c# - create asp.net listbox with click\double click event -

I have tried to create an asp.net listbox in which one click is evet to do this so that i created a project The DLL file that I had added to my toolbox in Visual Studio 2008. this does not work !!!! Here is the code that creates the DLL file:

  namespace list_box {public class list_box: listbox, ibitton control • private blog block key validity = true; Personal string strCommandArgument = ""; Personal string strCommandName = ""; Personal string strPostBackUrl = ""; Private string = ""; Private string strValidationGroup = ""; Safe Override Zero OnInit (EventArgs e) {base.OnInit (E); This.CssClass = "frmbtn"; } Bool IButtonControl.CausesValidation {get {return blCausesValidation; } Set {blCausesValidation = value; }} String IButtonControl.CommandArgument {get {return strCommandArgument; } Set {strCommandArgument = value; }} String IButtonControl.CommandName {get {return strCommandName; } Set {strCommandName = value; }} String IButtonControl.PostBackUrl {get {return strPostBackUrl; } Set {strPostBackUrl = value; }} String IButtonControl.Text {get {return strText; } Set {strText = value; }} String IButtonControl.ValidationGroup {get {return strValidationGroup; } Set {strValidationGroup = value; }} Click Public Event EventHandler; Zero click_i (object sender, event aRGS) {onclick (new eventArg); } Secure Virtual Zero OnClick (EventArgs e) {if (=!!) {Click_i (it, E); }} Public Program CommandEventHandler Command; Zero Command_i (Object Sender, CommandEventArgs e) {OnCommand (New CommandEventArgs (e)); } Secure Virtual Zero on Commands (CommandEventArgs e) {if (Command! = Null) {Command_i (this, e); }}}}  

Help me !!!! I am new to asp.net ....

Two things that you know about your code

  1. To work for this, you have to call OnClick from anywhere in your control (whenever you want to fire your event).

  2. You have coded circular references in both events

Change it:

 < Code> Protected Virtual Zero OnClick (EventAggas E) {if (click! = Null) {click_i (this, e); }}  

To do this:

  protected Virtual Zero onClick (EventArgs e) {if (=!!) ); }}  

and delete it:

  zero click_i (object sender, eventArgse e)  

then you All this is to be done under your control (anyway, wherever you want the event to fire:

  this.OnClick (New EventArgs ());  


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