their own eve You can post it.
Does this code have that MOUSE_MOVE detected from the forum, but instead of assuming it in mouseMoveListener , you sent it to another event (Which is myCustomEvemt ) which is instead controlled in myCustomEventListener It works just like the MOUSE_MOVE event, only you send the event instead of the Flash Player.
Hope it helps.
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