parsing CSS with Java -
I need to parse css files in java, and try to use Batik and CSSParser libs with success is. The problem I have is that when I go to IE hacks, I lose formatting; It appears that O.V. 3 The IOM used by CSS.AC will not accommodate IE hacks.
For example .-
/ * '\' has not been retained * / American [padding: 10px; Width: 200px; W \ idth: 180px; Height: 200 pixels; High \ t: 180px; } Div.content {width: 400px; Voice-family: "\"} \ ""; Voice-family: heirs; Width: 300px; } / * In 'body' and '.' Not placed * / html> body.content {width: 300px; }
Does anyone have any experience with it and can recommend a good solution?
Probably not your ideal solution ... To avoid, to isolate all IE code in a different CSS file, it is very convenient.
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