java - Is there a better way to deploy a war in Websphere? -
I am currently using the Websphere Admin console to update a war. <3>
as a Second Phase Part I am using the following option. I select war from local file system . This step takes about 10 minutes to complete.
I wanted to know the weather that this file transfer (http transfer on the server) which is taking time or the actual deployment which time it takes to get the information it is taking ?
PS: I plan to write some githon scripts later to automate this task.
Most web-sprayer scans your war and jar from the web-INF folder for annotation (e.g. Java EE5 and JADA-WS stuff). You can see that any of the webservice process
To speed things up, you can exclude a large third-party jar from scanning your war by adding the Ignore-Scanning-archives attribute to the Meta-INF / file (you also need the latest fix pak For example:
Ignore-scanning-archives: spring -2.5.6. Jar, log 4j-1.2.14. If
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