How do I create a generic property in VB.NET? -

I want to do something like this:

  private _myCollection t) public property MyProperty (t Let's go back to me as IList (TK)). _ My selection end set (ByVal value as string) me._myCollection = Price end set end property  

Actually, I have to keep a collection of items that can be of any kind Are there. Then, I will be able to do something like this:

  dim myPropertyValue & lt; Type of some value & gt; How do I  

I (myProperty.Contains (some values ​​& gt;) myPropertyValue = CType (MyProperty (&

"Post-text" itemprop = "text">

You may have to build a general category as ILIT (T) as ILIT (T) Public Property MIPROPROT () as a Private Class Mclass (Off T ) Select the private link fair. Set the connection and gate (by volume value string) Me._myCollection = value closing set end property end class


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