pdf generation - How do I create "accessible" PDFs from HTML? -
How to create a PDF (including images) accessible from HTML?
The PDF needs to look like the original HTML, which includes the status of the image etc. Any special HTML structure needed to help make the final PDF accessible?
- I have seen the question about making PDFs. None of them is especially
The poison of my choice is Pearl, but any program, Languages or libraries will help in the context.
I have more depth to question on TypeDoc if there is to provide more general information to anyone
In addition to this, I, and others, it would be helpful if there were access related problems Users can comment that they feel better or worse than using the "usability experience" of using PDF to plain old semantic HTML (POSH).
Thanks Mike
View in CSS through the margin, page breaking and You can control the Orientation. If not open source, you can try it free, but it keeps a small water mark in the upper right corner.
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