.htaccess - mod_rewite advice -

I was wondering if you can advise whether I have a more efficient way of writing down? Can it be achieved in 1 rule?

rewrite rule / search ((car | boats | plant) / ([- a-zA-Z0- 9] +) / type - ([0 -9] +) / price - ([0- 9] +) - ([0-9] +) /? $ Search.php? Category = $ 1 and location = $ 2 & Type = $ 3 and amp; minprice = $ 4 & Amp; Maxprice = $ 5 [L] Rematerialized Rules ^ Search / (Car | Boats | Plant) / ([- AZA-Z0- 9] +) / Type - ([0-9] +) /? $ Search.php Category = $ 1 & amp; Location = $ 2 & Type = $ 3 [L] Remitament Rule ^ Search / (Car | Boats | Plant) / ([- a-zA-Z0-9] +) $? Search.php? Category = $ 1 and location = $ 2 [L] rewrite rule / search / (car | boats | plant) /? $ Search.php? = $ 1 [L]

Also, I have difficulty finding a friendly URL after the form. How to do any idea?

Thanks !

Perhaps you redirect from search / search to search.php and then parse the remaining URIs Is it better to write a rule? (Ie redirect to search.php? Q = REST_OF_URI_GOES_HERE)


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