c++ - Vectors, "virtual", Segmentation Fault on function call -

I am getting a segmentation fault while trying to call a function that is in an object that is "shaped "Pointer"

My problem is in this function:

  Point Detection (Point P, Point WakeDear, Int * Status) {Point no PT; For (Int i = 0; I & lt; Shapes.) (I ++) {Point Tapp; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Size shape" & lt; & Lt; Size ..size () & lt; & Lt; Endl; ** SEGMENTATIONFAULT here & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; ** bull intercept = shapes [0] - & gt; Check Intercense (P, Weekdir, and Temp); If (intersection) {* status = 1; // Code 1 to pierce the actual shape refund temporary; }} Return no PT; }  

Initially, I am adding only one size:

  zero make ossean () {image = QImage (width, height, 32); // 32 bit field S (dot (, -50.0), 40.0); Shapes.push_back (& ​​s); Cout & lt; & Lt; Shapes.size () & lt; & Lt; Endl; }  

So I have a vector of "figures" which is global. Vector shape;

I have a class shape

  #include "point.h" #ifndef SHAPE_H # SHAPE_H using the namespace std; Class shape {public: shape () {} ~ size () {} Virtual Bull Check Interactive (Point P, Point D, Point * Temporary) {}; // If intersects, return true and false truths. Virtual Zero printstoff () {}; }; #endif  

and a hemisphere class

  #include "shape.h" #include & lt; Math.h> # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; Using std :: cout; Using the Std :: endl; Using Std :: min; Classroom: Public Size {Public: Point Center Pt; Double radius; Region (Point Center, Double Rod) {centerPt = center; Radius = rad; } Bool checkIntersect (Point P, Point Wake Day, Point * Temp) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Hi" & lt; & Lt; Endl; / * Point _D = p - centerPt; Double A = Point :: Dot (Victor, Weekdir); Double b = 2 * (point :: dot (vecDir, _D)); Double c = (point :: dot (_D, _D)) - (radius * radius); // quadratic equation double tempNum = b * b - 4 * a * c; If (tempNum & lt; 0) {return false; } And {double t1 = (-b + sqrt (tempNum)) / (2 * A); Double T2 = (-b - SQLTemplate) / (2 * A); Double T; If (T1 and LT; 0 & amp; T 2> 0) {T = T2; } And if (t2 and lt; 0 & amp; amp; t1> 0) {t = t1; } And if (t1 and lt; 0 & amp; amp; t 2 and lt; 0) {return false; } And {t = minute (T1, T2); } Point p1 = p + (vecDir * t); If (p1.z> 0) // {return false} on our camera; } And {temp = & amp; P1; Back true; }          }     */         return false; }};  

The problem is here:

  area (point (, -50.0), 40.0); Shapes.push_back (& ​​s);  

At this point, you created the area locally on the stack, and you pushed your address into your vector when you leave the scope, then local objects are released. , And so the address you have deposited in your vector is now the memory you remember and its content is undefined.

Instead, do

  area = s = new area (dot (, -50.0), 40.0); Shapes.push_back (s);  

To assign an area to the sphere, so that it remains, delete make sure it is completed when you complete it.


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