How do I load data into the Data Portal of DIAdem with VBScript? -
I want to load a ".tdm" file with VBASP in diadem (National Instruments), but how not Can do it. I have a dialog that opens the browser window, which gives the path as a string. So I expected that there is a function that would do something like this:
Call data. Route. Channel group Loaded (myStringWithThePath)
Just noticed that I have a problem with Tumbleweed- Badge is found. Here's last week at the solution, so if it does not care:
Set objDialog = CreateObject ( "UserAccounts.CommonDialog") objDialog.Filter = "TDM-Datei (* .tdm) | * .tdm | All files (*. *) | *. * "ObjDialog.FilterIndex = 1 boolResult = objDialog.ShowOpen if the Bull result < & Gt; 0 Call the data. Route. Channel group Remove all () call dataDial call calls DataFileLoad (objDialog.FileName) expires if
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