SQL Server 2005 filtering and paging with ROW_NUMBER() -

I have thousands of archived columns and want to implement paging logic. After doing some research, I use SQL Server 2005 The ROW_NUMBER () function that was introduced in came at the function. My problem is that my exact requirement is not being fulfilled and I am wondering how to zoom in to store my stored procedure as expected: / p>

  ALTER process dbo @totalRecords selection int @ TotalRecords = (COUNT (irweb_Posts.PostId) from irweb_Posts, declared as irweb_Posts_CollectCategoryIdDatesRange (@CategoryId integer, @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime, @IsDeleted bit, @PageIndex integer, @PageSize integer, @Offset integer) Select where isDeleted = (@IsDeleted) and (CategoryID = @CategoryId) and (D AteCreated & gt; = @StartDate) and (DateCreated & lt; = @EndDate)) * (greater than selection ROW_NUMBER ()) (as ordered by DateCreated DESC), as irregular, from irweb_Posts. * Irweb_Posts) Where ((isDeleted = @IsDeleted) and (CategoryID = @CategoryId) and (dated = gt; start date) and (dated & lt; = @EndDate) and ((RowId & gt; @Offset) and (  

If I execute this archived process, I get the following result

  Running [dbo] [Irweb_Posts_CollectCategoryIdDatesRange] (@CategoryId = 7, @StartDate = 2009/05/01 at 12:00:00, @EndDate = 2009/05/31 11:59:59 PM @IsDeleted = False, @PageIndex = 0, @PageSize = 20, @offset = 0). Ride Post ID Category IID Parent ID --------------------- ----------- ----------- - - -------- No row is affected (0 rows returned) @RETURN_VALUE = 609 is ending [dbo]. [Irweb_Posts_CollectCategoryIdDatesRange]. Running [dbo]. [Irweb_Posts_CollectCategoryIdDatesRange] (@CategoryId = 7, @StartDate = 2009/05/01 at 12:00:00, @EndDate = 2009/05/31 11:59:59 PM @IsDeleted = false, @ PageIndex = 0, @PageSize = 210, @offset = 0). Ride Post ID Category IID Parent ID --------------------- ----------- ----------- - - -------- 205 1173 7 0 206 1169 7 0 207 1168 7 0 208 1167 7 0 20 9 1165 7 210 4 11 64 7 there has not been affected rows. (Returned 6 rows (s)) @RETURN_VALUE = 609 [dbo] running [Irweb_Posts_CollectCategoryIdDatesRange] Finished.  

This line number is not starting with Zone 1 as it seems that it seems. I suspect that it starts at 1 for the entire table, not filter filter results. If I have not filtered require paging record so it will not be a problem. How can I work it out?

WHERE clause and out
 < code> select * from where. * irweb_Posts (select ROW_NUMBER (more) (DateCreated RowId as by DESC, irweb_Posts order) ((isDeleted = @IsDeleted) and (CategoryID = @CategoryId) and (DateCreated & gt; = @StartDate) and (DateCreated & lt; = @EndDate)) where ((RowId & gt; @Offset)) as P (RowId & lt; = (@Offset + @PageSize)))  < / Pre> 


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