php - Why are my 3rd-party HTML to PDF tools not recognized in Drupal 6 using Print module? -

I have installed Drupal 6 and installed "printers, e-mails and PDF versions" aka "print" module Have done / P>

Then I realized that in order to create a PDF from my HTML nodes, I need a third party tool, which is fine, but the print module is not identifying third-party tools which I have / module / print / Lib / directory gives me the following error in "Home> Administrator> site configuration> Printers, e-mail and PDF versions" Page:

"No PDF tool found! INSTALL.txt this module wife. "

I have set 755 permissions on folders and files for third-party equipment, as most of my other settings can be set on it.

I have installed two recommended three-party PDF Generating Tools:

1) 2)

Why do not I see "Someone PDF generation tool not found! Please download a supported PDF PDF generation tool For more information check INSTALL.txt of this module. "Error message? And why print modules are not recognizing my third-party tools?

HM, just tried locally and it works for me, so you can arrange your system Repeat the following:

Modules installed libraries in _print_pdf_tools () function in . The function searches for a specific 'key' file for possible library at each site (assuming that if it is a file then the entire library will be there too):

  1. 'sites / all In the directory of the print module (your case should be 'module / print')

This searches for those directories continuously, so that They should find them arbitrarily in the subdirectory. The original directory of the library directories should not be used.

Take dompdf as an example - its file.

Then you should check that:

  1. This file is actually located in the directory where you have removed the dompdf (from your comments, this module / print / Lib / dompdf-0.5.1 )
  2. This is readable for your webserver process (you said that you have changed permissions - have you done it recursively, and Have you adjusted it as well as the owner and / or group?)

'key' file To identify the other two libraries, SAD:

  • for TCPDF
  • tcpdf.php
  • wkhtmltopdf < / Code> or wkhtmltopdf.exe for wkhtmltopdf


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