Data storage in PHP Frameworks -
Actually, I am looking for a framework that helps me to use the "data mapper" pattern. I have noticed that many PHP frameworks have proposed an "active record" implementation ...
I find "active record" very poor to manage "functional data" ... Also it seems simple to handle "complex transactions" with this pattern, or to handle non-DBMS backends ...
Do anyone know of a PHP framework that is called "data mapper" Pattern handles? Or a PHP framework that handles "transactions" independently from DBMS?
Coupled, here's the integration to do two.
The following section tries to explain where the principle stands in the world of ORM equipment. Dictree ORM is primarily built around active records, data mapers, and meta data mapping patterns.
The Data Mapper functionality will be provided in the 2.x release.
- Model refactoring
- extended beyond the current "active" record
- Data Mapper design patterns explain <
- object Returning to model interactions
- to allow backwards compatibility ArrayAccess
Relational database information should be mapped to an object model. It can be done with an ORM device and thankfully, the bundle of Symphony comes in two: Propell and Sinstein.
Detamapr is written in an object relational mapper CodeIgniter PHP is designed to make it easier to work with the object of your database tables Has been fully aware of relations between each other.
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