factorization - Implementing a factorisation method in Haskell -
I am doing project over and after some searches, the factors of a number were found to quickly find.
I already have a module to find the main power factors of a number such as:
main & gt; The prime power factor is 196 [(2,2), (7,2)]
It is basically showing that: 2 ^ 2 * 7 ^ 2 = = 1 9 6
. To give the factors of 196 in such a way, from here I have to find all the parallels of those powers:
- (2 ^ 0) (7 ^ 0) = 1
- (2 ^ 1) (7 ^ 0) = 2
- (2 ^ 2) (7 ^ 0) = 4
- (2 ^ 0) (7 ^ 1) = 7
- (2 ^ 1) (7 ^ 1) = 14
- (2 ^ 2) (7 ^ 1) = 28
- ( 2 ^ 0) (7 ^ 2) = 49
- (2 ^ 1) (7 ^ 2) = 98
I came up with:
factor n = [A | A & lt; -MAP FACS (Prime Power Factor), Y & LT; - [0 .. (SD $ $ Last PactForce Factor N)]] Where FACS (X, Y) = (X, Y) RSq n = toInteger $ round $ sqrt (fromInteger n) psr n = last $ dropWhile (& lt ; = RSq n) $ factor np = foldl '(*) $ 1 when taking $ 1 (& lt; 190) primes answer = (psr p) `Mod` (10 ^ 16)
But my problem is that the factor
does not work properly, I want it to be allowed through all the possible values of the exponent for each major factor and then search for the factor to the product do. To bring back the factors of n
How Can I Modify Some Code For Golf I have written a good power set function which is very easy.
powerSet [] = [] PowerSet (x: xs) = xs: map (x :) (powerSet xs) ++ (PowerSet X)
The lack of this algorithm is that it does not include the original set, though it is perfect for you because it does not look like this.
ppfToList = concatMap (\ (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
of these helpers Using a number, a list of factors arises from the number
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