database - Web application in drupal? -

I am going to create a working sequence system with three roles

  1. "customer" - Customers can request projects completed by the worker. The project should be selected from a list of templates and various sub-options that are referred to as a campaign (campaign types come and go throughout the year)
  2. Worker - View worker's orders for work Must be able and
  3. Overlord - The person needs to see statistics related to the activity of the other two types of users.

Then. This is a web app but in terms of logic it is very simple. Something like this can handle the droplet? Or would I write my own module? Other than the box aspects of the drupal make it attractive (admin, user creation, news feed, etc ...)

I have seen the visual and webform idea work sequence database (a part of all three roles Great for great) but displaying how I interact with my working order database while creating and modifying work order, not clear Is In.

Web forms do not seem to answer, I'm sure that I just do not have anything right under my nose.

Any sign that would look good in the direction!

Thank you.

If you use simple, less powerful CMS, you save time with the learning curve But losing time to struggle with a less flexible structure Besides: How active the developer community is when evaluating open source software. You will need support.

There are visual and webform tools that you will use, but actually what you are actually saying is the work flow. You can make your work flow with a combination of CCK and ideas, yes. There are also work flow modules

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