Inspiration for easy-to-use, probably graphical, scripting language -
I have to implement some scripting capabilities in our product. Scripting will usually be used for simple things such as:
If Ultimate 1> 5 + Ultimate 3 and Current Time & gt; 18.00: SET param2 to 3 ELSE SET param2 4
Another very common task is that during the day a parameter is different, preferably some line diagrams, which are visually impaired Can be taken around.
Now, I need the motivation to apply it. Nowadays the old tool in our Cloud is slightly more than a graphical native language: You do not have to write the script in plain text, but "IF", Symbols like "THEN", "ELSE", "Parameters" can be dragged, "present time", etc., on a canvas, and you have to know and understand syntax and semantics. I think we can do better.
I am looking for graphical languages but I have not found any attractive system yet.
For example, Lego Mindstorm language, it is very simple but it is very directed to automation, and does not handle mathematics and logic very well. It has Labewview, which seems a little too complex for ordinary users. Stair-programming is used for PLC, but my experience is that they are very automated-oriented and do not handle mathematics very well. Yahoo Pipes and some software synthesizers have interconnected-box approaches, but whenever mathematics is required, they are still cumbersome to work, and the control sequence is not very natural. Then very easy, magician-style options, such as filters in Outlook and Evolution, but I do not think they are flexible enough.
So, what type of graphical languages have you stumbled and how are you liked? (I hardly know any programmer, I have to enjoy these languages, but they serve here a purpose.)
Are you looking for a graphical language or type of tree type of expression?
Here are some graphical languages I have used in the past. Unfortunately they are not general or standalone products, so they only work as inspiration:
: One Based on graphical, node-based scripting game scripting environment event generators and functions. Each node can take input events and generate output events. Suitable for simple scripting where the game needs to respond to certain events in the game (when the player enters a trigger volume etc.) It is difficult to implement complex logic (eg - loops, arrays, etc.) and error -Certain, and such constructions are typically implemented using untrust scripts from the creation of specific fortunes nodes. Based on the flow of events.
: A modular synthesizer environment is similar to some luck, but audio and midi events are used for making and processing. Similarly, complex logic is difficult to create.
Shader / Structure / Animation Tree Editors: Many game engines and 3D software include these. Actually there is an expression tree where you have operator nodes with input and output
: More than the expression tree similar to the finite state machines.
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