.net - You are not authorized to view this page active directory problem -

I am getting the following error while browsing my asp.net page in the IIS..I have used Active Directory data retrieval I am using the credential in my website and Active Directory stored in the web.config file ...

  You are not authorized to view this page. To view this directory or page Permission granted by you Shells ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Please try the following: If you feel that you should be able to see it then the web Contact the Site Administrator Directory or Page Click the Refresh button to try again with different credentials. HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied because of invalid credentials. Internet Information Service (IIS) -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Technical information (for support personnel) Go to Microsoft Product Support Services And do a title search for the words HTTP and 401. Open IIS support, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr), and search topics related to authentication, login control, and custom error messages.  

any help hand ??

If you are using Visual, go to the Studio 'Website' tab and go to < Click on Code> ASP.NET Configuration . The server will start and you will be able to manage access to the website by clicking on the security link.

This can also be done on IIS in your webserver, highlight the IIS manager on your site and click on the code> .net authrization .

Two of the above steps are done using the GUI.

Although you can easily edit authoring through the web.config file, or if your pages are placed in a folder, edit them separately.


  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Allow roles = "admin" /> & Lt; Deny users = "*" /> & Lt; / Authorization & gt; & Lt; /system.web> & Lt; / Configuration & gt;   

The code above has a role in admin that is behind the ASP.NET configuration utility or installed in that code. If you only have to deny access to anonymous users, users you can use are not logged on to the intranet:

   & Lt; / Authorization & gt;  

Although I do not know about the above code directly, if the order has been changed, it can also reject all users for non-anonymous users.

From your statement it seems that the authorization is done per user in that case:

  & lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Users = "DOMAIN \ SAMACCONTNAME", "Company \ SCOTTG" / & gt; Allow & lt; Deny users = "*" /> & Lt; / Authorization & gt;  


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